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Secretary of War to

Said bridge or bridges shall be built and located under and subject to such regulations for the security of navigation as the Secretary of Security of navigaWar shall prescribe; and to secure that object the said company or corporation shall submit to the Secretary of War, for his examination and approval, a design and drawings of the bridge or bridges, approve plans, etc. and a map of the location or locations, giving, for the space of one mile above and one mile below the proposed location or locations, the high and low water lines upon the banks of the river or rivers, the direction and strength of the current at all stages of the water, with the soundings, accurately showing the bed of the stream, and the location of any other bridge or bridges, such map to be sufficiently in detail to enable the Secretary of War to judge of the proper location of said bridge, and shall furnish such other information as may be required for a full and satisfactory understanding of the subject; and until the said plan and location of the bridge or bridges are approved by the Secretary of War the bridge or bridges shall not be built, and should any change be made in the plan of said bridge or bridges during the progress of construction or after completion such changes shall be subject to the approval of the Secretary of War. SEC. 4. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this act is hereby Amendment, etc. expressly reserved, and the right to require any changes in said structure, or its entire removal, at the expense of the owners thereof, or the corporation or persons controlling the same, whenever the public interest requires it, is also expressly reserved.

Change in plan.


SEC. 5. On any bridge or bridges constructed under the provisions of this act there shall be maintained, at the expense of the company or corporation owning or controlling the same, such lights Lights, etc. and other signals as may be prescribed by the Light-House Board. SEC. 6. That this act shall be null and void if actual construction of the bridges herein authorized be not commenced within one year and completed within three years from the date hereof. Approved, December 26, 1890.

Commencement and completion.

CHAP. 38.-An act to provide for the purchase of a site and the erection of a public building thereon at Beatrice, in the State of Nebraska.

December 27, 1890.

Public building, etc.

vertised for.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secre- Beatrice, Nebr. tary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to acquire, by purchase, condemnation, or otherwise, a site, and to cause to be erected thereon a suitable building, including fire-proof Building. vaults, heating and ventilating apparatus, elevators, and approaches for the use and accommodation of the United States post-office and other Government offices in the city of Beatrice, and State of Nebraska, the cost of said site and building, including said vaults, Cost. heating and ventilating apparatus, elevators and approaches complete, not to exceed the sum of sixty thousand dollars. Proposals for the sale of land suitable for said site shall be invited Proposals to be adby public advertisement in one or more of the newspapers of said city of largest circulation for at least twenty days prior to the date specified in said advertisement for the opening of said proposals. Proposals made in response to said advertisement shall be addressed Responses, and mailed to the Secretary of the Treasury, who shall then cause the said proposed sites, and such others as he may think proper to designate, to be examined in person by an agent of the Treasury Department, who shall make written report to said Secretary of the by Treasury agent. results of said examination, and of his recommendation thereon, and the reasons therefor, which shall be accompanied by the original proposals and all maps, plats, and statements which shall have come into his possession relating to the said proposed sites.

Examination, etc.

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If, upon consideration of said report and accompanying papers, the Secretary of the Treasury shall deem further investigation necessary Appointment of com- he may appoint a commission of not more than three persons, one of whom shall be an officer of the Treasury Department, which commission shall also examine the said proposed sites, and such others as the Secretary of the Treasury may designate, and grant such hearings in relation thereto as they shall deem necessary; and said commission shall, within thirty days after such examination, make Examination and to the Secretary of the Treasury written report of their conclusion in the premises, accompanied by all statements, maps, plats, or documents taken by or submitted to them, in like manner as hereinbefore provided in regard to the proceedings of said agent of the TreasDetermination of lo- ury Department; and the Secretary of the Treasury shall thereupon finally determine the location of the building to be erected. The Compensation of compensation of said commissioners shall be fixed by the Secretary of the Treasury, but the same shall not exceed six dollars per day and actual traveling expenses: Provided, however, That the memTreasury member. ber of said commission appointed from the Treasury Department shall be paid only his actual traveling expenses.




No expenditure until

No money shall be used for the purpose mentioned until a valid valid title, etc., pass. title to the site for said building shall be vested in the United States, nor until the State of Nebraska shall have ceded to the United States exclusive jurisdiction over the same during the time the United States shall be or remain the owner thereof, for all purposes except the administration of the criminal laws of said State and the service of civil process therein.

Open space.

December 27, 1890.

Camden, Ark.
Public building, etc.


Plans, etc.


No purchase of site until building esti

mates approved.


Open space.

No expenditure until valid title, etc., pass.

The building shall be unexposed to danger from fire by an open space of at least forty feet on each side, including streets and alleys. Approved, December 27, 1890.

CHAP. 39.-An act for the erection of a public building at Camden, Arkansas. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to purchase or otherwise provide a site, and cause to be erected thereon a substantial and commodious building, with fire-proof vaults, for the use and accommodation of the post-office, the land offices, and for other Government uses at Camden, Arkansas. The site and building thereon, when completed upon plans and specifications to be previously made and approved by the Secretary of the Treasury, shall not exceed in cost the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars; nor shall any site be purchased until estimates for the erection of a building which will furnish sufficient accommodations for the transaction of the public business, and which shall not exceed in cost the balance of the sum herein limited after the site shall have been purchased and paid for, shall have been approved by the Secretary of the Treasury; and no purchase of site, nor plan for said building, shall be approved by the Secretary of the Treasury involving an expenditure exceeding the said sum of twenty-five thousand dollars for site and building; and the site purchased shall leave the building unexposed to danger from fire by an open space of at least forty feet, including streets and alleys: Provided, That no part of said sum shall be expended until a valid title to the said site shall be vested in the United States, nor until the State of Arkansas shall cede to the United States exclusive jurisdiction over the same during the time the United States shall be or remain the owner thereof, for all purposes except the administration of the criminal laws of said State and the service of civil process therein.

Approved, December 27, 1890.

CHAP. 40.-An act to provide for the erection of a public building in the city of Fargo, North Dakota.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed. to purchase a site for, and cause to be erected thereon, a suitable building, with fire-proof vaults therein, for the accommodation of the post-office and United States courts, at the city of Fargo, North Dakota. The plans, specifications, and full estimates for said building shall be previously made and approved according to law, and shall not exceed, for the site and building complete, the sum of one hundred thousand dollars: Provided, That the site purchased shall leave the building unexposed to danger from fire in adjacent buildings by an open space of not less than fifty feet, including streets and alleys: Provided further, That no money appropriated for this purpose shall be available until a valid title to the site for said building shall be vested in the United States, nor until the State of North Dakota shall have ceded to the United States exclusive jurisdiction over the same, during the time the United States shall be or remain the owner thereof, for all purposes except the administration of the criminal laws of said State and the service of civil process therein. Approved, December 27, 1890.

CHAP. 42.-An act to provide for the erection of a public building in the city of Norfolk, in the State of Virginia.

December 27, 1890.

Fargo, N. Dak.
Public building, etc.



Plans, estimates, etc.

Limit of cost.


Open space. Appropriation unatitle, etc., pass.

vailable until valid

January 2, 1891.

Public building, etc.



Proposals to be ad

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to acquire, by purchase, condemnation, or otherwise, a site, and cause to be erected thereon a suitable building, including fire-proof vaults, heating and ventilating apparatus, elevators, and approaches, for the use and accommodation of the United States Courts, post-office, and other Government offices, in the city of Norfolk and State of Virginia, the cost of said site and building, including said vaults, heating cost. and ventilating apparatus, elevators, and approaches, complete, not to exceed the sum of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Proposals for the sale of land suitable for said site shall be invited by public advertisement in one or more of the newspapers of said vertised for. city of largest circulation for at least twenty days prior to the date specified in said advertisement for the opening of said proposals. Proposals made in response to said advertisement shall be addressed and mailed to the Secretary of the Treasury, who shall then cause the said proposed sites, and such others as he may think proper to designate, to be examined in person by an agent of the Treasury Examination, etc. by Department, who shall make written report to said Secretary of the Treasury agent. results of said examination, and of his recommendation thereon, and the reasons therefor, which shall be accompanied by the original proposals and all maps, plats, and statements which shall have come

into his possession relating to the said proposed sites.

If, upon consideration of said report and accompanying papers,

the Secretary of the Treasury shall deem further investigation neces


sary, he may appoint a commission of not more than three persons, Appointment of comone of whom shall be an officer of the Treasury Department, which mission. commission shall also examine the said proposed sites, and such others as the Secretary of the Treasury may designate, and grant such hearings in relation thereto as they shall deem necessary; and said commission shall, within thirty days after such examination, make to the Secretary of the Treasury written report of their conclusion in the premises, accompanied by all statements, maps, plats, or port.



Examination and re

documents taken by or submitted to them, in like manner as hereinbefore provided in regard to the proceedings of said agent of the TreasDetermination of lo- ury Department; and the Secretary of the Treasury shall thereupon finally determine the location of the building to be erected.


Compensation of commissioners.


The compensation of said commissioners shall be fixed by the Secretary of the Treasury, but the same shall not exceed six dollars per day and actual traveling expenses: Provided, however, That the Treasury member. member of said commission appointed from the Treasury Department shall be paid only his actual traveling expenses.

No expenditure until

No money shall be used for the purpose mentioned until a valid valid title, etc., pass. title to the site for said building shall be vested in the United States, nor until the State of Virginia shall have ceded to the United States exclusive jurisdiction over the same, during the time the United States shall be or remain the owner thereof, for all purposes except the administration of the criminal laws of said State and the service of civil process therein.

Open space.

The building shall be unexposed to danger from fire by an open space of at least forty feet on each side, including streets and alleys. Approved, January 2, 1891.

January 2, 1891.

Taunton, Mass.


CHAP. 43.-An act to provide for the purchase of a site, and the erection of a public building thereon, at Taunton, in the State of Massachusetts.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary Public building, etc. of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to acquire, by purchase, condemnation, or otherwise, a site, and cause to be erected thereon a suitable building, including fire-proof vaults, heating and ventilating apparatus, elevators, and approaches, for the use and accommodation of the United States post-office and other Government offices, in the city of Taunton and State of Massachusetts, the cost of said site and building, including said vaults, heating and ventilating apparatus, elevators, and approaches, complete, not to exceed the sum of seventy-five thousand dollars.


Proposals to be advertised for.


Treasury agent.

Proposals for the sale of land suitable for said site shall be invited by public advertisement in one or more of the newspapers of said city of largest circulation for at least twenty days prior to the date specified in said advertisement for the opening of said proposals.

Proposals made in response to said advertisement shall be addressed and mailed to the Secretary of the Treasury, who shall then cause the said proposed sites, and such others as he may think proper Examination, etc., by to designate, to be examined in person by an agent of the Treasury Department, who shall make written report to said Secretary of the results of said examination, and of his recommendation thereon, and the reasons therefor, which shall be accompanied by the original proposals and all maps, plats, and statements which shall have come into his possession relating to the said proposed sites.

If, upon consideration of said report and accompanying papers, the Secretary of the Treasury shall deem further investigation Appointment of com- necessary, he may appoint a commission of not more than three per



sons, one of whom shall be an officer of the Treasury Department, which commission shall also examine the said proposed sites, and such others as the Secretary of the Treasury may designate, and grant such hearings in relation thereto as they shall deem necessary; and said commission shall, within thirty days after such examinaExamination and re- tion, make to the Secretary of the Treasury written report of their conclusion in the premises, accompanied by all statements, maps, plats, or documents taken by or submitted to them, in like manner as hereinbefore provided in regard to the proceedings of said agent of the Treasury Department; and the Secretary of the Treasury shall thereupon finally determine the location of the building to be erected.


Determination of lo




The compensation of said commissioners shall be fixed by the Sec- Compensation of retary of the Treasury, but the same shall not exceed six dollars per day and actual traveling expenses: Provided, however, That the member of said commission appointed from the Treasury Depart- Treasury member. ment shall be paid only his actual traveling expenses.

No money shall be used for the purpose mentioned until a valid title to the site for said building shall be vested in the United States, nor until the State of Massachusetts shall have ceded to the United States exclusive jurisdiction over the same, during the time the United States shall be or remain the owner thereof, for all purposes except the administration of the criminal laws of said State and the service of civil process therein.

The building shall be unexposed to danger from fire by an open space of at least forty feet on each side, including streets and alleys. Approved, January 2, 1891.

No expenditure until valid title, etc., pass.

Open space.

CHAP. 44.-An act to provide for the purchase of a site and the erection of a public building thereon at Kansas City, in the State of Missouri.

January 2, 1891.

Kansas City, Mo.
Public building, etc.


Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to acquire by purchase, condemnation, or otherwise, a site, and to cause to be erected thereon a suitable building, including fire-proof vaults, Building. heating and ventilating apparatus, elevators, and approaches, for the use and accommodation of the United States post-office, courts, and other Government offices in Kansas City and State of Missouri, the cost of said site and building, including said vaults, heating and ventilating apparatus, elevators, and approaches complete, not to exceed the sum of one million two hundred thousand dollars. Proposals for the sale of land suitable for said site shall be invited Proposals to be adby public advertisement in one or more of the newspapers of said city, of largest circulation, for at least twenty days prior to the date specified in said advertisement for the opening of said proposals.

Proposals made in response to said advertisement shall be addressed and mailed to the Secretary of the Treasury, who shall then cause the said proposed sites, and such others as he may think proper


vertised for.


to designate, to be examined in person by an agent of the Treasury Examination, etc., by Department, who shall make written report to said Secretary of the Treasury agent. results of said examination and of his recommendation thereon and

the reasons therefor, which shall be accompanied by the original proposals, and all maps, plats, and statements which shall have come into his possession relating to the said proposed sites.

If, upon consideration of said report and accompanying papers,

the Secretary of the Treasury shall deem further investigation nec

essary, he may appoint a commission of not more than three persons, Appointment of comone of whom shall be an officer of the Treasury Department, which mission. commission shall also examine the said proposed sites, and such others as the Secretary of the Treasury may designate, and grant

Examination and re

such hearings in relation thereto as they shall deem necessary; and Hearings.
said commission shall, within thirty days after such examination,
make to the Secretary of the Treasury written report of their con-
clusion in the premises, accompanied by all statements, maps, plats, port.
or documents taken by or submitted to them, in like manner as
herein before provided in regard to the proceedings of said agent of
the Treasury Department; and the Secretary of the Treasury shall
thereupon finally determine the location of the building to be erected, cation.
The compensation of said commissioners shall be fixed by the Sec-
retary of the Treasury, but the same shall not exceed six dollars per
day and actual traveling expenses: Provided, however, That the

Determination of lo

Compensation of com



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