: IN ASSEMBLY, January 27, 1831. ANNUAL REPORT Of George W. Gunn, an Inspector of Beef and Pork for the county of Cayuga. To the Honorable the Legislature of the State of New-York. In conformity to the Revised Statutes, chapter 17th, title 2nd, article 12th and section 185, I, George W. Gunn, inspector of beef and pork for the county of Cayuga, RESPECTFULLY REPORT: That I have the year ending on the first day of January 1831, inspected 740 bbls. of pork and 168 bbls. of beef. Total 908 bbls. viz: I would beg leave to suggest to the consideration of your honorable body, the propriety of making some provision for the disposal of hams, in prime pork.-As the law now is, a barrel of prime pork must consist of not more than three shoulders, nor more than 24 lbs. of heads, and the rest to be made up of side, neck and tail pieces-ma king no provision for the packing of hams in prime pork. It is a universal practice in this section of the country, and, I believe, throughout the state, for inspectors to put into a barrel of prime pork, three hams, the letter of the law to the contrary notwithstanding. GEORGE W. GUNN, Genoa, Cayuga Co. January 24th, 1831. Inspector. 1 IN ASSEMBLY, January 27, 1831. ANNUAL REPORT Of A. Dennistoun, an Inspector of Lumber for the city and county of New-York. To the Honorable the Legislature of the State of New-York. The subscriber, an inspector of lumber for the city and county of New-York, respectfully submits the following report. Inspected and measured by him, during the year 1830, Feet. 349, 120 mercht. sawed timber,..... average value per M. $10 50 : 109 mercht. cubic locust timber, per foot ........... 3,158 hemlock scantling,........ average value per M. 11 00 75 IN ASSEMBLY, January 27, 1831. ANNUAL REPORT Of George Seaman, an Inspector of Pot and Pearl Ashes for the city and county of New-York. To the Honorable the Legislature of the State of New-York. Report of pot and pearl ashes inspected in the county of NewYork, from the 11th day of Feb. 1830, up to the 1st, day of Jan. 1831, pursuant to the 185th section of the 27th chapter of the Revised Statutes of the state of New-York; the average price of which, and the probable value thereof, as near as I have been able to ascertain the same, is set opposite to the respective qualities and quantities hereinafter mentioned and expressed. |