UNDER THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. To meet custom duties on glass, tin, and other dutiable articles and supplies imported for the United States National Museum, one thousand dollars. To pay the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railroad Company, amount found due by the accounting officers of the Treasury on account of international exchanges, Smithsonian Institution, being for the service of the fiscal year eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, sixtysix cents. FISH COMMISSION. For the maintenance of the vessels and steam launches of the United States Fish Commission, and for boats, apparatus, and machinery required for use with the same, including salaries or compensation of all necessary civilian employees, ten thousand dollars. INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. To enable the Interstate Commerce Commission to properly carry out the objects of the "act to regulate commerce," approved February fourth, eighteen hundred and eighty-seven, and amended March second, eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, during the fiscal year, twenty-five thousand dollars. GOVERNMENT IN THE TERRITORIES. TERRITORY OF ARIZONA: For salary of an additional associate justice of the supreme court of the Territory of Arizona, provided for by the act of February eleventh, eighteen hundred and ninetyone (public, number seventy-five), from date of qualification to June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-one, so much therefor as may be necessary. MISCELLANEOUS OBJECTS, TREASURY. CONTINGENT EXPENSES, TREASURY DEPARTMENT: Purchase of carpets, carpet border and lining, linoleum, mats, rugs, matting, and repairs, and for cleaning, laying and relaying of same, by contract, seven hundred and fifty dollars. For purchase of boxes, book-rests, chairs, chair caning, chair covers, desks, bookcases, clocks, cloth for covering desks, cushions, leather for covering chairs and sofas, locks, lumber, screens, tables, typewriters, ventilators, wardrobe cabinets, washstands, water coolers and stands, deficiencies, on account of fiscal years as follows: For eighteen hundred and ninety-one, one thousand five hundred dollars. For eighteen hundred and ninety, seven dollars and sixty cents. For washing and hemming towels; for the purchase of awnings and fixtures, window shades and fixtures, alcohol, benzine, turpentine, varnish, baskets, belting, bellows, bowls, brooms, buckets, brushes, canvas, crash, cloth, chamois skins, cotton waste, door and window fasteners, dusters; flower garden, street, and engine hose; lace leather; lye, nails, oil, plants, picks, pitchers, powders, stencil plates, hand stamps, and repairs of the same, stamp ink, spittoons, soap, matches, match safes, sponges, tacks, traps, thermometers, tools, towels towel-racks, tumblers, wire, zinc, and for blacksmithing, repairs of machinery, removal of rubbish, sharpening tools, advertising for proposals, and for sale at public auction in Washington, District of Columbia, of condemned property belonging to the Treasury, payment of auction fees, and purchase of other absolutely necessary articles, one thousand dollars. To pay amounts found due by the accounting officers of the Treasury on account of contingent expenses Treasury Department, binding, newspapers, and so forth, being for the service of the fiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety, seventeen dollars and eighty-six cents. TREASURY BUILDING: For repairs to Treasury and Winder build- Repairs to building. ings, four thousand dollars. Public building. FUEL, LIGHTS, AND WATER: For fuel, lights, water, and miscellaneous items for public buildings, fifty thousand dollars. FURNITURE: For furniture, and repairs to furniture for public Furniture, etc. buildings, as follows: For courthouse and post office, Bridgeport, Connecticut; courthouse and post office, Brooklyn, New York; courthouse and post office Dayton, Ohio; customhouse, Key West, Florida; courthouse and post office, Louisville, Kentucky; courthouse and post office, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; immigration buildings, Ellis Island, New York; courthouse and post office, Asheville, North Carolina, and courthouse and post office, Statesville, North Carolina, one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars; and all furniture now owned by the United States in other buildings shall be used as far as practicable, whether it corresponds with the present regulation plans for furniture or not. Bridgeport, Conn. Brooklyn, N. Y. Dayton, Ohio. Louisville, Ky. Ellis Island, N. Y. E. F. Gobel. revenue. For work done by E. F. Gobel, in altering Post office screens and counters in the post office and custom house building in Chicago, Illinois, one thousand and ninety-six dollars and sixty-eight cents COLLECTING REVENUE FROM ČUSTOMS: To defray the expenses of Collecting customs collecting the revenue from customs, being additional to the permanent appropriation for this purpose, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-one, five hundred thousand dollars. And the salary of the appraiser of merchandise at the Salary of appraiser, Port of New York shall hereafter be six thousand dollars. New York. Louisville, Ky. PAYMENT TO CITY OF LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY: For payment to the city of Louisville, Kentucky, the amount found due, under the act of Congress approved June sixteenth, eighteen hundred and Cong., p. 157. ninety, and reported to Congress in House Executive Document numbered two hundred and sixty, of the present session, forty-two thousand five hundred and fourteen dollars and three cents. Credit in accounts RELIEF OF TREASURY OF THE UNITED STATES: That the Secretary Treasurer. of the Treasury and the proper accounting officers of the Treasury for losses at San Fran Department be, and they are hereby, authorized and directed to cisco, Cal. credit in the accounts of the Treasurer of the United States the sum of ten thousand dollars now carried in the accounts of the office of the assistant treasurer of the United States at San Francisco and in the general account of the Treasurer of the United States as "unavailable funds," and representing losses incurred in the office without default or negligence on the part of the assistant treasurer at San Francisco, said sum being the amount carried in the statement of the Treasurer of the United States in his annual report for the year eighteen hundred and ninety as unavailable funds, office of assistant treasurer at San Francisco. And for this purpose the said sum of ten thousand dollars is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. Proclamation, etc., PROTECTING SEAL AND SALMON FISHERIES OF ALASKA: For pub- Alaska. lishing the President's proclamation concerning seal fisheries of seal and salmon fishBehring Sea and for protecting salmon fisheries of Alaska, as re- eries. quired by act of March second, eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, Vol. 25, p. 1009. "to provide for the protection of the salmon fisheries of Alaska," and for expenses in carrying out lease of, and protecting seal life on, islands of Saint Paul and Saint George, Alaska, under sections. nineteen hundred and fifty-nine and nineteen hundred and seventy- PP. 344, 346. one, Revised Statutes, seven hundred and fifty dollars. R. S., secs. 1959, 1971, District of Columbia. Certain building permits ratifled. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. That the action of the Commissioners of the District of Columbia in heretofore granting permits for the extension of any building or buildings, or any part or parts thereof, in the city of Washington, in the District of Columbia, beyond the building line, and upon the streets and avenues of said city, is hereby ratified, without prejudice, however, to the legal rights of the Government in the event Approval of future of the destruction by fire, or otherwise, of any such structure. And hereafter no such permits shall be granted except upon special application and with the concurrence of all of said Commissioners, and the approval of the Secretary of War. permits. Contingent expenses. Militia. Contagious diseases act. CONTINGENT EXPENSES: To enable the register of wills to complete the reproduction of the old administration and guardian dockets of his office, three hundred and seventy-five dollars. For printing, expenses of parades, inspections, and rifle practice, and other current expenses, two hundred and fifty dollars; For clearing camp grounds, building rifle range, water supply, water barrels, camp supplies, subsistence supplies, horses, laborers, cooks, and incidental expenses, three thousand three hundred and fifty-eight dollars; For freight and transportation, six hundred and forty-two dollars and thirty-five cents; For labor and teams breaking camp, three hundred and fifty dollars; in all, four thousand six hundred dollars and thirty-five cents. For enforcement of the provisions of an act entitled "An act to Enforcement ex- prevent the spread of scarlet fever and diphtheria in the District of Columbia" for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-one, to be immediately available, one thousand five hundred and fifty dollars. penses. Ante, p. 691. Police court. Public schools. Assessor's office. Attorney's office. Improvement and repairs. POLICE COURT: To pay witness fees, three thousand dollars. To pay S. C. Mills compensation for acting as judge of the police court during the absence of said judge, seven days, at ten dollars per day, seventy dollars; PUBLIC SCHOOLS: For contingent expenses, five thousand dollars. To supply deficiencies in the appropriations for the fiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety, as follows: ASSESSOR'S OFFICE: To pay the recorder of deeds balance due on his account for furnishing record of transfers from January to June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety, two dollars and fifty-two cents. ATTORNEY'S OFFICE: For contingent expenses, six dollars and fifty cents. IMPROVEMENTS AND REPAIRS: To pay the Barber Asphalt Paving Barber Asphalt Pav- Company balance due for work on streets, under contract numbered one thousand one hundred and sixty-one, one thousand nine hundred and sixty dollars and seventeen cents. ing Company. Streets. John Dugan. Brandywine Granite Company. Public schools. STREETS: To pay John Dugan balance due on his account for work on Massachusetts avenue extended, under contract numbered one thousand and eighty-five, one hundred and seventy-five dollars and forty-six cents. To pay the Brandywine Granite Company balance retained on payments under contract numbered one thousand and seventy, four hundred and seventy-one dollars and seventy-two cents. To pay E. G. Wheeler for hinges, ten cents. PUBLIC SCHOOLS: To pay Kennedy Brothers for fuel, fifty-one dollars and forty-six cents. For contingent expenses, three hundred and forty-two dollars and three cents. For material for instruction in manual training three hundred and two dollars and five cents. FIRE DEPARTMENT: To pay Johnson Brothers for fuel, fourteen Fire department. dollars and eighteen cents. POLICE COURT: To pay witness fees, per bills on file in the office of the auditor and others known to be outstanding, six hundred and six dollars and twenty-five cents. MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES: For printing, checks, damages, forage, and care of horses, five hundred and sixty-six dollars and forty cents. To supply deficiencies in the appropriations for the fiscal year eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, as follows: ASSESSOR'S OFFICE: To pay the recorder of deeds for furnishing record of transfers of real estate from January first to June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, two hundred and ten dollars and seventy-two cents. ENGINEER'S OFFICE: For contingent expenses, six dollars. Police court. Misc llaneous. Deficiencies, 1889. Assessor's office. Engineer's office. EXPENSES OF ASSESSING REAL PROPERTY: To pay the Washington Post Company for advertising, fifteen dollars and forty cents. erty. To pay Evening Star Newspaper Company for advertising, sixteen dollars and fifty cents. To pay T. B. Shoemaker, F. P. Hackney, E. Nash, and T. L. Cropley, twenty dollars each; to pay A. F. Barker, W. T. Bright, T. B. Kalbfus, and John A. Rheem, twenty-five dollars each; in all, one hundred and eighty dollars. PUBLIC SCHOOLS: For contingent expenses, twenty dollars and Public schools. ten cents. POLICE COURT: To pay J. B. Bryan and Brother, for soap, fifty- Police court. nine cents. To pay witness fees, per bills on file in the office of the auditor and others known to be outstanding, sixty-eight dollars and seventyfive cents. MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES: For general advertising, thirty-two Miscellaneous. dollars and fifty-nine cents. To supply deficiencies in the appropriations for the fiscal year eighteen hundred and eighty-eight: STREETS: To pay John Miller for fuel, two dollars and four cents. cents. PUBLIC PUMPS: To pay E. G. Wheeler, for marline, five dollars, on account of the fiscal year eighteen hundred and eighty-seven. COMPLETION OF SEWERAGE SYSTEM: To pay E. G. Wheeler for nails, sixty-two cents, on account of the fiscal year eighteen hundred and eighty-five. Deficiencies, 1888. Streets. Public schools. Pumps. Sewers. PAYMENT OF JUDGMENTS: For payment of judgments against the Judgments against District of Columbia, as follows: To Anglo-American Insurance Company, twenty-seven dollars and twenty-five cents costs; To Peter H. Hill, six hundred dollars, together with thirty-seven dollars and forty cents costs; To the Washington and Georgetown Railroad Company, three hundred and thirty-three dollars and fifteen cents costs; and the Washington and Georgetown Railroad Company, of the District of Columbia, shall pay to the District of Columbia, within eighteen months from the approval of this act, the full amount of the judgment that was rendered against the said company by the supreme court of the District of Columbia at the suit of the said District, in cause number twenty-two thousand four hundred and fifty-seven, at law, on the dockets of said court, with the cost of said cause and interest on said amount from the date said judgment was rendered until paid, and that upon the failure of the said company so to pay said amount, costs, and interest within the time aforesaid, the charter of the said company shall become forfeit, and all its rights, D. C. Washington and Georgetown Railroad Company to pay judg ment or forfeit charter. D. C.--Continued. judgment or forfeit charter. Judgments against privileges, and franchises as a body corporate shall cease and deterMetropolitan Rail- mine: And the Metropolitan Railroad Company of the District of road Company to pay Columbia shall pay to the District of Columbia within eighteen months from the approval of this act the full amount of the judgent that was rendered against the said company by the supreme court of the District of Columbia at the suit of the said District, in cause numbered twenty-two thousand four hundred and fifty-eight, at law, on the dockets of said court, with the costs of said cause and interest on said amount from the date said judgment was rendered until paid, and that upon the failure of the said company so to pay said amount, costs, and interest within the time aforesaid the charter of said company shall become forfeit, and all its rights, privileges, and franchises as a body corporate shall cease and determine. To S. Preston Moses, junior, five hundred and sixty-six dollars and sixty-seven cents, together with nine dollars and ten cents costs; To John T. Schaaf, four hundred dollars, together with eight dollars and eighty-five cents costs; To Samuel S. Edmonston, six hundred dollars, together with nine dollars and ten cents costs; To Warrington C. King, six hundred dollars, together with nine dollars costs; To Mary Pike, administratrix, six hundred dollars, together with nine dollars and thirty-five cents costs; To Frank Popplein, four hundred dollars, together with eighteen dollars and thirty-five cents costs; To George L. Muth, two hundred and fifty dollars, together with seventeen dollars and seventy cents costs; To Martin J. Brandmiller, two hundred dollars, together with seventeen dollars and seventy cents costs; To William A. Yates and Company, one thousand dollars, together with ten dollars and twenty-five cents costs; To William F. Brookes, six hundred dollars, together with seven dollars and seventy cents costs; To Phillips Brothers and Company, four hundred dollars, together with nine dollars and sixty cents costs; To Herman A. Seligson, four hundred dollars, together with ten dollars and twenty-five cents costs; To Theodore Friebus, four hundred dollars, together with ten dollars and twenty-five cents costs; To Frank A MacNichol, two hundred dollars, together with ten dollars and twenty-five cents costs; To Morris Price, four hundred dollars, together with ten dollars and twenty-five cents costs; To Arnold, Constable and Company, four hundred dollars, together with ten dollars costs; James W. McKee, four hundred dollars, together with ten dollars and seventy-five cents costs; John S. McCeney, four hundred dollars, together with ten dollars and seventy-five cents costs; John A. Downs, four hundred dollars, together with ten dollars and twenty-five cents costs; Samuel Lindheimer, four hundred dollars, together with ten dollars and twenty-five cents costs; James C. Addison, four hundred dollars, together with ten dollars and twenty-five cents costs; Samuel Gauss, four hundred dollars, together with ten dollars and twenty-five cents costs; John M. Follen, four hundred dollars, together with ten dollars. and sixty-five cents costs; Thomas C. Thompson, four hundred dollars, together with ten dollars cost; |