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Expenditures in Interior Department Committe, clerk.

Law library.

the compensation then paid them by law, the same to be immediately available.

To pay to the clerk to the Committee on Expenditures in the Interior Department, for extra services rendered, a sum equal to one month's pay, one hundred and eighty dollars.

To enable the Librarian of Congress to pay the employees in the Extra month's pay. law department of the Congressional Library one month's extra pay, the sum of three hundred and fifty dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated.

George W. Rae.

Jehu Baker.
Contested election.

Philip S. Post.

Contested election.

Folding room.

Amos L. Allen.

George H. Watkins, H. G. Clement.

Special messengers.

Assistant fore man folding room.

Ferris Finch.

Assistant journal clerk.

Samuel Hosmer.
Payment to.

Alexander Van

geuder. Payment to.

D. S. Porter.

Payment to.

Beaufort C. Lee, Charles Carter.

To pay to George W. Rae assistant clerk to the Committee on Claims for extra services one hundred and eighty dollars.

To pay Jehu Baker for expenses incurred by him in his election contest, in the Fifty-first Congress, nineteen hundred and twenty-eight


To reimburse Philip S. Post for expenses necessarily incurred in defense of his title to his seat as a member of the House of Representatives, Fiftieth Congress, five thousand six hundred and sixtyight dollars and forty cents

For rent of building for use of the folding room of the House from March first, eighteen hundred and ninety-one, until January first, eighteen hundred and ninety-two, one thousand two hundred and fifty dollars.

To pay Amos L. Allen for services as clerk to the Committee on Rules during the Fifty-first Congress, four hundred dollars.

To pay George H. Watkins and H. G. Clement three hundred dollars for extra services performed as clerks in the folding room, six hundred dollars.

To pay the two special messengers employed under the resolution of the House adopted January thirteenth, eighteen hundred and ninety, at the rate of one hundred dollars per month each from March third, eighteen hundred and ninety-one until the assembling of the Fifty-second Congress, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-four dollars.

To pay the assistant foreman of the folding room employed under the resolution of the House, adopted May third eighteen hundred and ninety, at the rate of one hundred dollars per month, from March third, eighteen hundred and ninety-one until the assembling of the Fifty-second Congress, nine hundred and twelve dollars

To pay Ferris Finch in full for services in preparing for the Fortyfourth to the Forty-ninth Congress, inclusive, a statement of appropriation, and so forth, under the act approved April tenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-nine, one thousand dollars

To pay for the services of the assistant journal clerk for two months after the expiration of the present session at the same rate of compensation he now receives, three hundred and sixty dollars

To pay Samuel Hosmer, acting postmaster of the House of Reprerentatives, the difference between the pay of postmaster and that of assistant postmaster from October first to December fifteenth, eighteen hundred and ninety, inclusive, one hundred and one dollars and ninety-four cents.

To pay Alexander Vangeuder as extra compensation for services rendered as assistant clerk to the Committee on Invalid Pensions during the second session of the Fifty-first Congress, two hundred dollars.

To pay D. S. Porter as extra compensation for services rendered. as assistant clerk to the Committee on Pensions during the Fiftyfirst Congress, two hundred dollars.

To pay Beaufort C. Lee and Charles Carter for services in caring for the subcommittee rooms of the Committees on Ways and Means and Appropriations, sixty dollars each; in all, one hundred and twenty dollars.

Thomas P. Bell.

To reimburse Thomas P. Bell for expenses incurred from March first eighteen hundred and ninety, to March first eighteen hundred and ninety-one, for assistance as laborer in caring for building rented for use of the folding room, one hundred and eighty dollars. For expenses incurred by the Committee on Immigration and Immigration ComNaturalization Laws, as authorized by resolution of the House March twelfth, eighteen hundred and ninety, five hundred and one dollars and fifteen cents, which sum shall be paid on the order of the chairman of said committee.

To pay William W. Kelser, telegraph operator of the House, three hundred dollars to make his salary one thousand two hundred dollars. for the fiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety-one.

mittee expenses.

William W. Kelser.
Payment to.

John H. Rogers.

To pay John H. Rogers for additional services rendered in the preparation, in manuscript form for the Public Printer, of eulogies Payment to. delivered upon the deceased members of the Forty-ninth and Fiftieth Congresses five hundred dollars.


Public Printer.


To supply a deficiency for the last half of the fiscal year ending Public printing and June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-one, in the appropriation for the public printing, for the public binding, and for paper for the public printing, including the cost of printing the debates and proceedings of Congress in the Congressional Record, and for lithographing, mapping, and engraving for both Houses of Congress, including the salaries or compensation of all necessary clerks or employees for labor (by the day, piece, or contract), and for all necessary material which may be needed in the prosecution of the work, three hundred and fifty thousand dollars: Provided, That Proviso. from the appropriation hereby made printing and binding may be done as follows:

For the Treasury Department, not exceeding fifty thousand dol- Allotment. lars.

For the Navy Department, not exceeding twenty-five thousand dollars.

For the Department of the Interior, not exceeding sixty thousand dollars.

For the Post-Office Department, not exceeding thirty thousand dollars.

For the Department of State, not exceeding five thousand dollars. For the Department of Agriculture, not exceeding ten thousand dollars.

For the Department of Justice, not exceeding two thousand dollars.

For the Supreme Court of the United States, not exceeding four thousand dollars.

For the supreme court of the District of Columbia, not exceeding one thousand dollars.

For the Department of Labor, not exceeding one thousand dollars.
For the Smithsonian Institution, for printing for the use of the

National Museum, not exceeding one thousand dollars.

To pay twenty per centum in addition to the amount paid for day Twenty per cent. for labor to the employees of the Government Printing Office, such as night work. compositors, assistant foreman of press-room, pressmen, bookbinders, stereotypers, laborers, including one laborer on Record force, messengers, including the Record messenger, press-feeders, Record folders, counters, gatherers, collators, operators on stitchers, pasters, and mailers, engineers, machinists, firemen, hoisters, and the assistant foreman, proof-readers, revisers copy-holders, make-up, and imposers of the bill force who were and are exclusively employed on the night forces of the Government Printing Office from October second, eighteen hundred and ninety, to March fourth, eighteen hundred and




Vol. 22, p. 637.

Eleventh Census.


ninety-one inclusive, twenty-one thousand five hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary: Provided, That in estimating the said twenty per centum, credit shall be given to the Government for whatever has been paid or is now being paid the said employees above the rates for day work.

To enable the Public Printer to continue the operations under joint resolution approved February sixth, eighteen hundred and eightythree, for removal and storage of certain property of the Government mentioned therein, five thousand dollars.

The reports of the Eleventh Census shall be printed at the Government Printing Office, and in addition to the usual number there Digest of leading shall be printed fifty thousand copies of a digest of the leading statistics not to exceed two hundred octavo pages, of which fifteen thousand shall be for use of the Senate, thirty thousand copies for the use of the House of Representatives, two thousand five hundred copies for the use of the Department of the Interior, and two thousand five hundred copies for the use of the Census Office. In addition to the above there shall be printed twenty-five thousand copies of the Compendium, of which seven thousand five hundred copies shall be for the use of the Senate, fifteen thousand copies shall be for the use of the House of Representatives, one thousand two hundred and fifty for the use of the Department of the Interior, and one thousand two hundred and fifty copies for the use of the Census Office. In addition to the above, five thousand copies of each of the following final volumes shall be printed:


Other volumes.


Vol. 22, p. 344.

Nehemiah G. Orway.
Payment to.

Payment of judg

ments of Court of Claims.

On Mines and Mining;"

On Wealth, Debt, and Taxation;

On Recorded Indebtedness;

On Transportation;

On Insurance;

On Social Statistics of Cities; and

On Alaska.

One thousand two hundred and fifty copies of each shall be for the use of the Senate, two thousand five hundred copies for the use of the House of Representatives, eight hundred and thirty-four for the Department of the Interior, and four hundred and sixteen copies for the Census Office. These reports shall be distributed in accordance with the provisions made for the distribution of the Reports of the Tenth Census as contained in act of Congress approved August seventeenth, eighteen hundred and eighty-two; and for the printing of said census reports there is hereby appropriated, out of any money in in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary.

Said appropriation shall apply to the fiscal year ending July first, eighteen hundred and ninety-two.

To pay Nehemiah G. Orway for balance of rent due on premises leased by the House of Representatives for stables and carpenter shop, eight hundred and forty dollars. This sum to be in full of all demands for rent of said lands.


For payment of judgments of the Court of Claims, as follows: To William M. Griffith, twenty four thousand four hundred and eighty dollars and twenty four cents.

To A. Q. Keasbey, one hundred dollars;

To John E. W. Thompson two thousand eight hundred and twentysix dollars and thirty eight cents;

To J. A. Thorn, six hundred and ninety-seven dollars and fifty five cents;

To Mervin B. Converse, one thousand and twenty eight dollars;

To William Thompson, ten dollars;
To Benjamin C. Kandall, five dollars;
To Charles F. Fackler, ten dollars;
To Walter P. Blackwood, forty dollars;

To Thomas W. Beattie, twenty-five dollars;
To James H. Wriggins, five dollars;

To Frederick H. Rex, fifteen dollars;
To Alfred B. Munyan, ten dollars;
To Frank R. Brandt, forty dollars;

To Charles R. Aitken, twenty-five dollars;
To John Bucknum, twenty-five dollars;
To Willet B. Drake, ten dollars;

To Isaac M. Yard, ten dollars;

To Frederick A. Lanning, ten dollars;

To Charles T. Carter, ten dollars;
To Thomas Farrell, ten dollars;
To Oliver Howell, ten dollars;
To David Levins, ten dollars;
To George D. Bower, fifty dollars;
To William L. Morris, ten dollars;
To Peter S. Mitchell, ten dollars;
To William Brandt, ten dollars;
To Ralph P. Baker, ten dollars;
To Robert Crosbie, ten dollars;
To John Hagerty, ten dollars;
To Richard McCracken, ten dollars;
To Matthias C. Gulick, ten dollars;
To William H. Jones, ten dollars;
To Thomas F. Hamilton, ten dollars;
To Charles Spohr, ten dollars;

To Frederick Fahrenwald, ten dollars;
To Robert J. Edge, ten dollars;
To Charles J. Bier, ten dollars;
To George W. Bessant, ten dollars;
To Dennis M. Buck, ten dollars;
To Richard B. Fosdick, ten dollars;
To William W. Fosdick five dollars;
To James E. Foster, ten dollars;
To Edwin A. Odell, fifteen dollars;
To Gustavus Piercez, ten dollars;
To Leonhard Schroeder, ten dollars;

To George W. White, junior, ten dollars;
To Joseph Temple, ten dollars;

To John Green, ten dollars;

To Frederick A. Hopkins, fifteen dollars;

To John A. Rodrigo, fifteen dollars;

To James Buchanan, five dollars;

To Albert H. Hewes, five dollars;
To William Demmer, five dollars;
To Walter J. Adams, five dollars;
To John S. Beardsley, five dollars;
To Henry Bouchy, five dollars;

To James Bone, five dollars;

To Parke Burnett, five dollars;

To Frederick Hauserman, five dollars;

To Peter Riley, five dollars;

To Henry H. Webb, ten dollars;

To Peter McGowan, ten dollars;

To Patrick McHugh, forty dollars;

To John T. M. Kaylar, thirty-five dollars;

To John Nixon, fifteen dollars;

To Jarvis P. Wanser, forty dollars;

Payment of judgments of Court of Claims-continued.

Payment of judgments of Court of Claims continued.

To Philip Vern, ten dollars;

To John H. Sullivan, twenty dollars;
To George W. Scudder, ten dollars;
To John M. Reingruber, forty dollars;
To Arthur Quaife, ten dollars;
To Daniel Murphy, ten dollars;
To William F. Midlige, forty dollars;
To Walter Kip, thirty dollars;
To John Isenhart, ten dollars;
To Edward T. Flanley, ten dollars;
To Jacob Elier, ten dollars;
To Joseph Eiden, ten dollars;
To John Burhaus, ten dollars;
To Asa M. Dolen, ten dollars;
To Howard M. See, forty dollars;
To William Patterson, ten dollars;
To Frank Noirot, fifteen dollars;
To John Murphy, five dollars;
To Peter F. Lowery, ten dollars;
To Robert Edgeworth, ten dollars;
To John Dwyer, ten dollars;
To William T. Dey, ten dollars;
To Joseph Connell, ten dollars;
To Edward G. Bullock, ten dollars;
To A. A. Coy Kendall, forty dollars;
To Michael Gilligan, ten dollars;
To Robert G. Booth, ten dollars;
To Patrick Reilley, five dollars
To Otto Crouse, ten dollars;

To Richard C. Fessenden, forty dollars;
To Benjamin J. Downer, ten dollars;
To Charles Freeman, forty dollars;
To Samuel McCarthy, five dollars;
To Benjamin L. Crane, forty dollars;
To Stephen B. Crane, five dollars;
To Thomas Bennett, ten dollars;
To James English, ten dollars;
To Frank M. Hyde, ten dollars;
To Albert H. Garretson, ten dollars:
To Lewis M. Crosby, thirty dollars;
To Jacob Ulrich, ten dollars;

To William H. Eaton, fifteen dollars;
To Michael J. Neville, forty dollars;

To Thomas J. Hughes, ten dollars;

To James J. McCafferty, one hundred and seventy three dollars and five cents;

To Jared D. Bitting, surviving partner of the firm of Bitting and Davidson, to the use of William H. West, administrator of Robert Davidson, deceased, two thousand three hundred and thirty two dollars and forty nine cents;

To Edward Williams, eight hundred and forty one dollars; To Edmonia Semmes, Alexander H. Semmes, and James L. Barbour, eight thousand seven hundred and ninety dollars;

To Edmonia Semmes and James L. Barbour, six thousand and twelve dollars:

To Elbert Wallace, four hundred and ninety-nine dollars and twenty eight cents;

To Letitia Tyler Semple, five hundred dollars;

To John W. Orr, one thousand five hundred and six dollars and seventy-five cents;

To Evan Lyons, nine hundred and fifty dollars;

To James S. Groves, three hundred and eighteen dollars;

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