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While he is not a native of Virginia, he is a Virginian by choice. which is an extremely important aspect of his endeavors and, as I said, he will be representing the Governor.

Mr. Chairman, I would like, if it would be permissible, to have those people who are with him to come up and be seated in this vicinity so they might advise with him. He has Mr. George L. Sandvig, the State director of vocational education in Virginia.

Mr. William Purser is assistant commissioner of the Virginia Employment Commission; Dr. Shanholtz, the commissioner of the department of health and a very close personal friend from my hometown, Joe Gills, who is president of Appalachian Power Co.

We have also a member from the house of delegates from my district, the Honorable Orby Cantrell, who represents Wise and Lee County assembly and Mr. Josh Taggert, who is president of the Wise Coal & Coke Co.

Mr. Chairman, I now take great pleasure and I consider it a singular honor to present to you Mr. Joe Hamrick.

Mr. DAVIS. Congressman Jennings, it is my recollection that you were interested some years back in scenic roads.

Mr. JENNINGS. Yes, sir; that is referred to the Allegheny-Cumberland Parkway. When I asked for an investigation some 5 or 6 years ago, there was a possibility of building a scenic roadway between the Breaks Interstate Park on the Kentucky-Virginia border and the Cumberland Gaps National Historical Park which is located on the Tennessee-Kentucky and Virginia border.

Since that time, it has been enlarged to some extent. I think the report is forthcoming from the Interior Department and perhaps Bureau of the Budget, and at some later time, Mr. Chairman, if I might, I would like to go into some detail with the committee because I think it knits in very well with the ideas, aspirations, and plans of the President's Appalachian program.

I would like to defer my testimony to some future time but I appreciate the chairman's consideration in that matter.

Mr. DAVIS. I brought that up because I remember some time back Congressman Jennings mentioned this to me and, of course, this has a relationship to roads and in this whole area of proposed development of the scenic highways which will enable people to get into spots of recreation and enjoy the God-given beauties of that region and to be sure, at a later time when we get into this road development, we will ask the committee to advise you to be present.

Now, Mr. Hamrick, will you proceed.


Mr. HAMRICK. Thank you, Mr. Chairman and other distinguished members of the committee. If I may, Mr. Chairman, I will simply read the Governor's statement.

Mr. DAVIS. Is it a long statement, Mr. Hamrick?

Mr. HAMRICK. Yes, sir, it will probably take 10 or 12 minutes. Mr. DAVIS. Well, we would consider that a very short statement. Mr. HAMRICK. I am grateful for the opportunity to make this statement. I regret that I cannot appear in person.

I have endorsed generally the objectives of the Appalachian Regional Development Act, for I am of opinion that many of the proposals will promote the growth and development of the Virginia Appalachian Counties, and the entire Appalachian region.

While there are areas in Appalachia whose economy is at a low ebb, I feel it unfortunate that the "depressed" label has been applied to such a large area of our Nation. The Appalachian region is not homogenous; there are areas of very considerable prosperity while others are relatively depressed. The value of this program is that it represents a concerted effort in attempting to alleviate the conditions found in the Appalachian region.

By and large, many past efforts, though sincere in purpose, have not been able to solve the region's difficulties simply because they tried to cope with only one aspect of the problem. This bill holds promise since it brings together and accelerates the efforts of many Federal and State programs now in existence.

The necessary essentials for improving and development potentials of Appalachia are covered by the act. I agree that the Appalachian program should remain separate from the pending poverty bill.

My executive assistant, Mr. Joseph G. Hamrick, will be the Virginia representative on the Appalachian Regional Commission and I assure you of his continuing interest in this program.

I favor and shall support any sound program that will expedite the construction of modern, safe, and adequate highways in the Appalachia area. Certainly, there is no area of greater importance to the development of the region than a vigorous and well-balanced highway program.

Industrial development and the industry of tourism cannot be promoted without an adequate network of roads. The 1964 session of the Virginia General Assembly provided for the beginning of a new network of arterial highways, a system of main, dual-lane roads intended to complement and serve large areas not covered by the Interstate System.

A high precentage of this arterial mileage was allotted to the southwest Viriginia area and will, when coupled with our regular programs, provide safe and efficient transportation facilities into the heart of our most inaccessible Appalachian areas. The Appalachian Regional Development Act of 1964 can be of inestimable value to Virginia if the highway funds available to this State under it can be expanded to expedite the construction of this arterial highway system.

With reference to section 202 of title II of the proposed act, we have a well-organized and well-directed public health program in Virginia, but admittedly, we do not have in southwest Virginia sufficient numbers of physicians, nurses, dentists, or other health personnel. For example, there is only 1 M.D. for every 5,000 people, as compared to the national average of 1 for 700.

Additional health personnel need encouragement to locate in the area, and those already located there need auxiliary personnel in the care of patients. The development of medical clinics, home nursing care programs, and the provision of additional financial assistance for required hospitalization obviously are steps which can alleviate these conditions.

The basic structure to develop these proposals already exists in Virginia through complete coverage of this area by full-time local health departments. A preliminary survey of the 106 communities in the 7-county area revealed that only 12 have approved sewage treatment facilities. For example, 8 communities discharge all or a portion of their sewer wastes directly to the Big Sandy River, 24 to Clinch River, 8 to Guest River, and 28 to Powell River.

Based on conservative figures, it is estimated that at least 1,500,000 gallons of untreated sewage per day are discharged into secondary streams or directly into these four rivers.

Public water supplies are not available in 39 (36.7 percent) of the communities. Public water supplies in the remaining 67 communities vary in adequacy and degree of treatment.

Approved public refuse collection and disposal facilities are entirely lacking in 92 (86.8 percent) of the communities surveyed.

Sections 203 and 204 of title II refer to programs for improving the economic level of our farmers. Agriculture and related activities have long been of vital importance to our economy in Virginia. For example, the designated counties in Virginia included in the Appalachian region possess a natural ability to produce bluegrass.

This grass is one of the most desirable and easily established forage crops in the area. The bill's provision to improve pasture should be an aid to small land and farm owners desiring to increase, as well as diversify, livestock production.

While investment in the highways, waterways, the soil, timber, and recreational resources is of strategic importance in the development of the Appalachian area, it provides only a partial answer to the future of this region. In the final analysis it is the people who make a region, a State, or a nation truly great. We can build a more vigorous Appalachian region only as the human resources are developed.

The fundamental key to the development of these resources is education. Through sound education, aspirations are raised, the dignity of the individual is enhanced, and his spirit is quickened, knowledges and skills for effective citizenship, including vocational competency, are acquired, the development of a concept of the good life is fostered, and doors to unlimited opportunities are opened.

While progress in education in the Appalachian region is constantly being made, the skills and knowledges of its people have not kept pace with the benefits and vocational opportunities afforded by the rapid growth of industry and technology. The rate of improving education in this area must be accelerated.

For the year 1962-63, less than 20 percent of the accredited high schools of the Appalachian region in Virginia offered courses in industrial education; more than 50 percent offered courses in agricultural education; almost 50 percent provided work in business education; more than 25 percent provided courses in distributive education; and more than 90 percent offered home economics.

Apprenticeship-related instruction was provided through evening programs in one-sixth of the high schools. Instruction under the manpower development and training program has been provided for more than 500 unemployed adults. Two vocational-technical schools are located in this region.

The high school dropout rate in the Appalachian area exceeds slightly the rate for the State as a whole. The percentage of high school graduates of the region entering college is less than that for the State. The percentage of persons 25 years of age and over who have not completed the fifth grade of school is well above the percentage for the State and the Nation.

The commission on vocational education in its 1963 report to the Governor and the general assembly presented forcefully the need for more persons trained as skilled craftsmen and technicians. The commission further set forth recommendations for strengthening instruction in vocational education at the high school level, developing on a pilot study basis special courses for potential dropouts, and courses involving a study of clusters of closely related occupations, and establishing additional area vocational-technical schools.

Although time does not permit more detailed discussion, it is obvious that there is great need in the Appalachian region for expansion of vocational education for high school students and adults. There is also a great need for expanded programs for teaching outof-school youths and adults basic skills in order that they may be better prepared to benefit from instruction in vocational education.

Suitable and remunerative employment is clearly an essential solution to the problems of low-income or disadvantaged people able to enter the labor market. Several counties in southwestern Virginia have substantial numbers of both men and women without any encouraging prospect of finding jobs through their own efforts but who are readily adaptable to work opportunities if work can be found. for them.

Such people form a reservoir of unutilized manpower, and their referral to gainful employment would contribute immeasurably to their own status and satisfaction in life, as well as to the prosperity of their community and State.

While the Employment Service cannot create jobs, it can be effectively instrumental in searching out vacancies which exist, in helping to attract new industries, and in guiding jobseekers to appropriate openings with a minimum of wasted effort. I, therefore, agree that adequate services for registration, counseling, and placement responsibilities are indicated and would be beneficial.

It is recognized that the water resources of the Virginia portion of Appalachia can contribute toward improvement in the general economy. Projects involving flood control, pollution control, and wateroriented recreation would be helpful in advancing the economic health of the region.

The encouragement of timber growth through improved fire control and extension of access roads and trails is a desirable objective in Appalachian Virginia.

Acceleration of State programs in topographic and geologic mapping would be desirable in developing the mineral resources of the


Whenever the subject of water resources is discussed, the question of public power always arises. I am opposed to any development of electric power facilities by public-owned, nontaxpaying bodies.

Water resource development should embrace only recreation, conservation, and flood damage prevention. The efforts of the President's Appalachian Regional Commission can most constructively be directed to improving the needs for transportation, education, health, recreation, agriculture, and human uplifting.

With reference to the general provisions of title II, part C, I can assure the committee that Virginia will not reduce the expenditure of public funds in this region of our State.

Section 222 of the act is a wise provision in that it properly gives each State and political subdivision the power to decide if it shall engage in or accept any program. Surely, not every proposal will be suitable for every Appalachian State.

Apparently under title III, the operation of local development districts is regarded as a key proposal in this legislation. However, for such local development districts to participate financially would require enabling legislation by the General Assembly of Virginia, and a State-issued charter to such districts. I cannot here speculate on what action the Virginia legislative body will take when it meets next in regular session in 1966.

In the preparation of this statement I have deliberately avoided commenting on all provisions of the proposed legislation. I am very conscious of the fact that, with the exception of a few counties in

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