(C.) A comparative view of the Returns of Common Schools, from 1816, to 1831, inclusive. 1816 338 2755 2631 $55720 98 140106 176449 4 to 15 1817 355 3713 2873 64834 88 170386 198440 6 to 7 1818 374 3264 3228 73235 42 ...... 183253 218969 5 to 6 1819 402 4614 3844 93010 54 ...... 210316 235871 8 to 9 1820 515 5763 5118 117151 07 1823 649 7051 6255 173420 60 .. ..... 351173 357029 44 to 45 1824 656 7382 6705 182820 25 377034 373208 94 to 93 The year in which the report was made to the legislature. Number of towns from which the returns were made. Whole No. of school districts in town. the said Number of school dis tricts from which returns were received. Amount of public money received in the said towns. Amount paid for teach ers' wages in the districts, over and above public money. Number of children taught in the school districts making returns. 1821 545 6332 5489 146418 08 ...... 304559 317633 24 to 25 1822 611 6659 5882 157195 04 1825 698 7642 6876 182741 61 .... 402940 383500 101 to 96 1828 742 8298 7806 222995 77 441856 419216 96 to 91 1829 757 8609 8164 232343 21 No. of children between 5 and 15 years of age residing in those districts. Proportion of the No. of children taught, to the No. of chil dren reported, be tween the ages of 5 and 15 years. (Ε.) Local School Fund. There are many towns in the state in which the schools derive an essential benefit from a local fund. This fund arises from the avails of land which was reserved in certain grants for gospel and school purposes. The following is a list of the principal reservations of this nature, viz : One lot of 550 acres in each of the 28 townships in the military tract. Forty lots of 250 acres each in the twenty townships west of the Unadilla river, being 10,000 acres. One lot of 640 acres in each of the townships of Fayette, Clinton, Greene, Warren, Chenango, Sidney and Camden, in the counties of Broome and Chenango. Ten lots of 640 acres each, in the townships along the St. Law rence. Sixteen lots of 640 acres each, in Totten & Crossfield's purchase. The local school fund, which has become productive, is stated, in the reports of the commissioners of the several towns, as follows: |