Clerk-Frederick De Peyster. TRUSTEES. Fernando Wood, Mayor, and President, ex officio; George G. Barnard, Recorder; Wm. Berrian, D. D., Rector of Trinity Church; Wm. E. Dunscomb, Robert Hyslop, Wardens of Trinity Church; Thomas De Witt, D. D., Senior Minister of Dutch Reformed Protestant Collegiate Church; Wm. W. Philips, D. D., Senior Minister of First Presbyterian Church. NEW YORK ASYLUM FOR IDIOTS, SYRACUSE. [Incorporated July 10th, 1851, and first established at Albany. Removed to Syracuse in 1855.] OFFICERS. Permanent Chairman - Henry N. Pohlman. Treasurer Hamilton White. Executive Committee - Hiram Putnam, James H. Titus, Allen Munroe. Superintendent - Hervey P. Wilbur, M. D. Teachers Miss S. P. Young, Miss Lodema Hutchinson, Miss Alvira Wood, Miss Christina Erlund. Steward-R. Friselle. TRUSTEES. James H. Titus, Rev. Henry N. Pohlman, Allen Munroe, Hiram Putnam, Franklin Townsend, Hamilton White, Lyman Clary, George H. Middleton. TRUSTEES, ex officio. Governor Morgan, Lieutenant-Governor Campbell, Secretary Jones, Comptroller Denniston. NEW YORK DISPENSARY. [Incorporated April 8, 1795. Located on White Street, corner of Centre.] TRUSTEES. President-George T. Trimble. Benjamin H. Field, Gurdon Buck, M. D., Caleb Swan, Adam Norrie, Edmund Penfold, David Clarkson, John O. Stone, M. D., James W. Beekman, Charles C. Goodhue, James S. Aspinwall. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. House Physician· G. Aigher. Assistant House Physician - Theodore F. Hardenburgh. Attending Physicians - Charles K. Briddon, J. Bishop, R. Wilson, B. Kelly, S. W. Dana, Robert P. Gibson, Alexander Murray, George T. Shrady, William R. Robertson. District Physicians-J. S. Tonilier, H. Harriot, E. M. Cameron, W. C. Corson, E. R. Pulling, Alfred J. Hornson. Consulting Physicians and Surgeons-H. D. Bulkley, Jared Linsly, Isaac Wood, Willard Parker, John Watson, William H. Maxwell. Apothecary-Frederick Hyett. Assistant Apothecary-C. E. Munroe. NEW YORK EYE AND EAR INFIRMARY. [Incorporated March 29, 1822. Located at the corner of 2d Avenne and 18th Street.] Rufus L. Lord, William B. Hoffman, William Douglas, Rev, Dr. Taylor, Joseph Gaillard, Jr., Edward Prime, Augustus Schell R. Smith Clark, William Tucker, Jacob Harsen, M. D., Royai Phelps, Cornelius Smith, Edward Jones, John Q. Aymar, Clinton Gilbert, W. R. Vermilye, B. H. Wheelwright, John Alstyne, Orison Blunt, Edward H. Owen, Silas Holmes. DIRECTORS, cx officio. Consulting Surgeons — Edward Delafield, M. D., George Wilkes, M. D. Surgeons Abram Du Bois, M. D., Gurdon Buck, M. D., T. M. Halsted, M. D., C. R. Agnew, M. D. Assistant Surgeons-John H. Hinton, M. D., G. F. Bumstead, M. D. Superintendent - William Brown. NEW YORK INSTITUTION FOR THE BLIND. [Incorporated April 21, 1831. Located between 8th and 9th Avenues, and 38d and 34th Streets.] OFFICERS OF THE BOARD. Acting President - Robert Gracie. Recording Secretary - George F. Allen, -- OFFICERS OF THE INSTITUTION. Superintendent T. Colden Cooper. Matron - Miss Emily W. Spaulding. Attending Physician· J. W. G. Clements, M. D. Teachers in the Literary Department-William B. Wait, Ellen Malone, Stephen Babcock, Louisa Morey, Ann Cox, Phoebe T. Babcock. Teachers in the Musical Department, Instrumental — Anthony Reiff, Cornelius Mahoney, Catharine Connell. Vocal-Sigismund Lasar, Charles Hazlett, Catharine Kennedy, Angeline Cutter. Teachers in the Mechanical Department - James Young, Isaac Williams, John H. Hallock, Eliza Purdy, Mary Ann Reeves, Margaret Crilley, Gertrude Hardenburgh. MANAGERS. George F. Allen, Robert Gracie, Robert L. Case, Augustus Schell, Edward L. Beadle, M. D., Alfred W. Craven, William Dumont, Henry Van Rensselaer, Lewis M. Rutherford, Robert S. Hone, Francis Tomes, Jr., Charles B. Norton, Wm. H. Church, M. D., Waldo Hutchins, Charles R. Tuckerman, James L. Kennedy, Wm. R. Travers, Daniel H. Tompkins, Loyd Aspinwall. NEW YORK INSTITUTION FOR THE INSTRUCTION OF THE DEAF AND DUMB. [Incorporated April 15, 1817. Situated on Washington Heights, at the intersection of Broadway and Tenth Avenue, nine miles from the City Hall. Number of pupils 300.] OFFICERS. President - Benjamin R. Winthrop. Secretary- Andrew Warner. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Harvey P. Peet, LL. D., Henry E. Davies, Israel Russell, Francis Hall, Rt. Rev. G. Thurston Bedell, D. D., William Adams, D. D., James W. Beekman, William H. Smith, Joseph Lawrence, Wm. P. Lee, Erastus Brooks, Benjamin H. Field, John Alstyne, Frederick De Peyster, Daniel F. Tiemann, Charles Roome, James N. Cobb, A. V. Williams, M. D., Peter C. Tiemann, George Folsom. INTELLECTUAL DEPARTMENT. President of the Institution-Harvey P. Peet, LL. D. Instructor of the High Class, and Vice-Principal, ex officio—Isaac Lewis Peet, A. M. Professors and Teachers-Oran Wilkinson Morris, A. M., Edward Peet, A. M., Jeremiah Wood Conklin, Gilbert C. W. Gamage, Isaac Hoyt Benedict, William Henry Weeks, Egbert Langdon Bangs, A. B., Jane Tomlinson Meigs, Walter Wilson Angus, Abbe Lavinia Hubbell, Warring Wilkinson, A. B., Dudley Peet, M. D., Albert Abraham Barnes, Charles Kilborn, William Strong. NEW YORK STATE LUNATIC ASYLUM, UTICA. [Organized April 7th, 1842. Located near Utica.] MANAGERS. Silas D. Childs, Utica; E. A. Graham, Esq., Utica; S. Newton Dexter, Whitesboro; Christopher Morgan, Esq., Auburn; D.P. Bissell, M. D., Utica; Howard Townsend, M. D., Albany; Spencer Kellogg, Utica; Ward Hunt, Esq., Utica. (One vacancy.) RESIDENT OFFICERS. Superintendent and Physician-John P. Gray, M. D. Assistant Physicians-J. M. Cleveland, M. D., Louis A. Tourtellot, M. D., F. Markoe Wright, M. D. Steward-Horatio N. Dryer. Matron-Miss Sarah A. Starr. Treasurer-Edmund A. Wetmore, Esq., Utica. NORTHWESTERN DISPENSARY OF NEW YORK. President-Robert Ray. OFFICERS. First Vice-President-Oran W. Morris. Second Vice-President-David R. Doremus. Treasurer-Samuel Newby. Secretary-Charles R. Rusher. MANAGERS. Robert Ray, Samuel Newby, Oliver H. Lee, Charles H. Rusher, O. W. Morris, Nelson J. Waterbury, David R. Doremus, Amos M. Lyon, Daniel H. Smith, Arch. Gracie King, Thomas McIntyre, William B. Burger, Abm. M. Kanouse, Nicholas L. Demarest, Washington Cooper, Garret Vanderbilt, William H. Reed, William Parker, Robert H. Browne, Geo. W. Lane, Nathan C. Ely, Daniel S. Hoag, Wm. Bedell, James F. Chamberlain, Geo. D. Cragin. |