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chin in the crook of his elbow so that he cannot choke you, at the same time placing your right foot on the outside of his right foot, and grasping the back of his arm just above the elbow with your right hand (figure 9-39 (B)). Jerk backward hard with your hips, and at

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the same time bend forward from the waist while pulling down on his right arm. This will throw him over your head, and he will land heavily on the ground (figure 9-39 (C)).

For further information on judo holds and defenses, attention is directed to the Army's Field Manual 21-150. All hands must always remember never to use unnecessary force, or to hurt an individual unnecessarily. Instruction in judo is intended to give the shore patrolman self-confidence, to speed his reflexes, and to cope successfully with violent prisoners.

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1. In what publication can detailed information about judo be obtained?

2. How much time should be given each day to practicing judo holds?

3. In which direction should pressure be exerted?

4. Name the muscles which supply the power for judo defense. 5. What should be used to carry your opponent onward?

6. At what point should you attack your opponent?

7. Of what does a “major” and a “minor” operation consist?

8. Pressure on what nerve is used when applying the hand-shake hold?

9. Pressure on the ulna nerve is used in which of these holds: lock come-along? simple come-along?

10. Even though the fingers come-along is easy to execute, what is its limitation?

11. When escorting a resisting prisoner for a considerable distance, what grip should be used?

12. How much force should be exerted in applying the wrist reverse come-along?

13. If you have reason to believe a person may strike you, where would you hold him until he is pacified?

14. At what point of a person's body is the occipital chop stroke delivered?

15. Is the night stick used to jab or to strike?

16. Should it become necessary to strike a person with a night stick, to what parts of the body would you apply the club?

17. Where can you strike a dangerous opponent without injuring him seriously?

18. How can the thong of a night stick be used to keep prisoners subdued?

19. Name at least two "holdup" positions which can be counteracted by judo holds.

20. What is the proper position of the arms when you are about to disarm a gunman from the rear?


21. What kind of blows are effective against would-be boxers or wrestlers?

22. How is the subclavian nerve pinch applied?

23. To beat someone to the punch, where should you strike him? 24. Where can you place your chin so as not to be choked by a one-arm strangle hold?



The Shore Patrol is responsible at times for the control of motor traffic, and members of shore patrol units should be familiar with standard manual control signals. They should also know where to take a station at an intersection to direct traffic properly and to maintain their personal safety.

The Navy uses the same system of manual signals for traffic control as the Army and Air Force. Familiarize yourself with this system. It will enable you to present your signals in a clear manner with no misunderstandings. Improper or sloppily given signals cause hesitation and confusion, and may result in accidents. They make your work more difficult and less effective. Prompt and proper compliance with your signals will depend largely on the manner in which you make them. Remember that signals must be so made that they are clearly visible, and readily understandable. Signals must always be made in exactly the same way, and according to the system described in this chapter.

Signals are made by arm movements; a lighted baton being used at night at unlighted intersections. A whistle is sometimes used to attract attention, prevent violations, and to warn drivers of a change in the direction of the flow of traffic. You will give verbal directions only when talking directly to a driver or passenger who has asked for information. Directions will never be shouted; they can be given much more clearly by proper arm signals. If you are assigned to work with a partner at a busy intersection, one of you will give the basic signals regu

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