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February 8, 1831.


Of the Comptroller, relative to the Health Department in the city of New-York.


The Comptroller, in obedience to a resolution of the Honorable the Assembly, of the 10th January last, has the honor to submit the following


There has been received by the Health Commissioner, during the year ending 31st December, 1830, from passengers and crews arriving at New-York from foreign ports, the sum of

[blocks in formation]

Deduct for collection fees 24 per cent,. 1,269 28

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Total receipt for the year, ending 31st Dec. 1830,.. $50,913 04

There has been expended, during the year ending 31st December,

1830, as per statement below, the sum of....
to wit:

For salaries of health commissioner, resident physi-
cian, hospital surgeon, chaplain, mate of the marine
hospital, and agent of the commissioners,.. $4,970 01
For wages of various persons in and about

the Marine hospital, and laborers,..... 7,650 53

For general support, including provisions,

medicine, furniture, &c.



[blocks in formation]

$38,096 95

7,157 59

9,741 35

552 47

25 00

8,000 00

$38,096 95


[blocks in formation]

$4,970 01 $7,650 53 $7,157 59

$9,741 35 $55247 $8,000 00 $2500

$38,096 95

Insurance, printing,

and freight.

venile delinquents. Society for ref. of ju

Cost of arbitration.


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The above comprises a full answer to the resolution, so far as it can be given from the accounts and vouchers returned to this office, for the year 1830. The inquiry contained in the resolution, as to the amount of money received by the health officers as fees of office, cannot be answered from the papers in the Comptroller's office, unless by that sum is designated the amount paid for salaries. If so, then the first item of the above classification of the expenditures, is the amount for the last year; but it is presumed this inquiry was intended to embrace certain perquisites allowed to these officers, or to certain individuals of them, and for which they are not required to account. :


If this supposition be correct, the inquiry should be addressed to the health officers, as no means of answering it exists from any papers returned by them to this office.

The Comptroller has not supposed it necessary to repeat the statement of these accounts for the year 1829, as a report was made to the last legislature, (see documents, vol. 3, No. 252 of the last ses-, sion,) in answer to a similar call, and which embraces about the same classification of the expenditures of that year, together with several other facts in relation to the accounts of the health officers which may aid the house in reference to the object for which the present call was made.

Dated Albany, 7th February, 1831.



January 31, 1831.


Of the committee on the erection and division of towns and counties, on the petition of sundry supervisors of the county of Allegany.

Mr. Remer, from the committee on the erection and division of towns and counties, to whom was referred the petition of sundry supervisors of the county of Allegany, praying the legislature to change the name of said county,


That the committec have had said petition under considération, and find that the county of Allegany contains twenty-six towns, and that eighteen out of twenty-six supervisors have signed said petition. The petitioners state, that great injury has accrued to the settling and improvement of the county, in consequence of the name, with out stating the manner in which such injury has arisen. They also state as a reason for changing the name, that there is in the state of Pennsylvania a county of the same name.

The committee on examination, find that the county of Allegany, by the census of 1825, contained a population of about eighteen thousand inhabitants; and by the census of the United States of 1830, it contained a population of about twenty-six thousand; an increase of about eight thousand in five years, while the county of Ontario, in the same time, has only increased about two thousand eight hundred.

The petition purports to emanate from the supervisors of the county of Allegany, but does not set forth any resolution of the board of [A. No. 128.]


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