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International Review of Criminal Policy, No. 2 (ST/SOA /Ser. M/2). New York: UN, 1952.

International Review of Criminal Policy, No. 2 (ST/SOA /Ser. M/3) New York: UN, 1953.

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United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. Criminology. (SS./56./VIII.6A) Geneva: UNESCO, 1957. United Nations. Third United Nations Seminar for the Arab States on the Prevention of Crime and Treatment of Offenders. (ST/TAO/Ser. C/81) New York: UN, 1966.

U.S. Department of Defense. Office of Armed Forces Information and Education. Military Uniforms (DA Pamphlet 355-120). Washington: GPO, 1960.

U.S. Department of Labor. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Labor Law and Practice in Turkey. (BLS Report, No. 239.) Washington: GPO, 1963.

U.S. United States Agency for International Development. U.S. Overseas Loans and Grants. (Report prepared for the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Ninety-first Congress, First Session). Washington: USAID, 1968.

U.S. Department of State. Bureau of Public Affairs. Office of Media Services. Department of State Publication 7850. Washington: GPO, 1968.

University of Ankara. Turkey and the United Nations. (Prepared for the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace) New York: Manhattan Publishing Co., 1961.

Vernier, Bernard. "L'Armée Turque," Politique Etrangère, No. 3, 1965, 259-279.

Vucinich, Wayne S. The Ottoman Empire. Princeton: Van Nostrand, 1965.

Ward, Robert E. and Dankwart Rustow (eds.). Political Modernization in Japan and Turkey. Princeton: Princeton University, 1964.

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Weissmann, Nahoum. Les Janissaries. Paris: Orient, 1964.

Weilich, Robert. Orders and Decorations of all Nations. Washington: Quaker Press, 1965.


bektaşi-Islamic order of dervishes powerful in 19th century Turkey but no longer active.

berat-Formal document furnished as evidence that an individual had extraterritorial status under a capitulation (q.v.). capitulations-Conditions agreed to in treaties between Ottoman Empire and certain European powers, beginning with France in the 16th century, granting extraterritorial privileges and immunity from Ottoman law to nationals of such powers. cirit-Daredevil riding; traditional sport in the rural areas of Turkey.

devşirme System of compulsory recruitment and education of young Christian boys for military or civil service to Ottoman Empire.

divan Classical Islamic literature modelled on Persian forms. Also Privy Council of Ottoman Empire. DP-Democrat Party.

dragomen-Interpreters drawn from minority groups of the Ottoman Empire.

EEC-European Economic Community or Common Market: Belux, Federal Republic of Germany, France, Italy, Netherlands.

enosis-Movement aimed at political union of Greece and Cyprus. esnaf-Union or association comprised of small traders and craftsmen.

gecekondu Shantytown.

ghazi Moslem warrior.

GNA-Grand National Assembly, comprising both houses of the legislature (Senate and National Assembly) and the presidential electoral college.

GP-Güven Partisi or Reliance Party.

IBRD-International Bank for Reconstruction and Development. Specialized agency of the United Nations.

IFC-International Finance Corporation. Affiliate of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development that makes loans to private enterprises.

ILO-International Labour Organisation. Specialized agency of the United Nations.

imam-Islamic prayer leader.

imam-hatib schools-Schools for training religious leaders, culminating in the Higher Islamic Institute.

IMF-International Monetary Fund. Specialized agency of the United Nations.

JP-Justice Party.

JUSMMAT—Joint United States Military Mission for Aid to Turkey.

kabile-Word of Arabic origin, in standard Turkish translated as "tribe."

kilim-Striped woolen carpet often found in peasant dwellings. Koran-Sacred Scripture of Islam.

Kurban Bayram-Feast of the Sacrifice. Moslem holy day among most important in Turkey.

lira-Monetary unit of Turkey, abbreviated LT and subdivided into 100 kurus or piasters. Par value established with IMF in 1960 remained officially LT9 per US dollar at close of 1968. Also known as Turkish pound.

lycée-Secondary school that prepares students for university level.

mecelle-Codification of principles of Islamic civil law published between 1869 and 1877.

medreses-Traditional Islamic schools in Turkey.

mektep-Schools providing public education, under Ottoman Empire originally attached to mosques.

millet-System in Ottoman Empire of governing religious and ethnic minority groups through their leaders as virtually autonomous units.

muhtar-Village headman.

NTP-New Turkey Party.

NUC-National Unity Committee. Leaders of military coup which toppled government of Democrat Party in 1960.

Pan-Turanism-Political and cultural movement of early 20th century promoting union of all peoples having a common Turkish heritage.

pekmez-Molasses made by boiling down grape juice.

raki-Distilled alcoholic drink; Turkey's national beverage. Ramadan-The 9th month of the Moslem year observed as a month of fasting from dawn to sunset.

RPNP-Republican Peasant's Nation Party.

RPP-Republican People's Party, founded by Atatürk and originally called the People's Party.

Rumelians-Balkan Turks who emigrated to Turkish held territory as Turkish Empire in Europe was progressively dismembered.

Şeker Bayram-Candy Holiday. Three-day festival at close of

Seljuks-Branch of Turkish peoples first to make conquests and
establish Turkish rule in Asia Minor. Succeeded by Ottoman

şeriat Islamic law, also sharia, shariah.

shariah-See şeriat.

tanzimat-Reform movement in mid-19th century aimed at mod-
ernizing the political and social structure.

tarikats-Turkish religious orders abolished in 1928.
TLP-Turkish Labor Party.

Treaty of Hunkar Iskelesi (1833)-Turko-Russian agreement
closing the Straits to any power at war with Russia.

Treaty of Sèvres (1918)-Treaty between the Allied Powers and
Turkish Government which in effect dismembered much of the
Ottoman Empire. Not recognized by Turkish nationalists, it
was replaced by the Treaty of Lausanne in 1923.

ulema-Religious leaders of a community comprising an informal

UNESCO-United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural
Organization. Specialized agency of the United Nations.
UNICEF-United Nations Children's Fund. Agency under United
Nations General Assembly; originally United Nations Interna-
tional Children's Emergency Fund.

UNRWA-United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine
Refugees in the Near East.

WHO World Health Organization. Specialized agency of the
United Nations.

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