Kenya National Assembly Official Record (Hansard)The official records of the proceedings of the Legislative Council of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, the House of Representatives of the Government of Kenya and the National Assembly of the Republic of Kenya. |
Common terms and phrases
24 per cent Anyang'-Nyong'o Arid and Semi-Arid ASAL areas ASAL programme ask the Minister Assistant Minister cent portion Constituency drought Eldoret Embakasi fulani Government hayo House ikiwa Imanyara important issue the Ministerial Jamhuri Jeshi la Mzee Kacheliba kama Kamolleh KANU Kariobangi South katika Katuku KEBS Kenya police Kenya Roads Board Kiangoi Kihoro Kimng'oror Health Centre Kisumu Kituyi kuwa kwamba Lake Victoria Lakini Lands and Settlement LBDA Likoni mambo mambo haya markets Marrirmoi matatus Member Minister for Finance Minister for Water Ministerial Statement Ministry Mokku Mosop Mosoriot Mosoriot Health Centre Muchiri Mungiki Murungaru Murungi Musila Mutahi Mwenje Nairobi Ndicho Nyeri District Oburu Office organisations Parliament point of order police political President problem pseudo-gangs pseudo-political gangs Question rainfall Report Roads and Public Sambu Select Committee sisi sub-district hospital Suba District Sunkuli Temporary Deputy Speaker upgrade vehicles Wamae watu