Astor trials, communication respecting, Augusta school lot, settlers on, their petition,......... 10 Auction sales, .. Adjutant-General's annual report, .. Albany, common schools in, 17 Anthony, Michael, report on his case, .... Albany county, petition for town auditors, see Town auditors. Alden, Dorastus H. report on his petition, Albany pier, bridge over, Allegany and Genesee, report as to a new county from parts of, 105 Albany charter election inspectors, report on the memorial relative to, 116 Allegany county, report as to a change of its name, Albany and Schenectady turnpike, .. 132 Albany Commercial Bank, its annual report, Adjutant-General, report relative to an increase of his salary, 152 ATTORNEY-GENERAL. Communication relative to the suit instituted by New-Jersey No. on the boundary question, 3, 268, 314, 316 relative to the Astor trials, Report on the petition of Z. Barker et al.. 189 on the petition of Samuel Barnum,........ on the petition of Abijah Hunt,.. B. ... ................ Birdseye, Victory, communication from, respecting the ab 300 ductors of Morgan, 3, 39, 353 Bolton, John, communication from, relative to the Delaware Bank Commissioners, their first report, .... ..... Badger, Samuel, et al. report on their petition, 28, 203 .... 58 59 60 73 112 Boardman, Daniel, .. ..... 115 Barber, William, inspector of beef and pork, his returns, Brace, John, an inspector of beef and pork, his report, 154 Baker, Charles, and A. Gilchrist, report on their petition,.... 158 Barclay, Henry, report on his petition,... .. 159 Belding, Dennis, inspector of beef and pork, returns of, ...... 160 Boynton, E. L. inspector of beef and pork, returns of, Brooklyn common school district number one,................ 177 Betts, John, fish inspector, annual report of, Bissell, J. junior, report on the petition of the executors of his will, 347 Bronson, Alvin, memorial of, see Oswego canal company, and 348, 362 C. Connecticut, resolutions as to the manner of electing President, &c. 4 Committees, list of, in Assembly, No. Castle, Gideon,..... ........ .... report relative to the Revised Statutes con Cortland county, supreme court commissioner in, ... Central Asylum for deaf and dumb, annual report of, Cayuga marshes, Comptroller's report relative to, &c. ... 70, 330 Chase, Esther, .... 78, 335 Conrey, Peter, lumber inspector, his annual report, .. 84 Clark, Lot, remonstrance against the petition of L. A. Spalding, 91 Commercial Bank, Albany, see Albany Commercial Bank. Challes, Nathaniel, lumber inspector, returns of,........ 144 ... Chapman, Nancy, .. 174 Charles, George, inspector of leather, his returns, Chapman, E. et al. report on their petition,..... Clinton county, report relative to a road in,................ 267 230 ... ..... 260, 336 Constitution, proposition to amend, see Salt, and Catskill, highway labor in, see Hyde, Wilkes, et al. Carley, Joseph, report on his petition,...... 333 Clark, George, .... 334, 352 Concord, a religious society in, report on their petition, ...... 343 Canal surplus water, report on the petition to discontinue leas ing it, 355 COMMISSIONERS OF THE LAND-OFFICE. Report of, on the petition of the settlers on the New-Stock bridge school lot, 11 Report of, on the act for the relief of John C. M'Lean, on the petition of Esther Chase, .... on the subject of a bridge over the Albany pier,.... 94 on the petition of John M'Crea, John Moore and Catharine M'Laughlin, 150 of Amos Haskins,.... 253 265 Oswego, 289 ....... 303 Annual report of, COMPTROLLER. Report on the petition of John H. Johnson, on the petition of the supervisor of the town of Salem, 51 relative to the Cayuga marshes, .... on the petition of settlers on the Cowasselon tract, .... 260 as to the expenses of the sale of lands for taxes, ....... 264 Communication relative to the Port Kent and Hopkinton road, 283 Report on the petition of the Oldenbarneveld manufacturing company, 290 as to divers expenditures of public money, .......... 339 COMMISSIONERS OF THE CANAL FUND. ►Annual report of, .. ........... 102 COMMISSARY-GENERAL. His annual report, .... Report as to using the arsenal at Malone for a school-house, relative to the arsenal lot in New-York, CANAL COMMISSIONERS. Annual report of, ...... Report on the Black river canal surveys, .. 38 ...... 229 on the survey of the Susquehannah and Chemung rivers, 278 on the petition of George Clark, ................... CANAL BOARD. Report on the petition of S. Bordwell and W. Brayton, 334 on the claim of the Oswego canal company, .......... 309 D. Delaware and Hudson canal, communication concerning, |