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Bank notes in circulation,..
Balances due to other banks,.............
Other deposits,......


$225,000 00 25,410 28 979 00

258,832 50 100,572 16

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Joseph Alexander, president, and Henry Bartow, cashier, of the Commercial Bank, being duly sworn, depose and say, that the above is a full and true account of the funds and property of the bank; that the amount of capital subscribed is $300,000, of which $225,000 dollars is paid in, and that the amount of specie above stated, viz: $25,889 25, is bona fide the property of the bank, and has not been borrowed or obtained with a view to make this report.


Swarn before me, this 1st day of Feb. 1831.
C. Y, LANSING, Commissioner,


January 31, 1831.


Of Ichabod Rogers, an Inspector of Beef and Pork for the city of Hudson.


To the Hon. the Speaker of the Assembly.

I annex a statement of the quantity and kind of provisions inspected by me during the year ending the first day of January instant, pursuant to the provisions of the 185th section of the act, chapter the 17th, of the regulation of trade in certain cases.

68 barrels mess pork, value......... $14 per barrel.

$952 00

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Charges for flagging, pegging, nailing, salting and pickling the same,.....


$103 50

41 40


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February 1, 1831.


Of Lemuel Conklin, an Inspector of Beef and Pork for the county of Dutchess.

To the Honorable the Legislature of the State of New-York. Pursuant to the provisions of the Revised Statutes, I do hereby


That during the year ending on the first day of January, 1831, I have inspected wheat flour as follows:

6 bbls. extra superfine, valued at $32 50 inspectors fees $ 12

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And I do further report, that I have not during the said year, inspected any fine middlings, middlings, nor ship stuffs; nor any su

perfine rye flour, fine rye flour, nor any Indian meal.

All of which is respectfully submitted,

Po'keepsie, January 27, 1831.

[A. No. 143.]



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