Kenya National Assembly Official Record (Hansard)The official records of the proceedings of the Legislative Council of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, the House of Representatives of the Government of Kenya and the National Assembly of the Republic of Kenya. |
Common terms and phrases
78 kilometres Angwenyi areas asked the Minister assistant chiefs Assistant Minister Attorney-General aware beg to reply beg to support civil servants constituency continue corruption Development District Commissioners Eastleigh elephants ensure eradicating famine relief Gatundu give happening HIV/AIDS House identity cards Imanyara Immigration Department issue Kajwang Kamolleh KANU Kenya Wildlife Service Kenyans Kiganjo Kiganjo Police Training kilometres Kisumu Airport Kituyi maize Members Meru Ministry Muihia Mwiraria Nairobi Nassir Ndicho Nigeria Nino Emergency Fund Nyagah Nyanja Ongeri P.K. Mwangi Parliament particular point of order Police Force police officers police station policemen poverty President problems programme Provincial Administration provision Question registered registration of persons rehabilitation relief food reseal retrenchment roads Rotich Samoei security risk Standing Order Suba District Taban Lo Liyong talking tell Temporary Deputy Speaker Thank things told Trans Nzoia District Vote wage guidelines Wambua Wildlife Service KWS Winners Chapel young