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Deaf and dumb at Central Asylum,

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Delaware county, escheated lands in, see Barker, Z.

Disbrow, Elias, lumber inspector, returns of,

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Dally, Abraham, inspector of domestic distilled spirits, returns of, 99 Dennistoun, A. lumber inspector, his returns, .............. 110

Donnelly, John C. inspector of hops, his returns,

[blocks in formation]

De Witt, A. H. inspector of lumber, his returns,....

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Dutchess county poor-house, and meetings of supervisors,... 204

Dutchess County Bank, annual report of,



Dryden, report as to its division,

[blocks in formation]

De Peyster to the Ogdensburgh turnpike, road,

[blocks in formation]

Dodge's creek, as to declaring it a public highway, .......... 326



Erie county jail,



Erie canal to Oneida lake, canal, see Oneida lake.

Erie, town of, report as to changing its name,

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Eggleston, Darius, report on his petition,
Elmore, Augustus L. report on his petition,
Elections, report as to the reduction of, to one day,

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First company of the Great Western turnpike company, report

[blocks in formation]

Fuller, Edward G. lumber inspector, annual report of,
Furlong, John, report on the petition relative to his estate, ... 86
Franklin county, claiming certain moneys of Clinton county,

relative to a tax in the first ward of Albany, 120

report thereon, 119

Farwell, Gustavus, and E. Farwell,


Flour inspector, New-York, report on his returns,

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[blocks in formation]


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Genesee and Allegany, division of, see Allegany and Genesee. Gunn, George W. inspector of beef and pork, his returns,.... 109

Gibbonsville, report on the bill relative to the inspection of

Great Western turnpike, see First Great Western turnpike, &c.

lumber at, 114

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Genesee high school, report on the petition for, ........

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Geneva and Canandaigua rail-road,

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Gates, John, report on the petition of his heirs,


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Greenman, Josiah, flour inspector, his annual report, ........ 360

Gibbonsville surplus canal water, report relative to,

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Mississippi, Connecticut and Louisiana,

transmitting the annual report of the inspector-general

of staves and heading for the city of New-York,

transmitting the Adjutant-General's annual report,....
transmitting a communication from the Special Counsel
in the Morgan trials, 39, 353
transmitting the Commissary-General's annual report,. 122
transmitting a communication from Major Talcott, rela-

tive to the use of surplus waters at Watervliet, 207

transmitting resolutions from Ohio, relative to appro-
priating funds by the General Government in aid
of the Colonization Society,......

relative to the controversy with New-Jersey, on the

subject of the boundary line between that State

and New-York,

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[blocks in formation]

Hand, Jeffry, junior, lumber inspector, his returns,.......... 137

Hayward, Edward, inspector of beef and pork, his returns,

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Higgins, Ebenezer, sole leather inspector, his returns,

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Hickox, M. and L. Seymour,...

Hunt, Abijah, report on his petition,....

Hudson Lunatic Asylum, see White, Samuel,..

Haskins, Amos, reports on his petition,

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Hawkins, Henry, see Genesee high school.

Hyde, Wilkes, et al. on their exemption from highway labor,
Hubbard, Abner, lumber inspector, Rochester,


Horse racing, report as to extending it throughout the State,

[ocr errors][merged small]

Ingersoll, Isaac, inspector of beef and pork, his returns, 138
Imprisonment for debt, report as to abolishing it, ........... 190

Insane paupers, see Poor, Poor-houses, &c.

Ithaca, report on their petition for an increased number of

constables, 340

[blocks in formation]

46, 130


Johnson, Stephen W. inspector of domestic distilled spirits,

Jefferson county, tax for the benefit of an academy in,
Jennings, P. see Barns, David.


Kendall, David, et al. see New-Stockbridge.
Kings county trotting course,.

Kirkpatrick, W. see Onondaga salt springs.
Keeler, Jasper S. flour inspector, his returns,
Kings county jail liberties,

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Leonard, Isaac, leather inspector, returns of,

Lewis county, report relative to a road in,


Lamb, Joseph, ..

Lands sold for taxes, expenses thereof,


Lien law on buildings,......

Leeds to Freehold, turnpike,


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New-York, lien law,


Union place, report relative to opening,.......... 296

Butchers' benevolent society, ......

... ............


City Bank, report on their petition, ..


State census,



Life insurance and trust company, report of the

comınittee on banks, relative to its operations, 331


Ogdensburgh, memorial from, relative to auction sales, see

Auction sales.

Oneida county, see Domestic distilled spirits.

Oneida lake to the Erie canal, report on the application for a

canal, 49

Onondaga salt springs, report of the superintendent & inspector, 118

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Oswego canal company, report of the Canal Board relative

to, 309, 348, 362

Ontario county surrogate's office,



Ovid, wharf in Cayuga lake at Sheldrake point, ........

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Peckwell, F. inspector general of staves and heading in New

Potsdam village,

Poor and poor-houses and insane paupers,...........

Payn, Benjamin H.

Pembroke, report as to its division,

Parkins, Joseph W. an alien,

Penfield, Henry F. ferry at Squaw Island,

Porter, town-neeting of, report as to legalizing it, ....

Paige, A. C. see New-York Hospital.

Port Kent and Hopkinton road,..

Phelps, town of, bridges in,

Pray, S. et al. see Cowasselon tract.


Roberts, Nathaniel, inspector of lumber in New-York, annual

York, annual report of, 9


66, 305


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report, 36

Russell, Sylvanus, inspector of beef and pork, annual report of, 47

Radliff, James, inspector of staves and heading, .......


Rees, J. see Bank Commissioners.

Rogers, Ichabod, inspector of beef and pork, his returns, .... 142 Rochester retail auctions, report on the petition relative to, .. 151

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