of Great Britain, a funeral service will be solemnized in the parish church of St. Germain-en-Laye by the Bishop of Cybistra, coadjutor of Edinburgh, on the occasion of the translation of some mortal remains of James II.! The subjects of his Britannic Majesty are invited to attend." When we saw this, we conceived it a piece of Parisian pleasantry, and only wondered how such a badinage upon legitimacy escaped the censorship. The feeling, however was very different, when we found by next day's post that the disinterment had actually taken place, that a grand procession of priests had performed a solemn mummery on the occasion, and that the rotten bones of this old bigot had been almost all but canonized. One part of it, however, we must still take the liberty of doubting, and that is, that any portion of this impiety was committed by any order from our Sovereign. It does appear to us to be an impudent libel. The living carcase of this crowned enemy was ejected from the throne and the kingdom, and we cannot see how the worms can have qualified its mouldering remnant for any posthumous honour! James was a tyrant in England-a coward in Ireland, and a bigot in both-we know of no virtue by which his vices were redeemed, or of no vice even sufficiently respectable to mitigate the contempt in which kings and people should alike hold his memory. The farce was in all probability got up by some of the superstitious dotards, who crawl in the train of the old Catholic regime. The only news from Spain is what might have been expected and what must be expected as long as the present system continues. A band of Constitutionalists, who had taken refuge in Gibraltar, manned an expedition and succeeded in seizing the fortress of Tarifa with a part of the garrison, of which they are said to have been in communication. The assistance of the French troops was obliged to be called in, O'Donnell and his adherents not being considered sufficient to retake it. The fortress was retaken by the French after a formal bombardment, and though some of the Constitutionalists were taken, many escaped. Ferdinand has been busy ever since in distributing medals and orders to the French soldiery. Another Constitutional expedition landed on the Spanish coast, higher up the Mediterranean, and proceeding in the direction of Malaga will probably furnish him with an opportunity for a fresh distribution. It is quite clear from all this, that the French must either keep perpetual possession of the country, or that where they go, it would be very pruthey dent for the beloved Ferdinand to take a trip along with them. As it is, he seems afraid even to trust his own Spanish troops about his person, having engaged for his own especial service, a troop of Saxon body guards. The principal part of the Spaniards engaged under Valdes in the affair of Tarifa escaped to Tangier after its re-capture by the French. We are glad, in our present number, to be enabled to afford to the friends of Greece some consolation for the dismal intelligence which we were reluctantly compelled to convey to them in our last. Ipsara, whose capture by the Turks under such complicated circumstances of treachery and cruelty we were obliged to announce, has been retaken, and with a terrible re-action. Soon after the discovery of the Albanian perfidy, as many of the Ipsariots as were able quitted the island, and appealing successfully for assistance to the people of Hydra and Spezzia, returned and made a gallant attack upon the Turkish fleet, which they succeeded in almost totally disabling. The remnant of the Turkish naval force fled, leaving some thousands of their troops upon the island; these the Ipsariots totally destroyed and became once more masters of their island. There was one act of heroism performed during this re-capture so eminently conspicuous that we cannot mingle with the mere general details of that day's bravery. A body of Ipsariots under the command of a Greek named Maroaki, finding themselves unable to defend the fortress of Nicholo which had been entrusted to their protection, hoisted a flag on which was inscribed Liberty or Death, and immediately blew up the fort, involving themselves and about twelve hundred Turks in instant destruction; this noble band, worthy of Thermopylæ, amounted to about eighty. Surely such a people, however temporarily enthralled, cannot be held in permanent subjection. Letters from Constantinople state that the fleet of their Capitan Pacha has been renovated, and will take signal retribution; they also declare that the force of the Pacha of Egypt is very formidable. The season is, however, now far advanced, and we hope their efforts will be impeded-This noble people are a reproach to Christian Europe, and their fate, if they perish, * will go down so to the latest posterity -they will not share however the opprobrium of their age, of which we fear even their heroism cannot afford any redemption. News had been received at the Brazils of the late commotions in Portugal which quite lulled all the apprehensions of an invasion which they fully expected, and to repel which they had made very spirited preparations. A grand expedition had, however, sailed under the command of Lord Cochrane to repress some insurrection which was in progress on the coast. A report was in circulation, that his Lordship was about to return home, and was likely to receive some mark of Royal favour. This had been since contradicted by his friends. The domestic news of this month is meagre, as might have been expected at the season of the year. London is dull and quite deserted. Even the Cabinet Ministers are all out of town, and the Lord Chancellor is now decreeing the fate of partridges and pheasants. Mr. Canning has taken advantage of his leisure to visit Dublin, where he has not been received with much distinction -he is too liberal for the Orangemen and too constitutional for lics, of whom all or nothing' seems to be now the motto. Perhaps the Foreign Secretary need not wish a better panegyric than this evasion of extremes-his safest, wisest, and most honourable course is to heed neither faction and do his duty. Parliament stands further prorogued to the 4th of November, and there are some rumours that it will then shortly meet for the dispatch of business and be dissolved immediately. A very general canvass is going forward in Ireland, and it has begun in some parts of this country. We regret much to state that the respectable Banking house of Marsh, Stracey, and Graham, has appeared in the Gazette. This melancholy, and we fear, far spreading failure, has been attributed to Mr. Fauntleroy, one of the junior partners, who is in custody under very serious charges. This event has excited a considerable sensation amongst all ranks in the Metropolis. The harvest, which is very abundant, has been almost universally gathered in without any damage. We are sorry to announce the death of Major Cartwright, the Veteran reformer. He was 87 years of age, and to the last ardent in his favourite cause. AGRICULTURE. THE harvest now approaches very near its universal conclusion, and the weather may fairly be said to have been on the whole propitious. There are, indeed, some farmers who, either from want of activity or foresight, have been somewhat injured by the late rains, but generally speaking these cannot be said to have been the cause of much evil. The crop is allowed to be excellent, and the sample of a fair quality. But notwithstanding this almost universally allowed excellence of the crops, the farmers are making their annual complaints of wheat carried too soon and in a damp state-of the immense quantity of black barley-and of the crop not being so heavy as was generally anticipated. These we observe to be the usual grievances which are always related about this period of the year, and we believe they receive the little credit they deserve. The barley crop, perhaps, is not an average one, and some of it may be a little stained, but the opening of the ports will have the effect of lessening the demand for this article, and therefore of lowering the price, since it is said the distillers will use oats in preference. The merchants are reported to be extremely anxious to buy, both on account of he smallness of their stocks, and because old wheats are said to be not worth buying. But it is very much to be doubted whether the merchant is so low in his stock as the farmers generally represent, when compared with former years. It seems, upon a reference to the accounts of the last two years, that the difference in the arrivals of wheat, barley, and flour, and in the sales of the two former, is extremely small, and not in favour, as it appears to us, of this rumour. We have taken the two weeks at the end of August; and the two first in September were as follows: Wheat. 1822. 26,258 1823. 25,212 1824. 27,925 Wheat. 1822. 37,116 1823. 36,610 1824. 31,778 Barley. 2,066 1,729 1,280 From the foregoing statement it does not appear that there is any sufficient difference in the arrivals or the sales to lead to the supposition of a great demand on the part of the merchants. By the number of quarters sold over and above the quantity arrived last, there does appear to have been some demand in consequence of the supposed failure of the crop and the expected rise. The late fall in the price of flour also gives reason to suppose, that the demand for that article is small, or that the millers have taken advantage of the abundance of water, and sent a large quantity into the market. The average prices of the different years are rather more at variance, this year being considerably the highest. But although this might indicate a demand, some slight demand on the part of the merchants is still much more likely to arise from the power of the farmers to hold their stock, and thus to create an advance. If any great advance in the price of grain was anticipated there would be ground for supposing that some anxiety to buy would display itself, but it is scarcely probable that in the face of an acknowledged productive harvest-knowing that even last year, with a deficient crop, and with a demand greater by 3000 quarters than during the same period this year-knowing that although the same quantity of flour has come into the market during the same period this year as during last, and that the price has fallen, it is scarcely probable that the merchants would in the face of all these facts be very anxious to purchase. The turnip crop has been greatly improved ed by the late rains, and those late sown will be forwarded with such rapidity that they promise most abundantly. The averages are for wheat 578. 8d. barley 32s. 1d. and oats 23s. 2d. The hop picking is now general, and the quality is said to be good. Prices sold from 100s. to 120s. but few pockets came to market. For beef and mutton there was a free demand in Smithfield.-Lamb is however a heavy sale. The highest for beef is 4s. and for mutton 4s. 4d. and for lamb 5s. 2d. COMMERCE. Sept. 21, 1824. We do not find that any thing particularly affecting the foreign commercial rela. tions of the United Kingdom has transpired within the last month. Russia has, however, been obliged, it should seem, to relax in some degree its rigorous system of prohibitions and heavy import duties. An Ukase, signed some time back, but only lately published, allows the importation, duty free, of white calicoes, for the purpose of being printed upon; no white calicoes at all suitable for the purpose being manufactured in Russia. The negociations for a commercial treaty with the Netherlands are still pending. Cotton. The business done in the cotton market during the last month has been very trifling, and as far as East India descriptions are concerned, is nearly at a stand, awaiting the result of the sale at the India House, which will take place on Friday the 24th. The prices at the commencement of this month, and which have hardly varied since, were as follows:-By private contract, Bengals 5d. to 5d.; Surats 54d. to 64d.; Madras 5d. to 64d.; Paras 9 d.; Boweds 74d. to 8d. all in bond; and by public sale, Carthagenas 64d. and 7 d. duty paid, 6d.; Boweds 81d.; Orleans 94d. in bond. The sales at Liverpool in four weeks have been 32,910 bags; the arrivals 30,835 bags. Sugar. In the last week of August little was done, and the holders being disposed to sell, prices declined a little. Full prices were paid for lumps for the Hamburgh market. In the following week the buyers were much inclined to purchase, and would have taken large parcels if the holders would have given way 6d. or 18. per cwt. but they were very firm, and few sales were reported. There were considerable deliveries from the West India warehouses. Foreign sugars were in demand, and considerable sales were effected; good white Havannah 36s. to 38s.; yellow 28s.; brown Brazil 22s. Last week the demand for Muscovades increased, and some of the holders being disposed to sell a shade lower, to induce buyers to come forward, considerable purchases were reported. Very little has been done this morning. the buyers wishing to see the result of the public sales; 200 hogsheads of St. Lucca sold heavily at prices 1s. per cwt. under the previous market currency, 52s. 6d. to 578.; 130 casks of Barbadoes sold at the previous sales, 55s. to 678. 6d. In the refined market, the fine descriptions are neglected; the low are in request, and sell at full prices; 127 bags of Mauritius sugar sold on Friday, fine yellow at 23s. 6d. to 24s.; fine brown 22s.; molasses remain at 25s. 6d. Coffee. In the last week of August prices advanced 2s. to 3s. per cwt. and the finer descriptions 4s. to 6s. per cwt. Though there have been some fluctuations the prices have in general kept up, only such large parcels of Jamaica were brought forward that a reduction of 1s. per cwt. took place. Other descriptions supported the late currency, but the market this day week was without briskness. The public sales of coffee last week went off very heavily, and all the ordinary descriptions of British plantation and foreign were 1s. to 2s. per cwt. lower; all the qualities from middling to fine maintained the former currency, and sold freely; St. Domingo, of middling quality, sold 61s. 6d. There were two public sales of coffee this forenoon, 163 casks British plantation, 583 bags foreign; the latter good ordinary pale St. Domingo, rather mixed, 61s. to 61s. 6d. and 62s. The British plantation coffee went off steadily at the prices of last week; the middling and fine continue to sell at exceedingly high prices. Generally of the coffee market today, there is more appearance of firmness than for some time past. Spices on the whole have been in good demand, especially Pimento. Nutmegs are in request at 2s. 11d. to 3s. 1d. Pimento of good quality 84d. Black pepper rather heavy. White pepper has advanced 1s. per lb. owing to the loss of a vessel with a large quantity on board, and the East India Company having none in their warehouses. Saltpetre at a public sale this forenoon, no refraction, 35 tons, sold 21s. to 21s. 6d. Oils. Little has been doing, in expectation of news from Davis' Straits; but it is now generally apprehended, that the accounts will be very bad; it is thought the vessels may have ventured too far to the north, or into Lancaster Sound, and perhaps be shut in by the ice. The prices are nominal. Greenland new parcels 231. Seed oils rather lower. Silk.-The silk trade continues very brisk, Bengals and Chinas at the advance of Is. to 1s. 6d. per lb. on the late India House sale prices, and the request extensive at the improvement. Hemp, Flax, and Tallow. The tallow market has been very heavy; yellow candle tallow of 1823 quoted 34s. 3d. and new 34s. 9d. and for August and September shipments 34s. 9d. The last letters from Petersburgh state, the prices of 100 roubles; Exchange 9td.-Hemp is a shade lower. -In Flax there is no alteration. There appears some revival in the demand for Tallow this morning, and Tallow of 1823 may be quoted 34s. 9d.; 1824, 35s. 6d. Hemp is also in more request, and rather higher. Rum, Brandy, and Hollands. The accounts from France respecting the vintage are very unfavourable; the prices of Brandy are from 4d. to 6d. per gallon higher than in London: the quantity here prevents any advance, but the market is evidently firmer; the nominal price of Brandy housed 28. 7d.; the state of the trade, from the late failure, prevents any transactions in Spirits. Rum remains nominally the same as we have lately quoted, but the purchases lately reported are quite inconsiderable-For the Geneva on the quay 1s. 10d. is asked, but there are as yet no purchases. The first sale of Brandy for some time is just reported, housed at 2s. 7d. LITERARY INTELLIGENCE. The following works are in the press :Walladmor: freely translated from the English of Walter Scott; -re-translated from the German. In Three Vols. Post 8νο. Memoirs of the Life and Writings of the late Rev. Edward Williams, DD. with an Appendix, including Remarks on important Parts of Theological Science. By Joseph Gilbert. One Vol. 8vo. A new Edition of the late Dr. Fawcett's Essay on Anger; to which is prefixed, a Brief Sketch of the Memoirs of the Author. One Vol. 12mo. My Children's Diary, or the Moral of the Passing Hour, a Tale for Young Persons not under Ten Years of Age. One Vol. 12mo. Peculiarities, combining a copious Fund of Amusement and Instruction. An additional Volume of Letters by Anna Seward, to which will be prefixed, an Essay on Miss Seward's Life and Literary Character. By W. Harral. Amaldo, or the Evil Chalice, and other Poems. By the Author of Lyrical Poems, The Siege of Zaragoza, Childe Harold's Pilgrimage to the Dead Sea, &c. Mr. Forbroke, Resident Surgeon at Cheltenham, is about to publish some Observations on the Treatment of Deafness on improved Principles, illustrated by one Case of 20 Years, and others of long standing, successfully treated. Vol. I. of the Lectures of Sir Astley Cooper, Bart. on the Principles and Practice of Surgery, as delivered at St. Thomas's and Guy's Hospitals. With additional Notes and Cas Cases, by Frederick Tyrrell, Esq. Surgeon to St. Thomas's Hospital. The Second Number of a new Series of Original Sketches, after the style of Morland. By M. Campion. Intended as easy and progressive Lessons in the Art of Sketching Rustic Figures, Animals, Landscapes, &c. Der Freischütz, or the Seventh Bullet, a Series of Twelve Illustrations of this popular Opera, drawn by an Amateur, and etched by George Cruikshank, with a Travestie of the Drama. Saint Baldred of the Bass, a Pictish Legend; the Siege of Berwick, a Tragedy; and other Poems and Ballads, descriptive of East Lothian and Berwickshire. By James Miller. In One Vol. 8vo. Dunallan, or the Methodist Husband.. In Three Vols. 12mo. By the Author of The Decision, Father Clement, &c. 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In One Volume 4to. Joannis Miltoni Angli De Doctrinâ Christiana Libri duo posthumi, nunc primum Typis Mandati; edente C. R. Sumner, MA. In One Vol. 4to.: and at the same time will be published, uniform with the above, A Treatise on Christian Doctrine. By John Milton. Translated from the Original by Charles R. Sumner, MA. Librarian and Historiographer to His Majesty, and Prebendary of Worcester. WORKS LATELY PUBLISHED, History and Biography. The Life and Diary of Lieut. Colonel John Blackader, of the Cameronian regiment, who served under King William and the Duke of Marlborough, in the Wars of Flanders and Germany, and afterwards in Scotland, during the Rebellion of 1715, when he was appointed Deputy Governor of Stirling Castle. By Andrew Crichton, Author of the Memoirs of the Rev. John Blackader. 1 Vol. 12mo. Price 7s. 6d. The Two Mothers, or Memoirs of the last Century. 12mo. 5s. Medicine and Surgery. Young Ladies. By the late William Butler. Tenth Edition. 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