troller is admonished by the great extent to which this report and the accompanying statement have been already drawn out, that he may be rather confusing than elucidating the subject; and as all the facts within his knowledge, and upon which any suggestions from him would be founded, are herewith communicated, it will be in the power of the members of the Legislature, for themselves, to correct any errors into which he may have fallen, and to supply any omissions which may seem to have required his attention. All which is respectfully submitted. Dated Albany, 27 Jan. 1831. SILAS WRIGHT, JR. The accompanying papers are Document No. 1-An Abstract of the Vouchers rendered. 2-A Statement and Classification of the Expenditures. 3-The Depositions taken, numbered from No. 1 to No. 27, both inclusive. DOCUMENTS. (No. 1.) An Abstract of all the Vouchers which have been rendered to the Comptroller's office, and passed to the credit of the account of the Commissioners for draining the Cayuga Marshes. 1 Amount brought forward,.. $ 1825. No. Dec. 27, 32 John M'Fadden,........ 127 50 23, 33 Israel J. Richardson and Brothers, 273 78 28, 11 George W. Fitch,................. 12 David Thomas, ..... John Jackway,........ 14 Squire Mauro, .. ... .......... .......... 85 00 17 50 15 00 15 00 15 00 3 75 Amount carried forward,..$ |