(C.) A Return in detail, of the Ordnance, Arms and Military Stores, the property of the State of New-York, January 1, 1831. In the Fortifications of Forts Richmond and Tompkins, Staten Island. "24 42 .......... .... Pent houses,...... Garrison carriages for do. do. but unfit for service, ... Rammers and sponges,............ Ladles for cannon,...... ....... Worms for do Battery handspikes, (wooden,) Iron crowbars, Iron loggerheads, Beds and quoins, .................. ....... .. Sling or dibble carriage, ... One cannon searcher. A quantity of wads. Cannon balls for 24 pounders, .... "12 66 2 .... 7 dismounted, the carriages of which are condemned, ... ........ 2 Brass 6 pounder cannon, dismounted, ....... 6 66 ...... 66 1 6 2 Field artillery carriages, with limbers, side boxes, &c. com plete....... Do. for iron 9 pounder cannon, condemned, * The carriages are unfit for use. Dredging-box, .. ........... .......... A lot of sponge-covers. Case mathematical instruments,.... Gunners' quadrant, .... Gunners' compass,.... Pair caliber compases,....... Set brass shot-guages, Wooden port-fire mould,.. Port-fire drifts, Copper measures and tunnels, Scales and weights,.. Pair steelyards, .. Bullet-moulds, A lot of port-fire, and a lot of port-fire formers. Reams cartridge-paper,..... A lot of cartridge-thread. Tin filling-pans, .. Filling-boxes,... Copper syringe, Copper tinder-box, 1 .. .. 1 1 ... 1 ............ 1 12 .... 1 .. 1 ............ Iron ladle,..... Musket-scraper, .......... Stools and benches,........ Lathe-wheel, ..... Coils slow-match,.... Cast-iron truck-wheels,.... A lot of priming wires and brushes. ...... 1 |