Kenya National Assembly Official Record (Hansard)The official records of the proceedings of the Legislative Council of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, the House of Representatives of the Government of Kenya and the National Assembly of the Republic of Kenya. |
Common terms and phrases
Aga Khan Hospital Angwenyi asked the Minister Assistant Minister assure this House beg to reply Board of Kenya cess Chair cheque Coffee Board Constitution of Kenya cost Development Division Bell ensure facility Gachagua Government Gumo hospitals improve inciting invade private land investors Isiolo District issues Kaindi Kembi-Gitura Kisii district Korir KPCU Kshs1.6 billion Kshs20 million Kuria District Leshore licences Ligale Machage Maragua District Mbau Members Meru North District Minister aware Minister for Education Minister for Roads Minister for Trade Ministerial Statement Ministry of Trade Mombasa Motor Corporation Muiruri Munya Murang'a District Mwiria Ndung'u Report Ngilu nurses Odero Ojiambo Ojode Okundi Olweny Onyancha opportunities point of order Private Notice Prof Question by Private Roads and Public Sambu Science and Technology Sessional Paper Syongo Tarus Teleposta Temporary Deputy Speaker Thika Trade and Industry Wamwere weigh bridge