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evidently the result of laborious research, which however, so far from being dry, is highly interesting by numerous historical anecdotes and extracts from scarce books. Meyrick's object was to make a chronological classification of the various descriptions of arms and armour, which, notwithstanding the preceding works of Grose and Daniel, was still a literary desideratum. He has successfully executed his task, and afforded much valuable information to the historian, as well as a most welcome authority to artists of every description, to whom a knowledge of costume is necessary. We were pleased also at seeing many other English works of merit, such as Parry's Voyage, Lyall's Account of the Russians, Lady Morgan's Salvator Rosa, of which a translation is already published, &c. In fact, our translators are so on the alert to

lay hold of every thing that is published both in France and England, that there is reason to be surprised that so many French and English books are sold in Germany, especially when we consider how many English books in particular are reprinted in Germany. Thus we have very neat editions of all the novels attributed to Sir Walter Scott, as well as his poetical works; the poems of Lord Byron, Southey, &c. It may be considered as a proof of the extent to which English literature is studied among us, that Archdeacon Nares' Glossary of Old Words has been reprinted at Vienna. A really good English and German Dictionary is, however, still a desideratum. The one most in use is founded on Bailey's Dictionary, which has gone through twelve or thirteen editions. The first nine editions were very defective; the two or three following, edited by Dr. Fahrenkruger, were far superior; the last, published a few months ago, is edited by a Mr. Wagner. It is in 2 vols. 8vo. In English Grammars we abound; most of them are below criticism; others are very respectable, but being written by Germans are not so satisfactory as might be wished. The best we have seen, and of which our critical journals speak in the highest terms, is by a Mr. Lloyd, who, from the preface, appears to be an Englishman long resident in Germany. We had not

seen the first edition; but the second, lately published, justifies the commendations which have been bestowed upon it. The perfect knowledge which the author evinces of the German language, which he writes with the greatest purity, enables him to compare the grammatical forms of the two languages, and to explain the points in which they differ. This Grammar, we may add, is adopted in some of the German Universities. We once heard of a German and English Dictionary published, or announced, by a Mr. Lloyd, but are ignorant whether this is the same person, or indeed whether such a dictionary ever was published.


The literary intercourse with Italy is unfortunately so infrequent and dilatory, that in general we can give but little more than the title of some new work, and that too very often some months after the publication. Among those of which we have lately had some account, the following appear the most deserving of notice The History of Italy from 1789 to 1814, by Charles Botta, published at Florence, in 4 vols. 4to. A French translation in 5 vols. 8vo. has just appeared in Paris. Considering the vast importance of the period which it embraces, we would willingly have given some more particular account of this history; but it was only a few hours before writing this that we received both the Italian original and the French translation, and can at present only say that we believe we shall not be judging too favourably if we pronounce that the historian of the American War is fully equal to his subject, and that he has surpassed himself in this new and remarkable production - The History of Ancient and Modern Italy, by L. Bossi, of which the 1st vol. was published in 1819, is now complete in 19 vols. 8vo. with 100 plates-Rampoldi's Annals of the Musselmen, 8vo. the first 5 vols. of which come down only to the 10th century of our era-The State of Literature, Science, and Art, among the Romans, from the foundation of the city till the time of Augustus, by Federico Cavriani, 2 vols. 8vo.-A second edition of Cicognara's splendid work, the History of Sculpture, revised and enlarged by the author-The 32d No.

of Etrusian Monuments, designed 2 vols. 8vo. The journals of the op

and engraved by F. Inghirami-Monography of the Serpents of Rome and its environs, by Professor L. Melaxa, 4to. with coloured plates.


The Principles of Legislation, 3 vols. 8vo. by Mr. N. Treskow, are spoken of in high terms.


Letters of John III, King of Poland, to Queen Maria Casimire, during the Campaign before Vienna in



A supplement to the History of the Huns, the Turks, and the Moguls, containing an Abridgment of the History and Dominion of the Usbecks in Great Bucharia, from their settlement in the country till 1709, and the continuation of the History of Kharesen, from the death of Aboul-Ghari Khan to the same time, by Joseph Senkouski, 4to.


The attention of the public has been so deeply and almost exclusively engaged by important political matters, that not only have the journals for some time past been extremely barren of literary intelligence, but among the works published a more than ordinary proportion is dedicated to temporary and political topics. Under these circumstances our report will be brief.

The Drama.-A few successful trifles have appeared at the minor theatres, but no tragedy or comedy has been brought forward at the principal theatres. M. Lemercier has published his tragedy of Richard III. and Jane Shore, in which he has made considerable changes for the better. The 3d livraison of M. Jouy's works, contains two comedies, The Inheritance, or the Manners of the Age, and the Intrigues of the Court, the representation of which was prohibited.

History, Memoirs, and Biography. -Maria Antoinette at the Conciergerie, contains an interesting account of the sufferings of the Queen, and of the exertions of Mademoiselle Fouché and the Abbé Magnin, who succeeded in obtaining access to the dungeon where she was confined, and in administering to her the consolations of religion. History of the French Revolution, by F. A. Mignet,

posite party differ so widely in their judgment of this work, that it is hardly possible to form an opinion on it. M. Pigault Lebrun has published two volumes of a concise Critical and Philosophical History of France. It was hardly to be expected that the author of many popular novels could be thoroughly qualified for the task of an historian; but the attempt and the execution do him credit, and his work merits a place among the historians of France. M. Pouqueville's history of the Regeneration of Greece, 4 vols. 8vo. is a highly interesting work, full of curious anecdotes, and of facts hitherto unknown, or imperfectly so, and which throws great light on the state of the Ottoman Empire. The History of the celebrated Ali Pacha, which is given at great length, might, we think, have been much abridged; the chief particulars of the life of that extraordinary personage being previously known.

Natural History.-Le Vaillant's Birds of Africa being out of print, a second edition is announced in fifty numbers, making 6 vols. in folio, at 25 francs per number, or in 4to. at 15 francs. Unfortunately the work is not complete; the history of the Gallinacee, of the Strand Birds (or Waders), and of Water fowl, being wanting. The author has long since had the descriptions and the drawings ready; and it is expected, if the public gives sufficient encouragement to the second edition of the first six volumes, that the remainder will be published to complete the work. Second editions are published of Abbé Hauy's Mineralogy, 4 vols. 8vo. with 120 plates in 4to. and of his Crystallography, 2 vols. 8vo. with 84 plates, revised and much enlarged by the author.

Voyages.-M. Freycinet's Voyage round the World is ordered to be published. It will make eight vols. 4to. with 340 plates. Two of the volumes, with 110 plates, will contain the narrative of the expedition. The other divisions are zoology and botany, &c. each of which may be purchased separately. Numerous publications appearing in successive parts or numbers, and of which we have already spoken, are regularly continued.


We are sorry to say that official dispatches have been received from Africa, confirming in their fullest extent the reports to which we alluded in our last, with respect to the defeat and destruction of the British forces in that quarter of the world. It appears that the Governor, Sir Charles M'Carthy, wearied by the representations of the Fantees, a friendly tribe, of the hostile intentions of the Ashantee race, determined upon marching forth to reduce them to obedience, he had planned a junction with a division of troops under Major Chisholm, commanding himself in person a body of about 2000 men, British and Fantees. The Ashantee General, however, whose force amounted to about 10,000, anticipating the plan of the campaign, attacked the division under the Governor, before the junction could be effected. The battle commenced a little before two in the afternoon, and was carried on with great bravery by both parties till about four o'clock, when it was discovered that our ammunition was completely exhausted, and that the quantity with which our troops had been suffered to commence the engagement amounted to but twenty rounds per man! The Governor, it seems, had given particular orders upon this very point to the ordnance storekeeper, who is alleged most strangely to have neglected them, and some private letters go the length of declaring that when, towards the close of the battle, some of the supposed ammunition kegs were opened, they were found to contain nothing but macaroni! Of course, we give these details merely on the faith of private letters. There does not seem, however, to be the slightest doubt that very great neglect rests somewhere, the British ammunition being totally exhausted within two hours after the commencement of the attack! When the Ashantee General, who appears to have acted with considerable skill throughout, perceived our fire beginning to slacken, he immediately directed a general attack in front, and dispatched a large force towards our force to intercept it in case of a re

treat. The consequences were easily foreseen; the most determined valour, which, to do our troops justice, they throughout exhibited, could not resist long so overwhelming a superiority of force. Our troops were not merely routed but literally cut in pieces, all the officers, with the exception of one or two, who escaped in the bush by a miracle, were killed, and Sir Charles M'Carthy himself was wounded, taken prisoner, and then savagely assassinated. One of the few who escaped declares that he saw the Governor's head fixed entire upon a pole, surrounded by the jaw bones of eighty of our officers; it seems, it is a custom with these barbarians thus to mutilate the heads of all their prisoners of rank. Accounts of this dismal event had reached Sierra Leone, where it had caused a very melancholy sensation, the Governor having been universally beloved by all ranks of people. Two of the Council had fallen along with him. Such are the details of this affair, too fully confirmed by the arrival of Captain Laing who brought the dispatches. We observe that some of the private letters from Sierra Leone recommended an European reinforcement of 2000 men to avenge this defeat. Upon this subject, we would merely ask " cui bono?" The valour of our troops is too well proved to suffer any stain from an overthrow caused chiefly by want of ammunition, and we have yet to learn what advantage is to be derived from even the success of our colonization in that most destructive climate. Sierra Leone has already been the grave of much valour and some talent. Its political or commercial returns are at best but equivocal. It has been chiefly advocated and patronized by a certain party in this country, whose entire political vision seems jaundiced by negroes and bounded by the slave trade. Even in this measure of philanthropy, and as such we certainly esteem it, we fear the policy of England can only be effectually exerted by erasing from her own annals the stigma of giving it continuance or countenance-but the domestic atmosphere is as yet too cloudy to en


View of Public Affairs.

able us to see our way clearly enough to undertake a crusade against the world for Fantee emancipation, and for our own parts, we would rather see the whole jaw-extracting Ashantee tribe fat and hearty amongst the sugar canes of Jamaica, than let the head of another Sir Charles M'Carthy ornament the shambles We of their sovereign butcher. would recommend the theorists upon this subject to read the communication made by Mr. Brougham to the House of Commons in our parliamentary abstract, which proves how little even the most civilized of our European allies are disposed to second our philosophic sacrifices.

Every intelligence from Spain confirms the deplorable state to which Royal perfidy and priestly fanaticism have reduced that country. Ferdinand may be said to be kept on his throne, and the two factions from almost devouring each other, by the fear of the French army of occupation. A new treaty has been entered into, by which they are to remain until January 1825, when of course, another can continue them till the following new year's day, and so on, till the new year's days of fraud and treachery shall have been numbered. There was a report of an insurrection against Ferdinand, headed by one of his brothers-it has not been confirmed, and is perhaps premature we should be curious to hear the grounds upon which one of Ferdinand's brethren would rebel against him-it is impossible for any one to sustain his family name better than he does, unless indeed the Portuguese Queen, his sister, may dispute the palm with him; by the bye, she has bred uncommonly well-her son, Don Miguel, seems every way worthy of the mother and the unclelegitimacy never whelped a purer specimen, as our readers will see by the accounts from Portugal. The Spanish amnesty has made its appearance in Madrid: we are glad to observe, that the traitor Abisbal is one of the exceptions-the document would neither have been complete, characteristic,nor consistent, haditnot inculpated some friend or follower. We grieve at being obliged to add to the number of Ferdinand's victims the interesting and unfortunate wi

dow of Riego. She died in London
within the last month, her gentle
spirit having gradually pined itself
away ever since the intelligence of
her husband's fate had been commu-
nicated to her. When she found her-
self dying, she dictated a testamen-
tary paper, expressing her gratitude
to England for the refuge it had af-
forded to her in her misfortunes, and
declaring it to be a sacred duty to
the memory of her murdered husband
to publish to the world that his pri-
vate sentiments had ever accorded
with the public principles, to the
maintenance of which he fell a vic-
act of virtuous affection-thereby re-
tim. Having performed this solemn
deeming a brave man's name from
the calumnies which crafty despotism
would fling on it-she breathed her
last in the arms of her sister, who
shared her exile and helped to alle-
viate its sufferings.

Those who under the idea of sup-
porting legitimacy are assiduously
employed in giving it its death blow,
have again rendered Portugal the
scene of discord and commotion.
The conspiracy, to which we alluded
in our last, between the Queen and
Don Miguel, the Infant of Portugal,
against the authority of the King, was
of so serious a nature that his Majesty
was obliged to take refuge on board
the Windsor Castle, one of our ships
of war which had anchored within
cannon shot of the shore. He was
accompanied by all the foreign am-
bassadors, and immediately followed
by his unnatural son, who was in-
veigled thither by a stratagem. The
King severely reprimanded and for-
gave him, after having denounced
his conduct in a public proclama-
tion, released the multitude he had
presumed to imprison, deprived
him of his military command, and
finally ordered him out of the king-
dom on his travels. Had the king
always displayed even any disposi-
tion to such firmness, he need not
From the offi-
have had so painful an occasion as
this for its exercise.
cial papers published by the French
and British embassies, it would seem
as if Miguel, during his temporary
usurpation, for such it really was,
had filled the prisons completely,
and had actually, amongst others,
incarcerated the chaplain to the


French embassy. It was at first supposed that so desperate an attempt would not have been made without the secret countenance of France, but the circumstance to which we have just alluded, together with the prompt determination evinced by the French ambassador, seems to set all suspicion on that subject at rest. Indeed there is no calculating either from analogy or probability upon what such a creature as this Miguel might attempt-never rising to the level of reason himself, he baffles every process of reasoning in others. That he has however a strong party in Lisbon, we fear the fact of his absence being thought neccessary must evince. He arrived at Brest, with his favourite bull-fighter, his petdog, and many other royal associates -he made the best of his way to Paris, and was introduced at Court, where, as it appeared, his dog and himself had studied in the same school, and were of course equally intelligible in the French tongue; he was obliged to be invited to dinner on the next Sunday through the medium of an interpreter. As the French Royal Sunday dinner is a public one, the good people of Paris will of course have an opportunity of beholding their august visitor in person -dinner however is a meal at which the Royal Host need not fear a comparison with any one. The King of Portugal having passed his birthday, the 13th of May, on board the Windsor Castle, landed again upon the 15th, and was received, say the papers, with acclamations of joy. He had previously distributed honours to the most distinguished, and evinced, as it is said, his sense of justice still farther by ordering the Queen to a convent. He is undoubtedly placed in a situation which requires a union of great prudence with great firmness, qualities, in which, if he now fails, he may be spared their exercise, at least on a throne, in a much shorter time than he imagines. His Brazilian successor has, it seems, promulgated a constitution which has given much satisfaction to his subjects he and his Queen have publicly sworn to obey it-it is quite wonderful what a quantity of oaths the Kings and Queens of this august race have taken lately. We question

much whether their most inert member would not outnumber far the most active witness for the Suppression of Vice men.

One of those unaccountable political intrigues which have so inva riably distinguished the old regime in France, has just been played off in the capital of that country. A party, consisting chiefly of Priests and Ultras, headed by Chateaubriant, the War Minister, has succeeded in throwing out the measure for the reduction of the rentes, proposed by the Minister Villele, in the House of Peers. The King has sided with the defeated party, and thrown Chateaubriant out of the Ministry, an event which has moved exceedingly the Coteries of Paris. The rejection of the measure is popular-though not exactly perhaps with Mr. Rothschild: as to its consequence, the dismissal of Chateaubriant, it exhi bits the rather singular spectacle of a defeated Minister displacing a triumphant one-if indeed any thing can be singular in France. As to Chateaubriant himself, we believe the world cares very little whether he is in or out of office-as no great friends to the Holy Allies we rejoice at itas great admirers of every thing approaching to a moral retribution, we are not sorry for it-Chateaubriant was alternately the abject idolater of Napoleon, and the still more abject toad-eater to the Bourbons-he has, therefore, in his disgrace, an alternative consolation-if he cannot solace himself in his closet by perusing his rhapsody in behalf of St. Louis, he has only to retire to his chapel and drop his tears into the bottle of holy water which he brought from the river Jordan to baptize the King of Rome.

There are no accounts from South America on which any reliance can be placed. Some say that Canterac, the Spanish Royalist leader in Peru, has, since the rejection of the Constitutional system by Ferdinand, joined Bolivar, and declared for the independence of that country; others, that an action has taken place in which Bolivar was defeated. Neither of these very contradictory reports can be traced to any authentic source, and it is more than probable that they have been both propagated for

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