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90th Congress, H. R. 2901
March 21, 1968

An Act

To designate the Oahe Reservoir on the Missouri River in the States of
North Dakota and South Dakota as Lake Oahe.

82 STAT. 51

Lake Oahe,

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Oahe Reservoir on the Missouri River in the States of North Dakota and South N. Dak-S. Dak. Dakota shall be known and designated hereafter as Lake Oahe in Designation. honor of the Indian people who inhabited the great Missouri River Basin. Any law, regulation, document, or record of the United States in which such reservoir is referred to by any other name shall be held and considered to refer to such reservoir by the name of Lake Oahe. Approved March 21, 1968.


HOUSE REPORT No. 1072 (Comm. on Interior & Insular Affairs).
SENATE REPORT No. 1011 (Comm. on Interior & Insular Affairs).

Feb. 19: Considered and passed House.
Mar. 11: Considered and passed Senate.

90th Congress, S. 1946

May 18, 1968

An Act

To amend the repayment contract with the Foss Reservoir Master Conservancy
District, and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary Foss Reservoir of the Interior is authorized to conduct feasibility studies in the areas Master Conservserving the Foss Reservoir Master Conservancy District to determine anoy District. alternative water sources and the most practicable and feasible methods Feasibility of alleviating the problems associated with the poor quality and supply of water stored in Foss Reservoir, Washita River Basin project, Oklahoma.


82 STAT. 124

SEC. 2. In order to assist the Foss Reservoir Master Conservancy 82 STAT. 125 District in developing an adequate interim water supply, the Secretary of the Interior is authorized to relieve the District (1) of the obligation of making any further construction charge payments under its repayment contract with the United States, numbered 14-06-500-322, dated February 14, 1958, as amended, and (2) of any interest accrual on its total obligation, until initial delivery of water is made which the Secretary considers to be satisfactory for municipal and industrial use. The Secretary is also authorized (a) to refund to the District the amount of $218,364.62, representing the amount already paid under such contract and to revise such contract by adding such amount to the obligation for future payment, (b) to further revise such contract so that further payments on its construction charge obligation will be rescheduled in a manner satisfactory to the Secretary over a period not to exceed fifty years from the date of the aforementioned delivery of water, and (c) to cancel any penalties which have accrued on any unpaid matured construction charge payments.

SEC. 3. The Secretary of the Interior may use any funds that are otherwise available to him to carry out this Act. Approved May 18, 1968.


HOUSE REPORT No. 1293 (Comm. on Interior & Insular Affairs).
SENATE REPORT No. 702 (Comm. on Interior & Insular Affairs).

Vol. 113 (1967): Nov. 6, considered and passed Senate.
Vol. 114 (1968): May 6, considered and passed House.

90th Congress, S. 1251
July 13, 1968

An Act

To make certain reclamation project expenses nonreimbursable.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That, notwithstanding any provision of the Federal reclamation laws, as amended and supplemented, (a) severance payments heretofore made to employees of the Department of the Interior resulting from the transfer to the A and B Irrigation District of operation and maintenance responsibilities for the North Side pumping division of the Minidoka Federal reclamation project, Idaho, and (b) severance payments which hereafter may be made to employees of the Department of the Interior as a result of the transfer to the Quincy-Columbia Basin Irrigation District, the East Columbia Basin Irrigation District, and the South Columbia Basin Irrigation District of operation and maintenance responsibilities for the irrigation facilities of the Columbia Basin Federal reclamation project, Washington, shall be nonreimbursable and nonreturnable.

Approved July 13, 1968.

82 STAT. 354

Reclamation project employees. Severance pay.


HOUSE REPORT No. 1538 (Comm. on Interior & Insular Affairs)
SENATE REPORT No. 457 (Comm. on Interior & Insular Affairs)


Vol. 113 (1967):

Vol. 114 (1968):

Aug. 2, considered and passed Senate.
June 17, considered and passed House, amended.
July 2, Senate concurred in House amendment.

90th Congress, S. 2445

August 3, 1968

An Act

To amend part I of the Federal Power Act to clarify the manner in which the licensing authority of the Commission and the right of the United States to take over a project or projects upon or after the expiration of any license shall be exercised.

49 Stat. 842.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That section 7 of Federal Power the Federal Power Act, as amended (16 U.S.C. 800), is amended by Commission. adding thereto the following new subsection: Licensing "(c) Whenever, after notice and opportunity for hearing, the Com- authority. mission determines that the United States should exercise its right upon or after the expiration of any license to take over any project or projects for public purposes, the Commission shall not issue a new license to the original licensee or to a new licensee but shall submit its recommendation to Congress together with such information as it may consider appropriate."

82 STAT. 616 82 STAT. 617

SEC. 2. Section 14 of the Federal Power Act, as amended (16 U.S.C. 807), is amended by inserting "(a)" immediately preceding the first sentence thereof and by adding thereto the following new subsection: "(b) No earlier than five years before the expiration of any license, Right of Govthe Commission shall entertain applications for a new license and ernment to decide them in a relicensing proceeding pursuant to the provisions of take over section 15. In any relicensing proceeding before the Commission any project. Federal department or agency may timely recommend, pursuant to such rules as the Commission shall prescribe, that the United States exercise its right to take over any project or projects. Thereafter, the Commission, if its does not itself recommend such action pursuant to the provisions of section 7(c) of this part, shall upon motion of such department or agency stay the effective date of any order issuing a license, except an order issuing an annual license in accordance with the proviso of section 15 (a), for two years after the date of issuance of such order, after which period the stay shall terminate, unless terminated earlier upon motion of the department or agency requesting the stay or by action of Congress. The Commission shall notify the Con- Notice to gress of any stay granted pursuant to this subsection."


SEC. 3. Section 15 of of the Federal Power Act, as amended (16 U.S.C. 808), is amended by inserting "(a)" immediately preceding the 41 Stat. 1072. first sentence thereof and by adding thereto the following new


"(b) In issuing any licenses under this section except an annual Licenses for license, the Commission, on its own motion or upon application of any nonpower use. licensee, person, State, municipality, or State commission, after notice to each State commission and licensee affected, and after opportunity for hearing, whenever it finds that in conformity with a comprehensive plan for improving or developing a waterway or waterways for beneficial public uses all or part of any licensed project should no longer be used or adapted for use for power purposes, may license all or part of the project works for nonpower use. A license for nonpower use shall be issued to a new licensee only on the condition that the new licensee shall, before taking possession of the facilities encompassed thereunder, pay such amount and assume such contracts as the United States is required to do, in the manner specified in section 14 hereof. Any license for nonpower use shall be a temporary license. Whenever, in the judgment of the Commission, a State, municipality, interstate agency, or another Federal agency is authorized and willing to assume regulatory supervision of the lands and facilities included under the nonpower license and does so, the Commission shall thereupon terminate the license. Consistent with the provisions of the Act of Au- Recordkeeping.

82 STAT, 617

16 USC 828


16 USC 808.

gust 15, 1953 (67 Stat. 587), every licensee for nonpower use shall Keep such accounts and file such annual and other periodic or special reports concerning the removal, alteration, nonpower use, or other disposition of any project works or parts thereof covered by the nonpower use license as the Commission may by rules and regulations or order prescribe as necessary or appropriate."

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SEC. 4. Section 10 (d) of the Federal Power Act, as amended (16 U.S.C. 803), is amended by adding at the end thereof the following: "For new any license issued under section 15, the amortization reserves under this subsection shall be maintained on and after the effective date of such new license."

Approved August 3, 1968.


HOUSE REPORT No. 1643 accompanying H. R. 12698 (Comm. on Interstate
& Foreign Commerce).

SENATE REPORT No. 1338 (Comm. on Commerce).

July 10: Considered and passed Senate.

July 15: Considered and passed House, amended, in lieu of

H. R. 12698.

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