Kenya National Assembly Official Record (Hansard)The official records of the proceedings of the Legislative Council of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, the House of Representatives of the Government of Kenya and the National Assembly of the Republic of Kenya. |
Common terms and phrases
acres Africa allocated Anangwe Angwenyi answer Arap-Kirui ask the Minister Athi River Awori beg to support Biwott Bondora bribes cheque Clerk Coast Province colonial constituency continue Customs and Excise death gratuities delays District Embakasi employees ensure Excise Department forests given Government happening harassed Hare Krishna Independence issue Kamau Kapenguria Kiangoi Kihoro Kikuyu Kilifi District Kirwa Kituyi Kiunjuri landless Lands and Settlement Madoka Maitha mangrove Maragwa County Council Members of Parliament Minister for Environment Ministerial Statement Ministry month Mwakiringo Mwenje Nairobi Ndicho NSSF Nyenze Ochuodho P.K. Mwangi paid plots Poghisio point of order police officers President Maj Private Notice Provincial Administration Question by Private Question deferred Question dropped realised retired officer retirement benefits revenue Robert Mugabe Sambu saying settle squatter problem support this Motion Swipco talking Telkom Kenya tell the House Temporary Deputy Speaker Thika wananchi