Bridgman's Index, see "Bridgman's Analytical Digest." Brown's (William) Chancery Reports, Browne's Reports, (Pennsylvania,) Brownlow and Goldsborough's Reports, (4to.) Call's Reports, (Virginia,) .... Cameron and Norwood's Reports, (North-Carolina,) Campbell's Nisi Prius Reports, Carey's Reports, (24mo.) Carter's Reports, (fol.) Carthews' Reports, (fol.) Cases in Chancery,.. Cases of Equity, .... .. .. ............ Cases Tempore Hardwicke, ........... ... ...... .. .... .. .......... Cases Tempore Hardwicke by Ridgeway, see "Ridge way's Cases Tempore Hardwicke." (Nathaniel) Reports, (Vermont, 18mo.) Chipman on Contracts, Christy's Digest of Louisiana Reports,.......... Civil Code of Louisiana, see "Statute Law." 1 66 1 .. 1 66 1 .. 2 66 .. 1 " .. 1 1 1 66 Constitutional Reports of South-Carolina,..... Conversations on the English Constitution, Cooper's Justinian, .... Reports, (Chancery,).... Corpus Juris Civilis, (4to.) .... Cottu on the Administration of Criminal Justice, County and Town Officer, ..... Cowen's Reports, ..... 9 Vols. 1 " Criminal Trials, Crompton's Practice, .... Crown Circuit Companion, Cruise's Digest, Cowen's Treatise on Justices' Courts, Cowper's Reports, ... Cox's Equity Reports,.. Coxe's Digest of Reports of the United States Courts, New-Jersey Reports,..... Cranch's Reports, (Supreme Court U. S.) ..... ............ Croke's Reports, (Elizabeth, James and Charles,) ... .. .... .. Cumberland's Law of Nature, (4to)............. ..... Curran's Speeches, .... Dagge on Criminal Law, .... Dallas' Reports, .... Dane's Abridgement, Davies' Reports, 3 66 ... .. ........ .. Danvers' Abridgement, (fol.) Day's Reports, (Connecticut,) Debates on the Constitutional Powers of Congress, De Lolme on the English Constitution,...... Desaussure's Chancery Reports, (South-Carolina,)...... Dickens' Reports, (Chancery,) ... Dictionary of Quotations, (missing,) .......... ... .... .... 3 66 Doctors' Commons, ("The Clerk's Instructor in the Duponceau on the Jurisdiction of the Courts of the Durnford and East's Reports, ........ -1 ......... Equity Reports, see "Desaussure's Chancery Reports." 66 .... Reports, (6 vols. bound in 5,) ...... Evans' Collection of Statutes, see "Statute Law." Gallison's Reports, (Circuit Court U. S. 1st Circuit,).... 2 .. 1 Equity, Law of Evidence, by Lofft, (4 vols. in 2,)". .... Reports, (fol.) Gilmer's Reports, see "Virginia Reports." Gordon's Digest of the Laws of the United States, ...... Graydon's Digest of the Laws of the United States, .... Pleas of the Crown, (fol. Emlyn's edition, 1736,) 2 66 Hall's Digest of Virginia Reports,. Halstead's Reports, (New Jersey,)..... Hammond's Digest of Chancery Reports, ........... Hand's Crown Practice, Hardin's Reports, (Kentucky,)....... Hardie's Reports, (Exchequer,) Harris and Gill's Reports, (Maryland).......... Harris and Johnson's Reports, (Maryland,).......... Harris and M'Henry's Reports, (Maryland,) Harrison's Chancery Prattice, (Edition of 1796,) 1 5 66 ... 1 .. 1 ... ........ 1 Haywood's Reports, (North-Carolina,)............. Hopkins' Chancery Reports, (New-York,) Hume on Crimes, (4to.).... Humphrey on Real Property, see "Observations on the Laws of Real Property." Hutton's Reports, (fol.) .. Ingersoll's Digest, ..... Institutes of Justinian, see "Cooper's Justinian." Institutions Judiciaires, Irish Term Reports,.. .... Jacob's Law Dictionary, ... Jacob and Walker's Reports, .. J. Jenkins' Centuries of Reports, (fol.)....... Jeremy's Equity Jurisdiction,.. Johnson's Cases, (New-York.) ......... Chancery Reports, (New-York,)........... ... Digest, (Old edition,) ................. 66 (New edition,).... ....... ....... Reports, (New-York,) Jones on Bailment, Jones' (Sir Thomas) Reports, (fol.)...... Jones' (Sir William) Reports, (fol.)............... Journal of New-York Conventions, see "State Papers." Journal of the Proceedings against the Conspirators at New-York, (half bound, 4to.) Jurisprudence du Code de Justinian, (4to.).... .. Justinian's Institutes, see "Cooper's Justinian." Κ. Kames' Principles of Equity, see "Principles of Equity." |