IN SENATE, January 3, 1831. ANNUAL REPORT Of the Trustees of the State Library. The Trustees of the State Library, in obedience to the fourth section of title eight of chapter nine of the first part of the Revised Statutes, submit to the Legislature their ANNUAL REPORT. The moneys received by the Trustees of the State Library during the current year, have been the annual appropriation of the year 1830 only, .... .... $1,000 00 To this should be added the balance unexpended in the hands of the treasurer of the Trustees, at the date of the last annual report, .... ... 471 60 1,471 60 The expenditures for the year have been : For books, maps, charts, and bookbinding,... $562 78 " Cleaning the library, book-cases, repairs to book-cases, stoves, and library generally, and for re-arranging the library, and making an entire new catalogue, &c. 153 68 Leaving in the hands of the treasurer to be expended, .. 716 46 $755 14 It will be perceived that the contingent expenses of the Library, paid by the Trustees, during the past year, out of the funds in their hands, is much larger than usual. This has arisen principally from the fact that, in re-arranging the library and the order of the books, it has been found necessary to make material alterations in the con[S. No. 7.] 1 : struction of all the cases, both to render them sufficiently capacious to contain the books according to the new arrangement, and to render all the books easily accessible, without danger of injury either to them or to the cases; and from the further fact that it was indispensable to begin the catalogue anew, in order that it might contain a true statement of the books actually in the library and no more, and that it might exhibit them by their appropriate titles, and in an order the most convenient to direct a stranger in his examinations. These objects, it is believed, have been accomplished; but the constant employment of an assistant to the Librarian for a considerable time, was the only mean of effecting them. This individual was exclusively devoted to an entire overhauling of the whole library; and he was directed carefully to examine all the books; to see if the labels were correct indications of the contents of the volumes; to note the deficiencies in every sett of books, and to separate and lay out from the library all duplicate volumes and duplicate setts which might be discovered. The consequence of this thorough examination has been to ascertain that many entirely incongruous pamphlets and periodical numbers have been bound into the same volume, and that many of the labels upon these and other volumes have afforded an entirely deceptive index of the matter to be found upon opening the book; that many duplicate volumes and setts of books have crept into the library, mostly by the erroneous labels upon the volumes, and the erroneous entries of the titles of the works in the catalogue; that many deficiencies exist in setts of books which were supposed to be complete; and, in short, that this work has been already too long delayed, and had become indispensable to a perfection of the library, and to its convenient use. The Trustees flatter themselves that it has now been so thoroughly done, that, with due care on their part and proper vigilance on the part of the librarian, the time is remote when its repetition will be required. And they indulge the hope that the convenience of the new arrangement of the library to the members of the Legislature, and to all others who may be called to use it, will be considered a partial compensation for the expense incurred; while the defects existing in the setts of books, and which it is one of their principal objects to supply, could in no other manner than by this examination be certainly ascertained. The principal purchases of books made within the year have been for the law part of the library, and with the design of making that as full and perfect as possible; and the amount expended in this way has been less than was contemplated and intended, only because the Trustees have been disappointed in not receiving the importations of such works as are not to be obtained in this country, and as the booksellers had given them encouragement of obtaining from abroad during the year now past. The reason assigned for the failure is, that the lists furnished by the trustees were mislaid or lost, and others have been furnished and sent out, but at too late a period in the fall to have expected a return at this date. For this reason the dividend from the chancery fund, for the year 1830, has not yet been called for, but it is understood that the fund is able to furnish it, and that it can be had at any time upon the call of the Trustees. If no further disappointment is experienced in obtaining the desired works, it may be expected that all the means at the control of the Trustees will be wanted during the present year, and that the law library will be made, to a considerable extent, perfect; while it is contemplated, if the funds will allow it, to make valuable additions to the other departments of the institution. The contingent expenses of the library for stationary and candles, to be paid out of the treasury, is limited by the act of the 20th April, 1829, to fifty dollars. The last annual report showed that only $23.59, had been drawn from the treasury for these purposes during the year covered by that report, and the sum of $19.38 only, has met the same expenses for the year 1830. The cost to the treasury of the wood used in the library during the past year, has been $40.42, a sum much less than the ordinary expense for fuel for the same period of time. Indeed the economy with which the Librarian has managed the contingent expenses of the library, is the best evidence of his faithfulness and attention in his public trust. The catalogue which has been prepared as before mentioned, and which is required by the law to be furnished annually to the legislature, is annexed to this report, marked A. The rules and regulations for the government of the library have undergone no alteration since the last report, and are annexed, marked B. That the Trustees might be able the more perfectly to correct the catalogue, and to compare it with the books in the library as now arranged, they requested the state printer to set it in type and fur 1 i nish them a printed copy in anticipation that the legislature would order it printed. This he consented to do, and for that reason it is that a printed copy of the new catalogue accompanies this report. The Trustees were the more willingly induced to make this request as it would enable the printer, if so ordered, to lay upon the tables of the members of the legislature, at a very early day, the printed copies of the corrected catalogue, thus contributing to the convenience of those who may be desirous to examine this interesting institution at the commencement of the session. In obedience to the resolution of the honorable the Assembly, of the 10th April last, the Trustees availed themselves of the earliest opportunity to procure and place in the library "a copy of the American edition of the Posthumous Works of the illustrious Thomas Jefferson." Albany, 4th Jan. 1831. SILAS WRIGHT, JR. (Α.) CATALOGUE OF BOOKS, MAPS, &c. BELONGING TO, AND REMAINING IN THE STATE LIBRARY, JANUARY 1, 1831. N. B. All the Books enumerated in this Catalogue are bound, and of octavo size, unless otherwise expressly mentioned: Congressional and Legislative Journals will be found arranged under the head of "State Papers;" and Statutes, under "Statute Law." Abbot on Shipping,.... .......... A. Adams on Ejectment, see "Tillinghast's Adams on Ejectment." Addington's Penal Statutes, (fol.) Aikens' Reports, (Vermont,) Alabama Reports, ... ........ ...... ......... 1 Vol. 1 66 1 66 2 66 .. 1 " |