Home port. Penalty. Proviso. Limit of time. Draught. Safe loading draught er, etc. home port shall also be marked upon the stern. These names shall be painted, or carved and gilded, in Roman letters in a light color on a dark ground, or in a dark color on a light ground, and to be distinctly visible. The smallest letters used shall not be less in size. than four inches. If any vessels of the United States shall be found without these names being so marked the owner or owners shall be liable to a penalty of ten dollars for each name omitted: Provided, however, That the names on each bow may be marked within the year eighteen hundred and ninety-one.' SEC. 2. The draught of every registered vessel shall be marked upon the stem and stern post, in English feet or decimeters, in either Arabic or Roman numerals. The bottom of each numeral shall indicate the draught to that line. The owner, agent, or master of every inspected sea-going steam or to be certified by own sail vessel shall indicate the draught of water at which he shall deem his vessel safe to be loaded for the trade she is engaged in, which limit as indicated shall be stated in the vessel's certificate of inspecNot to be exceeded. tion, and it shall be unlawful for such vessel to be loaded deeper than stated in said certificate. Approved, February 21, 1891. February 21, 1891. Nashville, Tenn. of delivery. tation privileges. Vol. 21, p. 174 CHAP. 251.-An act to constitute Nashville, Tennessee, a port of delivery, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That Nashville, in Established a port the State of Tennessee, be, and is hereby, constituted a port of delivImmediate transpor- ery; and that the privileges of immediate transportation of dutiable merchandise, conferred by the act of June the tenth, eighteen hundred and eighty, entitled "An act to amend the Statutes in relation to immediate transportation of dutiable goods, and for other purposes, be, and the same are, extended to said port, and there shall be appointed a surveyor of customs for said port, to reside at such port, who shall receive a salary, to be determined in amount by the Secretary of the Treasury, not exceeding one thousand dollars. Approved, February 21, 1891. Surveyor. February 21, 1891. tics at river and harbor works. Vol. 14, pp. 73, 421. CHAP. 252.-An act to facilitate the collection of commercial statistics required by section two of the river and harbor appropriation acts of eighteen hundred and sixty-six and eighteen hundred and sixty-seven. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commercial statis- United States of America in Congress assembled, That owners, agents, masters, and clerks of vessels arriving at or departing from localities where works of river and harbor improvement are carried on shall furnish, on application of the persons in local charge of the works, a comprehensive statement of vessels, passengers, freight, and tonnage. Vessel owners, etc., furnish state must ment. Penalty Enforcement. SEC. 2. That every person or persons offending against the provisions of this act shall, for each and every offense, be liable to a fine of one hundred dollars, or imprisonment not exceeding two months, to be enforced in any district court in the United States within whose territorial jurisdiction such offense may have been committed. Approved, February 21, 1891. 1 ids division in north CHAP. 282.—An act amending the act of July twentieth, Anno Domini eight- February 24, 1891. een hundred and eighty-two, dividing the State of Iowa into two judicial districts. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the act of Creating Cedar RapCongress to divide the State of Iowa into two judicial districts, ap- ern judicial district proved July twentieth, eighteen hundred and eighty-two, be, and of Iowa. the same is hereby, amended as follows: That the counties of Cedar, Vol. 22, p. 172, Johnston, Iowa, and Tama be, and hereby are, transferred to the amended. northern district and made a part thereof; and that said counties to northern district. and the counties of Grundy, Hardin, Benton, Linn, Jones, and Clinton shall constitute a new division in said northern district, to be called the Cedar Rapids division of the northern district, the terms of court for which shall be held at the city of Cedar Rapids. All the provisions of said act approved July twentieth, eighteen Cedar Rapids, etc. hundred and eighty-two, shall be applicable to the division created by this act. Counties transferred Cedar Rapids division constituted. Terms of court at Proviso. SEC. 2. That the times for holding court in said Cedar Rapids division of the northern district shall be the third Tuesday of February and the second Tuesday in September: Provided, That all causes and proceedings, civil and criminal, from either of said counties now pending in either of said courts shall be continued to final Pending causes. adjudication or settlement in the court where now pending unless changed by order of said court. Approved, February 24, 1891. CHAP. 283.-An act making appropriations for fortifications and other works of defense, for the armament thereof, for the procurement of heavy ordnance for trial and service, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the sums of money herein provided for be, and the same are hereby, appropriated, out of any moneys in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to be available until expended, namely: PRESERVATION AND REPAIR OF FORTIFICATIONS: For the protection, preservation, and repair of fortifications for which there may be no special appropriation available, eighty thousand dollars. For preparation of plans for fortifications, five thousand dollars. For protection of the shore at Fort Monroe, Virginia, twenty-seven thousand dollars. Artesian well at Fort Monroe, Virginia: For obtaining water for the garrison, six thousand dollars. TORPEDOES FOR HARBOR DEFENSE: For the purchase of subma- Torpedoes. rine mines and necessary appliances to operate them for closing the channels leading to our principal seaports, fifty thousand dollars. For needful casemates, and cable galleries, to render it possible to operate submarine mines, fifty thousand dollars. Torpedo station, Yerba Buena Island, For construction of a wharf, a keeper's dwelling, and for a water supply for the torpedo station at Yerba Buena Island, California, California. sixteen thousand dollars. teries: Boston, New GUN AND MORTAR BATTERIES: For construction of gun and mor- Gun and mortar battar batteries for defense of Boston Harbor, New York Harbor, San York, San Francisco, Francisco Harbor, Hampton Roads, and Washington, seven hun- Hampton, Washing. dred and fifty thousand dollars. ton. fenses. SITES FOR FORTIFICATIONS AND SEACOAST DEFENSES: For the Sites for fortificaprocurement of land, or right pertaining thereto, needed for the tions and seacoast desite, location, construction, or prosecution of works, for fortifications and coast defenses, five hundred thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. 51-2-6 Under supervision of Board. Vol. 25, p. 489. Armament of forti fications. For the following, to be expended under the direct supervision of the Board of Ordnance and Fortification, created by the fortification appropriation act, approved September twenty-second, eighteen hundred and eighty-eight, and in the manner prescribed by said act, namely: ARMAMENT OF FORTIFICATIONS: For the manufacture (finishing Steel seacoast guns. and assembling) of eight-inch, ten-inch, and twelve-inch steel seacoast guns from forgings procured under fortification act of September twenty-second, eighteen hundred and eighty-eight, seventy thousand dollars. Steel field-guns. Carriages. Alterations. Machines, improvement, etc., at Watertown Arsenal, Mass. Pa. Frankford Arsenal, Machinery, etc. Powder issues to the service. Projectile issues to the service. Tests, etc., of guns, etc. Proving ground, Sandy Hook, N. J. Repairs, etc. nance officers. Compensation draughtsmen. For steel field-guns of three and two-tenths-inch caliber, twentyfive thousand dollars. For metallic carriages for field-gun batteries, sixty-one thousand dollars. For carriages for field-mortars of three and six-tenths-inch caliber, five thousand seven hundred and sixty dollars. For carriages for siege-rifles of five-inch caliber, thirty thousand dollars. For carriages for siege-howitzers of seven-inch caliber, thirty-five thousand dollars. For alteration of existing carriages for ten-inch and fifteen-inch smooth-bore guns to adapt them to present service conditions, fifty thousand dollars. For machines, and for improvement of existing plant at the Watertown Arsenal, Massachusetts, for the manufacture of seacoast guncarriages, including those of new design, twenty-seven thousand dollars. For sights and implements for guns and for fuses, six thousand dollars. For machinery and tools for the manufacture of fuses at Frankford Arsenal, Pennsylvania, eight thousand five hundred dollars. For inspecting instruments, gauges, and templets, for the manufacture of cannon, five thousand dollars. For powders for issues to the service, namely: For siege guns; for seacoast mortars of twelve-inch caliber; for seacoast high-power steel guns; in all, forty thousand dollars. For projectiles for issues to the service, namely, for steel shell or shrapnel for field guns; for cast-iron projectiles for field and siege guns; for cast-iron projectiles for seacoast mortars of twelve-inch caliber; for cast-iron projectiles for seacoast high power steel guns; in all, fifty-three thousand dollars. For steel shell for siege and seacoast cannon, fifteen thousand dollars. For purchase and erection of steel plates for representative experiments upon armored decks, twelve thousand dollars. For steel armor-piercing projectiles for seacoast guns, one hundred thousand dollars. For purchase and erection of armor-plate for testing armor-piercing projectiles, twenty-four thousand dollars. For testing one seacoast breech-loading rifled mortar, steel, of twelve-inch caliber, fifteen thousand dollars. For current expenses and maintenance of the ordnance provingground, Sandy Hook, New Jersey, including general repairs, alterations, and accessories, and including a crane, incidental to testing and proving ordnance, including hire of assistants for ordnance board, skilled mechanical labor, purchase of instruments and other supplies, building and repairing butts and targets, clearing and grading ranges, and extending iron tramway, thirty-eight thousand ord four hundred dollars; for the necessary expenses of ordnance officers while temporarily employed at the proving-ground and absent from their proper stations, at the rate of two dollars and fifty cents per diem while so employed, and for the compensation of draughtsmen of while employed in the Army ordnance bureau on ordnance construction, as provided in the fortifications act, approved September Vol. 25, p. 489. twenty-second, eighteen hundred and eighty-eight, nine thousand five hundred dollars; in all, forty-seven thousand nine hundred dol lars. For purchase of hoisting engine, and steam shovel for grading and Hoisting engine, etc. for building and repairing proof butts at the proving-ground, Sandy Hook, New Jersey, three thousand eight hundred dollars. coast-defense guns. For purchase of oil-tempered and annealed steel for high-power Purchase of steel for coast defense guns of eight, ten, and twelve-inch caliber, in quality and dimensions conforming to specifications, subject to inspection at each stage of the manufacture, and including all the parts of each caliber, eight hundred thousand dollars. Provided, That no contract for the expenditure of any portion of the money herein provided, or that may be hereafter provided for the purchase of steel shall be made until the same shall have been submitted to public competition by the Department by advertise ment. Proviso. Contracts for mate rial. For carriages for steel breech-loading seacoast guns, procured Carriages for steel under the fortification act of September twenty-second, eighteen breech-loaders. hundred and eighty-eight, one hundred thousand dollars. carriages. For two gun-carriages of the disappearing-type, fifty six thousand Disappearing gunfive hundred dollars, together with the sum of thirteen thousand five hundred dollars appropriated for one ten-inch disappearing gun carriage by the act of March second, eighteen hundred and eighty- Vol. 25, p. 887. nine, which sum is hereby reappropriated for the object herein mentioned. ARMY GUN FACTORY, WATERVLIET ARSENAL, WEST TROY, NEW YORK: For boring lathe and planer adapted to the manufacture of siege-guns and howitzers in small gun-shop at the army gun factory, four thousand one hundred dollars. Watervliet Arsenal, To complete army To complete army gun factory building at Watervliet Arsenal, West Troy, New York, by the erection of south wing, inclusive of gun factory building. ways for traveling cranes, two hundred and forty-eight thousand seven hundred and forty-three dollars. For machinery, tools, power plant, and fixtures adapted to the Machinery, etc. manufacture of steel seacoast guns, to complete the equipment of the south wing of army gun factory at Watervliet Arsenal, West Troy, New York, two hundred and sixty-eight thousand dollars. For iron framework, with adjustable platforms and centers for Shrinkage pit. fitting up shrinkage pit, and for drainage of shrinkage pit at army gun factory, fourteen thousand dollars. Locomotive, trucks, For locomotive and cars or trucks for shifting guns and material and transportation between gun factory and river wharf, nine thou- etc. sand dollars. For increase of facilities at Watervliet Arsenal for shipment by Shipment facilities. water, including repairs to wharf, dredging, and extending and setting up fifty-ton hand-power loading crane, six thousand five hundred dollars. Board of Ordnance and Fortification. Experimental tests, sives, projectiles, ar BOARD OF ORDNANCE AND FORTIFICATION: To enable the board to make all needful and proper purchases, experiments, and tests to ascertain, with a view to their utilization by the Government, the etc. of guns, explomost effective guns, small arms, cartridges, projectiles, fuses, ex- mor plates, etc. plosives, torpedoes, armor-plates, and other implements and engines of war, and to purchase, or cause to be manufactured under authority of the Secretary of War, such guns, carriages, armor-plates, and other war materials and articles as may, in the judgment of the board, be necessary in the proper discharge of the duty devolved upon it by the act approved September twenty-second, eighteen hundred and eighty-eight, one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Appointment of one additional member of And one additional member shall be added to said Board of Ordnance and Fortification who shall be a civilian and not an ex- Board. Civillian. officer of the regular Army or Navy, and he shall be nominated by the President, and by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, Compensation, etc. appointed, and shall be paid a salary of five thousand dollars per Proviso. Annual Report. Laws, 1st sess., 51st Cong., p. 319, modified. annum and actual traveling expenses when traveling on duty: Provided, That the Board of Ordnance and Fortification shall make an annual report to Congress through the Secretary of War, on the first Monday in December in each year, showing the general operations of the Board and shall give a detailed statement of all contracts, allotments and expenditures made by the Board; the first of these reports to cover these subject-matters from the beginning of the operations by the Board until the first report which they shall make. That section two of "An act making appropriations for fortifications and other works of defense, for the armament thereof, for the procurement of heavy ordnance for trial and service, and for other purposes," approved August eighteenth, eighteen hundred and ninety, is hereby modified and enlarged so that the amount authorized to be Maximum limit of expended thereunder be increased to four million two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, to be expended on the terms and conditions and for the purposes therein set forth, except that fifty thousand of said sum shall be reserved to cover all expenses other than the powder Decreased number and projectiles incident to the tests and inspection of the guns, and also that the Secretary of War be authorized to contract thereunder for such less number of guns than one hundred as he may deem for the best interests of the Government. expenditure enlarged. Reservation. of heavy guns may be purchased. American manufac ture. Exception. That all material purchased under the foregoing provisions of this act shall be of American manufacture, except in cases when, in the judgment of the Secretary of War, it is to the manifest interest Foreign material, of the United States to make purchases in limited quantities abroad, which material shall be admitted free of duty. duty free. U. S. powder depot, Dover, N. J. SEC. 2. That the Secretary War be, and he is hereby, authorized to transfer such portion of the site of the United States powder Transfer, part of, to depot, near Dover, New Jersey, to the Navy Department for magazine purposes as in his judgment may be for the interest of the public service, and the property so transferred shall thereafter be under the exclusive jurisdiction of the Secretary of the Navy. Navy Department. Jurisdiction. Approved, February 24, 1891. February 24, 1891. tions. CHAP. 284.-An act making appropriations for the support of the Army for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-two, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Army appropria United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, and they are hereby, appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the support of the Army for the year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninetytwo: Pay. Line officers. Additional. Longevity. FOR PAY OF OFFICERS OF THE LINE. For pay of officers of the line, two million eight hundred and fiftyseven thousand dollars. Additional pay for twenty-one aids-de-camp, and officers of footregiments when mounted by proper authority, additional to and payable with their current monthly pay, nine thousand three hundred and thirty-eight dollars and thirty-three cents. For pay of officers for length of service, to be paid with their current monthly pay eight hundred and seventy-nine thousand five hundred and twenty dollars. |