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No. 32.


January 14, 1831.


Of the committee on State Prisons.

Mr. Livingston, from the committee on state prisons, REPORTED :

In introducing the bill accompanying this report, the committee are actuated by a desire to provide for the immediate wants of the prison at Mount-Pleasant. The bill appropriates $5,000 for that purpose. The funds of the prison, are at the present moment nearly exhausted, and the only dependence for further receipts, without the aid of the state, rests solely upon contracts to furnish marble. These receipts cannot be relied upon with certainty; and in the judgment of your committee, they would be insufficient to meet the current demand for the support of the institution.

A further appropriation is contemplated during the present session, but to the end that the legislature may act understandingly upon the subject, directions have been given to the agent of the prison, to furnish a minute estimate of the probable expenditure for the ensuing year; the manner in which the appropriation of the $10,000 for the erection of 200 additional cells, have been expended; what portion thereof, if any, has been applied to the purpose contemplated by the act making the appropriation, and what further sum will be required for their completion. Such a statement will enable the house to judge of the fidelity of the agents in disbursing monies appropriated for specific objects, and shew the wants of the prison for the current year.

All which is respectfully submitted.

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January 17, 1831.


Of the Select Committee to which was referred the petitions of several Distillers, and inhabitants of the counties of Oneida, Yates and Chenango.

Mr. Moulton, from the select committee to which was referred the petitions of several distillers, and inhabitants of the counties of Oneida, Yates and Chenango,


That it appears from the several petitions, that there is a deficiency in the existing laws relative to the inspection and proof of domestic distilled spirits. The law now provides for the inspection of the strength or proof of domestic distilled spirits, but in no way points out how the casks containing the liquor shall be guaged, or the quantity they contain ascertained. The guagers are now appointed by the corporation of the city of New-York, and it is said, that in many instances the guagers are themselves purchasers, or agents of purchasers, of domestic spirits, contrary to the spirit of all our laws on the subject of inspection.

The business of inspection is now done, it is understood, by deputies; and the fees of the office amount to nearly $7,000 per annum, of which the inspector reserves to himself one-half, allowing the residue to the deputies. The committee believe that the fees now allowed for proving are sufficient to pay both for proving and guaging. They are of opinion that there should be a sufficient number of officers appointed in the city of New-York to attend to the inspection of spirits without the employment of deputies. And the committee, therefore, ask leave to introduce a bill providing for the amendment of the existing law on this subject.

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Brought forward,....$ On account of the bond of the corporation of the city of Albany,...............

For damages sustained by owners or occupants of


lands, &c........

Road tax, Cedar Point, &c.


... ...................


do Port Kent, &c. Sales of lands for taxes,.......................... Miscellaneous receipts,.


75,100 00

1,074 69 5,382 18 35 76

86,684 25 9,014 94

$1,993,629 11

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