FOR PAY OF ENLISTED MEN. For pay proper of the enlisted men of all grades, four rillion one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Enlisted men. Pay. Service pay. For pay of Hospital Corps, one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Hospital corps. For service pay of enlisted men by reason of length of service in addition to their monthly pay and payable therewith, five hundred and eight thousand one hundred and thirty-six dollars. General service For general-service clerks and messengers, to the number and at the rate now fixed by law, one hundred and sixty-one thousand nine clerks and messenhundred dollars. FOR PAY OF THE GENERAL STAFF. ADJUTANT-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT: For pay of the officers in the Adjutant General's Department, as now authorized and provided by law, fifty-two thousand five hundred dollars; gers. General staff. Adjutant General's Department. For additional pay to such officers for length of service, to be paid Longevity. law, twenty-three thousand five hundred dollars; Inspector-General's Department. For additional pay to such officers for length of service, to be paid Longevity. with their current monthly pay, six thousand dollars; In all, twenty-nine thousand five hundred dollars. THE CORPS OF ENGINEERS: For pay of the officers in the Corps of Engineers, as now authorized and provided by law, two hundred and thirty-nine thousand five hundred dollars; Corps of Engineers. For additional pay to such officers for length of service, to be paid Longevity. with their current monthly pay, seventy-five thousand seven hundred and forty dollars; In all, three hundred and fifteen thousand two hundred and fortydollars. Staff officers. ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT: For pay of the officers in the Ordnance Department, as now authorized and provided by law, one hundred ment." and thirty thousand seven hundred dollars; For additional pay to such officers for length of service, to be paid Longevity. with their current monthly pay, forty-four thousand one hundred and twenty dollars; In all, one hundred and seventy-four thousand eight hundred and twenty dollars. partment. QUARTERMASTER'S DEPARTMENT: For pay of the officers in the Quartermaster's DeQuartermaster's Department, as now authorized and provided by law, one hundred and forty-four thousand five hundred dollars; For additional pay to such officers for length of service, to be paid Longevity. with their current monthly pay, fifty-two thousand dollars; In all, one hundred and ninety-six thousand five hundred dollars. SUBSISTENCE DEPARTMENT: For the pay of the officers in the Subsistence Department, as now authorized and provided by law, seventy-nine thousand five hundred dollars; Subsistence Depart ment. For additional pay to such officers for length of service, to be paid Longevity. with their current monthly pay, twenty-one thousand eight hundred dollars; Medical Depart In all, one hundred and one thousand three hundred dollars. For additional pay to such officers for length of service, to be paid Longevity. with their current monthly pay, one hundred and thirteen thousand seven hundred and sixty dollars; In all, five hundred and forty-four thousand four hundred and sixty dollars. Pay Department. Longevity. Judge-Advocate General's Depart ment. Longevity. Signal Corps. Officers. Longevity. Enlisted men. Longevity. Commutation of quarters. Mileage to officers. Allowances, etc., to enlisted men. Amount. Retired list. Officers. Longevity. Amount. Enlisted men. Contract surgeons, etc. PAY DEPARTMENT: For the pay of the officers in the Pay Department, as now authorized and provided by law, one hundred and four thousand dollars; For additional pay to such officers for length of service, to be paid with their current monthly pay, thirty-three thousand two hundred and fifty dollars; In all, one hundred and thirty-seven thousand two hundred and fifty dollars. JUDGE-ADVOCATE-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT: For the pay of the officers in the Judge Advocate-General's Department, as now authorized and provided by law, twenty-seven thousand dollars; For additional pay to such officers for length of service, to be paid with their current monthly pay, seven thousand dollars; In all, thirty-four thousand dollars. SIGNAL CORPS. For pay of the officers of the Signal Corps, as now authorized and provided by law, twenty-two thousand four hundred dollars. For additional pay to such officers for length of service, to be paid with their current monthly pay, six thousand two hundred dollars. For pay of the enlisted men in the Signal Service, as now authorized and provided by law, twenty-one thousand seven hundred and twenty dollars. For additional pay for length of service to such enlisted men, to be paid with their current monthly pay, four thousand two hundred dollars. For commutation of quarters to commissioned officers on duty without troops at stations where there are no public quarters, four thousand one hundred and seventy-six dollars. For mileage to officers when traveling on duty without troops when authorized by law, with the same limitations provided in this act for payment of mileage to other officers of the Army, six hundred dollars. For allowances for travel, retained pay, clothing not drawn, and interest on deposits payable to enlisted men on discharge, five thousand dollars. In all, sixty-four thousand two hundred and ninety-six dollars. RETIRED OFFICERS. For pay of officers on the retired list, and for officers who may be placed thereon during the current year, one million twelve thousand one hundred and twenty-two dollars and sixty-eight cents. For additional pay to such officers for length of service, to be paid with their current monthly pay, two hundred and ninety-four thousand three hundred and eighty-one dollars; In all, one million three hundred and six thousand five hundred and three dollars and sixty-eight cents. RETIRED ENLISTED MEN. For pay of the enlisted men of the Army on the retired list, one hundred and thirty-four thousand eight hundred and seventy-two dollars and eighty seven cents. MISCELLANEOUS For pay and traveling expenses of not exceeding fifty contract surgeons, for pay of not exceeding one hundred and sixty hospital matrons, and not exceeding fourteen veterinary surgeons, as now provided by law, in all, ninety thousand dollars. Paymasters' clerks, For pay of not exceeding thirty-eight paymasters' clerks, at one thousand four hundred dollars each, not exceeding thirty paymasters' messengers, etc. messengers, and traveling expenses of expert accountant of Inspector General's Department and paymasters' clerks; in all, eighty-one thousand five hundred and twenty-one dollars and seventy-one cents: Provided, That the maximum sum to be allowed clerks of the Pay Proviso. Department, the expert accountant for the Inspector General's Department, and contract surgeons when traveling on duty shall be Maximum traveling four cents per mile, and, in addition thereto, when transportation allowance. can not be furnished by the Quartermaster's Department, the cost of same actually paid by them, exclusive of parlor car fare and transfers. For compensation of reporters and witnesses attending upon courtsmartial, and courts of inquiry, eight thousand four hundred and fifteen dollars and seventy-three cents. For additional pay to officer in charge of public buildings and grounds, in Washington, District of Columbia, one thousand dollars, For additional pay to officer commanding military prison at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, five hundred dollars. Courts-martial, etc. Public buildings, Washington, D. C. Military information For the pay of a clerk attendant on the collection and classification of military information from abroad, one thousand five hundred from abroad. dollars; and the officers detailed to obtain the same shall be entitled to mileage and transportation and also commutation of quarters while on this duty, as provided when on other duty. For pay of one expert accountant for the Inspector General's De- Expert accountant. partment, to be appointed in case of vacancy, by the Secretary of War, two thousand five hundred dollars. For commutation of quarters to commissioned officers on duty Commutation of without troops, at stations where there are no public quarters, one quarters. hundred and seventy thousand dollars. For allowances for travel, retained pay, clothing not drawn, and Allowances, etc., enfor interest on deposits, payable to enlisted men on discharge, eight listed men. hundred and ninety-nine thousand one hundred and four dollars and eighty-seven cents. Mileage to officers. Provisos. For mileage to officers when traveling on duty without troops, when authorized by law, one hundred and fifty thousand dollars: Provided, That in disbursing this amount the maximum sum to be allowed and paid to an officer shall be four cents per mile, distance to be computed over the shortest usually traveled routes, and, in addition thereto, the cost of the transportation actually paid by the officer over said route or routes, exclusive of parlor-car fare and transfers: And provided further, That when any officer so traveling On subsidized roads. shall travel in whole or in part on any railroad on which the troops and supplies of the United States are entitled to be transported free of charge, or over any of the bond-aided Pacific railroads, he shall be allowed for himself only four cents per mile as a subsistence fund for every mile necessarily traveled over any such railroads: And provided further, That the transportation furnished by the Transportation by Quartermaster's Department to officers traveling without troops shall be limited to transportation in kind, not including sleeping or parlor car accommodations, over free roads, over bond-aided Pacific railroads, and by conveyance belonging to the said Department; Making in all, for pay and general expenses of the Army, thirteen million two hundred and twenty-seven thousand six hundred and seventy-nine dollars and nineteen cents. Quartermaster's Department. Amount. All the money hereinbefore appropriated shall be disbursed and Total pay accounts. accounted for by the Pay Department as pay of the Army, and for that purpose shall constitute one fund. SUBSISTENCE OF THE ARMY. For the purchase of subsistence supplies; for issue as rations to Subsistence supplies. troops, civil employees when entitled thereto, contract surgeons, Extra-duty pay. hospital matrons, military convicts at posts, prisoners of war (including Indians held by the Army as prisoners, but for whose subsistence appropriation is not otherwise made), estimated for the fiscal year on the basis of ten million one hundred and seventy-one thousand five hundred and six rations; for sales to officers and enlisted men of the Army; for authorized extra issue of candles, salt, and vinegar; for public animals; for issues to Indians visiting military posts and to Indians employed with the Army, without pay, as guides and scouts; for payments for cooked rations for recruiting parties or recruits; for hot coffee, baked beans, and canned beef for troops traveling when it is impracticable to cook their rations; for scales, weights, measures, utensils, tools, stationery, blank books and forms, printing, advertising, commercial newspapers, use of telephones, office furniture; for temporary buildings, cellars, and other means of protecting subsistence supplies (when not provided by the Quartermaster's Department); for bake ovens at posts and in the field, and repairs thereof; for extra pay to enlisted men employed on extra duty in the Subsistence Department for periods not less than ten days, at rates fixed by law; for compensation of civilians employed in the Subsistence Department; and for other necessary expenses incident to the purchase, care, preservation, issue, sale, and accounting for subsistence supplies for the Army; for the payment of the regulation allowances for commutation in lieu of rations to enlisted men on furlough, to ordnance-sergeants on duty at ungarrisoned posts, to enlisted men stationed at places where rations in kind can not be economically issued, to enlisted men traveling on detached duty when it is impracticable to carry rations of any kind, to enlisted men selected to contest for places or prizes in the department, division, and Army rifle competitions, while traveling to and from places of contest; in all, one million seven hundred and fortyfive thousand dollars, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of War; and not more than one hundred and ten thousand Civilian employees. dollars thereof shall be applied to the payment of civilian employees of the Subsistence Department. Amount. Quartermaster's Department. Regular supplies. Provisos. QUARTERMASTER'S DEPARTMENT. Regular supplies: For the regular supplies of the Quartermaster's Department, consisting of stoves and heating apparatus, and repair and maintenance of the same, for heating barracks and quarters; of ranges and stoves for cooking; of fuel and lights for enlisted men, guards, hospitals, store-houses, and offices, and for sales to officers; for the equipment of bake-houses to carry on post bakeries; for the necessary furniture, text-books, paper, and equipments for the post schools; for the table-ware and mess furniture for kitchens and mess halls; and for garden utensils and agricultural implements for post gardens, each and all for use of the enlisted men of the Army; of forage in kind, including its protection, for the horses, mules, and oxen of the Quartermaster's Department at the several posts and stations and with the armies in the field; for the horses of the several regiments of cavalry, the batteries of artillery and such companies of infantry and scouts as may be mounted, and for the authorized number of officers' horses, including bedding for the animals; of straw for soldiers' bedding; and of stationery, including blank books for the Quartermaster's Department, certificates for discharged soldiers, blank forms for the Pay and Quartermaster's Departments. and for printing division and department orders and reports, two million six hundred and seventy-eight thousand dollars: Provided, That no part of this appropriation shall be expended on printing, unless the same shall be done by contract, after due notice and competition, except in such case as the emergency will not admit of the giving notice for competition: Provided further, That after adver- Purchases. Incidental expenses: For postage; cost of telegrams on official Incidental expenses. business received and sent by officers of the Army; extra pay to soldiers employed on extra duty under the direction of the Quartermaster's Department in the erection of barracks, quarters, and storehouses, in the construction of roads, and other constant labor, for periods of not less than ten days, and as clerks for post quartermasters at military posts; for expense of expresses to and from the frontier posts and armies in the field, of escorts to paymasters and other disbursing officers, and to trains, where military escorts can not be furnished; expenses of the interment of officers killed in action, or who die when on duty in the field, or at military posts and on the frontiers, or when traveling under orders, and of non-commissioned officers and soldiers; authorized office furniture; hire of laborers in the Quartermaster's Department, including the hire of interpreters, spies, or guides for the Army; compensation of clerks and other employees to the officers of the Quartermaster's Department, for the apprehension, securing, and delivering of deserters, and the expenses incident to their pursuit; and for the following expenditures required for the several regiments of cavalry, the batteries of light artillery, and such companies of infantry and scouts as may be mounted, and for the trains, to wit: Hire of veterinary surgeons; purchase of medicine for horses and mules, picket-ropes, blacksmiths' tools and materials, horseshoes and blacksmiths' tools for the cavalry service, and for the shoeing of horses and mules, and such additional expenditures as are necessary and authorized by law in the movement and operations of the Army and not expressly assigned to any other department, six hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars: Provided, Extra-duty pay. That two hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars of the appropriation for incidental expenses, or so much thereof as shall be necessary, shall be set aside for the payment of enlisted men on extra duty at constant labor of not less than ten days in the Quartermaster's Department, but no such payments shall be made at any greater Limitation. rate per day than is fixed by law for the class of persons employed at the work done therein. For the purchase of horses for the cavalry and artillery, and for Purchase of horses. the Indian scouts, and for such infantry as may be mounted, and the expenses incident thereto, one hundred and fifty thousand dol Limit. lars: Provided, That the number of horses purchased under this Proviso. appropriation, added to the number on hand, shall not at any time exceed the number of enlisted men and Indian scouts in the mounted. service; and that no part of this appropriation shall be paid out for horses not purchased by contract, after competition duly invited by the Quartermaster's Department, and an inspection by such department, all under the direction and authority of the Secretary of War. Army transportation: For transportation of the Army, including Transportation. baggage of the troops, when moving either by land or water; of supplies to the militia furnished by the War Department; of the necessary agents and employees; of clothing, camp and garrison equipage, and other quartermaster's stores from Army depots or places of purchase or delivery to the several posts and Army depots and from those depots to the troops in the field; of horse equipments and of subsistence stores from the places of purchase and from the places of delivery under contract to such places as the circumstances of the service may require them to be sent; of ordnance, ordnance stores, and small-arms from the foundries and armories to the arsenals, fortifications, frontier posts, and Army depots; for transportation of signal officers or parties and their equipments, instruments, stores, |