IN ASSEMBLY, January 24, 1831. ANNUAL REPORT Of Richard McCarty, an Inspector of Flour for the city and county of New-York. To the Honorable the Legislature of the State of New-York. Report of flour and meal inspected in the city and county of NewYork, and in Kings county, from 1st Jan. 1830, to 1st Jan. 1831, made pursuant to the Revised Statutes of the state of New-York, viz: Whole value inspected in the city of New-York,.. $4,468,951 62 Total amount in the city of New-York. 808,716 bbls. wheat flour. 53,037 half bbls. wheat flour. 15, 167 bbls. rye flour. 49 half bbls. rye flour. 10,316 hhds. Indian meal. INSPECTED IN KINGS CO. 7,013 bbls. superfine flour, at,............. ............ $5 22 is $36,818 25 123" fine flour, at, .................... 4 94 is 507 62 Light, and undertared,...... 2,347 $37,325 87 The fees received are, for boring, inspecting, plugging, and branding each barrel, one and a half cents; and for each hhd. four cents; for weighing each bbl. light or undertared, six cents. The inspector has had from nine to twelve (at no time less than nine) assistants emyloyed in executing the duties of the office in the city of NewYork; and a deputy inspector for Kings co. who has all the fees received at that place for his services. He has, besides paying his assistants, paid and laid out on account of the office, for rent, fuel, brands, plugs, &c. eighteen hundred and fifty dollars. RICHARD McCARTY, Inspector. New-York, Jan. 1831. IN ASSEMBLY, January 24, 1831. ANNUAL REPORT Of John K. Townsend, an Inspector of Flaxseed for the city and county of New-York. To the Honorable the Legislature of the State of New-York. The inspector of flaxseed for the city of New-York, REPORTS: That he has inspected 9,758 casks, and 986 half casks, seed, from 1st January 1830, to 1st January 1831. |