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adjoining the tuberculosis hospital accommodates 500 patients and many small cottages for tuberculosis patients have been finished.

Peter Bent Brigham Hospital, one more of the group of great institutions that make up Harvard Medical School, has just been opened with notable


At the recent Missouri election seven physicians were chosen to represent districts in the legislature.

An Associated Press report from Geneva, Switzerland, November 19th, states that a preparation which, it is said, will stop almost instantly the flow of blood from a wound, has been invented by Prof. Theodore Kocher, of Berne, who was awarded the Nobel prize for surgery in 1912, and his assistant, Dr. A. Fonce. The new preparation (horse serum) is called coagulen, is in the form of a powder, and is dissolved in water before being applied to a wound. The discoverers of coagulen have made a gift of their invention to the armies in the field, and have sent large quantities of the powder to the surgical headquarters of both the German and French armies. The discovery is regarded by medical men there as likely to save the lives of thousands of soldiers, since it can be applied by untrained hands, so that the wounded man himself or his comrade, might use the solution. Has any osteopath or chiropractor or "Christian" scientist been equally altruistic?

Tuberculosis sufferers, directed to Colorado by their medical advisers, will now find a new help in the Health Seekers' Bureau of Denver, just organized by the profession there. Headquarters will be at the Denver Visiting Nurses Association, California and Fifteenth Streets.

Louisiana is now planning to reciprocate with California.

Dr. Charles Sedgwick Minot, a noted anatomist, died at Boston, November 20th. He was professor of histology and embryology at Harvard Medical School, and director of the anatomic laboratory at that institution. In 1912 and 1913 Dr. Minot was Harvard exchange professor at the Universities of Berlin and Jena. He was sixty-one years old.

A municipal laundry, to help tenement district residents, has just been opened in Chicago, Ill. New Orleans, La., has just opened its postgraduate medical school, leading hospitals offering ample facilities.

More than 600 physicians from all parts of the United States and Canada were admitted to the American College of Surgeons, which began its annual convocation at Washington, November 16th. The College pledged $250,000 toward a $1,000,000 endowment fund for the advancement of the profession thru research and education. Plans for a permanent headquarters probably to be erected in Washington, were discust, and pledges to raise the necessary money given. Brig. Gen. W. C. Gorgas, Surgeon General of the army, was made an honorary fellow of the College.

The Journal of the A. M. A. has mentioned at times the systematic campaign that has been carried on during the last decade in southwestern Prussia to stamp out typhoid fever. A series of bacteriologic stations were founded and they have sought out and tried to keep under control every bacilli carrier, and have thus materially reduced typhoid in that district. This part of the country was selected for this attempt at a campaign of extermination on the advice of Robert Koch that

it might be well to have this area free from typhoid in case of another war with France.

The Southern Medical Journal of Mobile, Ala., believes that our nation has failed to do full justice to the era-making work of Colonel Gorgas and ardently urges the prompt creation by Congress of a national department of health with Dr. Gorgas at its head. He would thus be a member of the President's Cabinet, as is right and proper. THE WORLD emphatically indorses this movement.

The Boston University medical school has been given $100,000 to erect a maternity hospital.

New York is to have the first hospital devoted exclusivly to the "twilight sleep" treatment of maternity cases, which will be known as the Twilight Sanitarium and will differ materially from other hospitals. Provision will be made for a large number of patients to undergo the treatment at the same time. The room for this purpose will be arranged so as to be absolutely free from noise and strong glare of light. High sash, glazed with blue glass, will provide the light. Direct light

from these sashes will be so reflected as to infuse the room with a soft blue glow, as it has been found that this character of light is the best adapted for the treatment. Adjoining this room will be a 'silence corridor," where physicians and nurses can observe the patients behind glass panels without disturbing other patients.


As proof of inaccuracy of "yellow press" claims of the use of dumdum bullets by either side, the Berliner med. Wochenschrift of Sept. 14th states that the French surgeons, Delbet, Raymond, Tuffier and Doyen, have publicly commented on the mild character of the wounds among the French soldiers when vital organs are not involved, and their rapid healing. The same comment as to the mildness of the wounds and the rapid healing among the wounded is made in the official report of the German surgeon-general, referring to the wounds made by the regulation bullets.

By quickly quarantining against nearby Kentucky towns, Dr. J. H. Landis, health officer of Cincinnati, lately prevented the spread of scarlatina into Ohio's main city.

In Italy lectures on military hygiene and sanitation are being held in Rome, and other cities and towns are urged to follow this example.

Yale University has advised the American National Red Cross that it will give two ambulances for European relief work, one for Germany and the other for the American Ambulance Hospital in Paris.

Dr. William J. Hickson, head of the Chicago Municipal Psychopathic Laboratory, stated to the members of the City Council on Crime, September 26th, that crimes committed by morons, sociopaths, feeble-minded and morally weak individuals are not to be regarded as such, but that such persons should be placed in a colony maintained by the state, county or city.

That the great army of harvest hands that came to Kansas last summer sowed the germs of typhoid fever in many parts of the state, causing an unusual number of typhoid cases to appear recently, is the assertion by W. J. V. Deacon, State Registrar of Vital Statistics, at Topeka, Kan., October 18th.

The 1915 convention of the American Association for Study of Spondylotherapy will be held in midsummer at the Panama-Pacific World's Fair, San Francisco.


Short articles of practical help to the profession are solicited for this department.

Articles to be accepted must be contributed to this journal only. The editors are not responsible for views exprest by contributors.

Copy must be received on or before the twelfth of the month for publication in the issue for the next month. We decline responsibility for the safety of unused manuscript. It can usually be returned if request and postage for return are received with manuscript; but we cannot agree to always do so. Certainly it is excellent discipline for an author to feel that he must say all he has to say in the fewest possible words, or his reader is sure to skip them; and in the plainest possible words, or his reader will cer tainly misunderstand them. Generally, also, a downright fact may be told in a plain way; and we want downright facts at present more than anything else.RUSKIN.

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Sun baths may be artificial or natural (the natural being preferred). The artificial bath may be taken in any suitable room, preferably one that faces the south, while the natural bath is taken in the open air. It is better that the clothing should be removed during the artificial bath, while during the natural, the patient wears a thin kimono and basks in the warm sunshine, occasionally changing position so that the sun may act on all parts of the body, or better, engages in some light gymnastics. It is well to occasionally don a thick wrap and seek some shady place sheltered from the wind, as the cooling effect is very beneficial. He also recommends to walk thru the grass bare-footed. During either bath, the head, eyes and other sensitiv parts should be protected; care also should be taken that no markt erythema is produced.

The duration of the artificial bath may be from fifteen to sixty minutes, while the natural bath may last for an hour at first, and be gradually increast as the patient becomes accustomed to it. The best results are obtained between 10 a. m. and 4 p. m. At the conclusion of either bath the patient should receive a cool shower or sponge bath, or alternating warm and cool showers, as the physician may think best. After dressing, the patient should promenade for about ten minutes, then retire to his room

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The results obtained by this method of treatment are very satisfactory. Persons troubled with such affections as neurasthenia and hysteria show a markt improvement in a short time, while those suffering from locomotor ataxia who are treated by this method at sanatoriums, particularly when taken at its early stages, improve rapidly, the severer symptoms disappearing in four or five weeks; and the patient is able to go home in a fairly comfortable condition. This treatment, when combined with alternating hot and cold douches over the spine (particularly the affected part), gives excellent results in poliomyelitis.

Arteriosclerosis and certain heart affections, particularly fatty heart, provided degeneration has not progrest too far and compensation is fairly good, yield very nicely to this treatment.

Persons suffering from kidney diseases are laid on a mattress in the sun, the clothing being removed gradually. After the sweating has become quite profuse they are placed in a dry pack and allowed to remain in the sun from six to eight minutes longer. They consider this method preferable to the vapor or light bath, and in chronic Bright's disease, after the kidneys have become considerably congested, the urin is loaded with albumin and the uremic symptoms are quite pronounced, recovery takes place in a short time, the functions being restored to their normal condition and the albumin disappearing from the urin.

Rheumatism and rheumatic diseases are treated by placing the affected part in hot sand and allowing the sun to act upon the whole surface by occasionally changing its position. In the Doctor's own words, "The material which has been gathered and the testimony of those who have been treated by this method in sanatoriums are sufficient to furnish all the evidence as to its efficiency that one may desire." Other conditions are treated with equally as good results, but limited space will not permit of their description.



I would say, in conclusion, that Dr. Wilheim is not overenthusiastic in regard to this method of treatment, but strongly urges that when unfavorable symptoms are produced or the diagnosis seems to indicate some other method of treatment, the physician uses his own discretion in regard to the matter. But judging from the report given by Dr. Wilheim, of the results obtained by this treatment in the German sanatoriums, and knowing what we do about the effect of sunlight upon both plant and animal life: that by means of it we are able to accomplish all that can be accomplisht by the vapor, Turkish and light bath, and to produce the same chemical, irritating and bactericidal effects as may be produced by the Finsen, leucodescent and therapeutic arc light, and when combined. with the pure air that one always obtains during the treatment, the development of the lungs and other organs of the body brought about by the light gymnastics, the balancing of the circulation produced by the alternating hot and cold effects which take place during the treatment, the immense discharge of superfluous nervous energy occasioned by walking thru the grass bare-footed, the stimulating effect of the shower bath, it promises to be one of the most efficient methods of treating some diseases. F. L. JACKSON, M.D.

Westbrook, Maine.

The Gilbert Sphygmomanometer. DEAR DR. TAYLOR:-I am expressing herewith a crude, unfinisht blood-pressure apparatus of which I spoke to you in a former letter.

The idea was suggested to me by the admirable instrument so kindly presented to the profession by Dr. Attix, of Philadelphia.

Heretofore the main objection to all mercury instruments has been their large size and the consequent difficulty of carrying them about from place to place. This I believe is at least partly obviated in the instrument that I send you, it being possible to slip it in the overcoat pocket or lay it in the bottom of an ordinary obstetric or other bag measuring thirteen inches. The dimensions of the apparatus are (closed) 12" x 22" x 134", and it might be even made smaller without materially interfering with its usefulness.

For the benefit of those not familiar with a sphygmomanometer I will state that it is

The Gilbert Sphygmomanometer. Made in metal, the dimensions are 12" x 14" x 1"; made in woed, 12" x 24" x 1".

a, A clip is attacht to the end of each rubber tube when the cuff and bulb are detacht to prevent the escape of the mercury. The bulb is to be attacht to the long rubber tube, the cuff to the short one.

made of a U-shaped glass tube fastened to the bottom of the box, as shown in the illustration. Between the arms of the tube is fastened a millimeter rule to show the rise of the mercury in the long arm of the glass U tube when air pressure is applied by the inflation bulb, which is to be attacht to the long rubber tube extending out from the side of the box (lower a). The cuff that goes around the arm is to be connected with the rubber tube projecting from the top of the box (upper a). No space is allowed within the box to place the bulb for inflation or the cuff when not in use. They can be carried in the pocket.

The reading of the instrument is practically the same as the one made by Dr. Attix, except that the millimeter rule is stationary. The trap-door at the top allows for the use of a movable millimeter rule, as in the Attix instrument, if the owner would prefer that. If the column at rest is at 13, or 130 millimeters, and the pulse disappears when the mercury has reacht 250, the former is subtracted from the latter and the dif

ference is multiplied by 2. This equals 240 in this instance, and that number is the blood pressure as recorded by the apparatus. An instrument taking up the same amount of space can be made to register as high as perhaps 260; ordinarily enuf.

The ordinary pressure bag and cuff of such instrument is used, one of the tubes being connected to the pressure tube, the other to the bulb. When in use the instru

ment must be held in the upright position, and the small metal clip removed; otherwise, by reason of the comprest air in the long or registering tube, it will fail to properly record. While not in use or lying in a horizontal position, these small clips must be securely applied, otherwise the mercury will run out of the tube.

Constructed of hard wood and polisht, it can be made very attractiv. Metal would be a much more substantial material for the box.

The small opening in the top is to allow the vent tube to slip thru, thus preventing its kinking and thereby interfering with the pressure of the air and consequent faulty reading.

I hope that I have not claimed more for it than would be warranted by circumstances, and that it may be useful to someone.


Herewith is a drawing of the bloodpressure apparatus made in metal. will notice that so constructed it takes up

even less room than that made of wood. At the top you will observe a trap-door for the free passage of the rubber tubing. If measurement of higher pressures are desired they can be obtained to almost any degree by the addition of an extra piece of glass tubing attacht to the hose at the top. JOHN GILBERT, M.D.

373 W. Market St., York, Pa.

[We sent the instrument and communication to Dr. J. C. Attix, who is an accomplisht physicist, and the following is his statement.-ED.]

DEAR DR. TAYLOR:-The instrument which you sent me for inspection, and constructed by Dr. John Gilbert, of York, Pa., has been received and I have gone over it with care. All that the Doctor claims for it seems to be justified.

As is the case with practically every instrument where size or space, portability, accuracy and ease of manipulation are taken into consideration, beyond certain limits one or the other must of necessity be sacrificed or one enhanced at the expense of the other, when abbreviation is attempted. As is the case with practically all and every instrument, it is not so much the instrument as the man behind it. One may have all the finest, most complicated and expensiv surgical instruments and be far from a surgeon, while some of the most skilled surgeons I have known use but a few of the very simplest instruments with greatest mobile of the cheapest model made, but who success. One person with the simplest autothoroly understands it, will get service out complicated and powerful machine, who has of it, while another with the most expensiv, little or no understanding of it, will get nowhere. I have no doubt that Dr. Gilbert can use this instrument with the greatest understands it, and the underlying principles ease and accuracy, because he knows it and of physics which govern not only this, but all such instruments.

I have contended for years that the most reliable blood-pressure instrument was a mercury column and that the U-shaped tube type was the most accurate of these; but to make matters as simple, accurate and practical as possible a 12" to 14" column of mercury must be used.

While Dr. Gilbert has curtailed somewhat the size of the Attix instrument which was brought out two years ago by THE WORLD, and is now so generally used, it is very doubtful if his instrument would

be anything like as useful to the general practician.

As the Doctor states, it can be slipt into the overcoat pocket; but while one pocket is filled to overflowing with the case, another is filled with the sleeve, cuff and bulb, so there is not much gained in this respect. As to going into a grip, most mercury instruments will go into a fair-sized grip.

There are one or two mercurial instruments on the market with a reservoir and broken or jointed column which will go into the pocket, but the Doctor needs either extra buttons or suspenders for support of it.

One other fact which must not be lost sight of is that some doctors, as well as laymen, like the display of an instrument, and in some instances they think it gives prestige.

The readings on Dr. Gilbert's instrument are perfectly plain and simple to him, but on account of subtractions or corrections from the fixt scale would be a source of error for many. The effort is a worthy one and deserves the commendation of every WORLD reader.

J. C. ATTIX, M.S., D.D.S., M.D., P.D.

Professor of Chemistry and Toxicology in Temple University, Philadelphia. 2355 N. 13th St., Philadelphia, Pa.

Full Development of Seven-Months' Child.Treatment of Colds.


EDITOR MEDICAL WORLD:-It may interest some of your readers to know that on October 10, 1891, I was called to attend Mrs. N., at Pipestone, Minn., in childbirth. When I arrived I was somewhat disappointed, as it lookt like a miscarriage, as the abdominal tumor was so small. a short time she gave birth to a 11⁄2-lb. female child. The skin and hair, as well as the nails, did not indicate full development; in fact, were not fully formed. The mother positivly declared that she was only seven months pregnant. The child still lives and now is a young lady. At the age of 14 her mother sent me her photograf, and she was well proportioned, good looking and weighed 128 lbs., and was well up in school.

Treatment of Colds.

In the November WORLD you ask for articles on common colds. I have made this quite a study for the past fifteen years or more. I take it for granted the most of us understand the pathology of it, so I will give my treatment.

To an adult give from 5 to 8 grains of

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EDITOR MEDICAL WORLD:-The "cold" patient has, thru exposure, been chilled and the natural elimination of waste products thru the skin has been prevented, and to compensate for this the mucous membranes are overtaxt and become more or less congested and even inflamed. Particularly so is this the condition in the air passages, and this brings us to speak of the remedy.

First of all, the patient should be put to bed and kept comfortably warm. Now for the drugs, and the first to think of is ferrum phos., 3x trituration, 20 grains to the ounce of distilled water, to be used as a spray in the nostrils, mouth and throat every half hour until relieved, then every one to two hours until all symptoms disappear. Also use internally 3 tablets, every 1 to 2 hours, of a combination, in tablet form, of bryonia 3x, phosforus 3x, and tartar emetic 3x. These remedies may be obtained from any good homeopathic pharmacy. The patient's bowels, of course, should be well cleared and kidneys kept in good action. A. M. ZEBOLD.

Sherby, Ohio.

In rheumatism, remember that the salicylate of strontium is less apt to disorder the stomach than the salicylate of sodium; the dose is the


DEAR DR. TAYLOR-For twenty-four years I have sent you $1 every year. I am thankful to receive more than the dollar's worth. Please keep up your "Monthly Talks," for they are just the change of thought that the doctors need. A merry and prosperous Christmas to you. R. Ď. RAMEY.

Garden City, Mo.

[Doctor, think what you would have saved if you had sent $3 at a time, each $3 paying for four years in advance.--ED.]

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