....... ..... Seymour, Henry, communication from, relative to Spalding's memorial, 121 Shumway, Jacob, inspector of beef and pork, his returns, .... 126 tady turnpike. ........ Sweden, report relative to the sale of a school lot and house in, 213 Simons, Howard A. inspector of sole leather, his report, .... 214 Sloan, John, junior, inspector of beef and pork, annual report of, 241 Sacondaga and Schroon rivers, survey of, report thereon,.... 248 Savage, E. see New-York Hospital. Shaw, John, et al. report on their petition, ................ 265 Steuben, Tioga and Tompkins, as to a new county from, 277 Surplus canal water, see Canal surplus water. SECRETARY OF STATE. Communication relative to furnishing counties with standard No. weights and measures, 5, 27 Report giving an abstract of the returns of the superintendents of the poor in the several counties, 66 Communication accompanying the report of the New-York in stitution for the instruction of deaf and dumb, 95 SUPERINTENDENT OF COMMON SCHOOLS. Annual report of, ... Report on the petition of school district No. 11, Farmington,.. 302 т. Tariff of 1828, resolutions of Louisiana relative to its constitu tionality, Thompson, George,..... 22 Troy bridge, .......... 29 Town auditors, report on a petition for their creation,.... 30, 222 Treasurer's annual report, 34 Tillman, Andrew P........ Turner, Horace, beef and pork inspector, annual report of, Townsend, John K. inspector of flaxseed, returns of, ........ 89 Theall, Robert C. oil inspector, returns of, 100 Tower, N. see Beebe, Elisha. Thayer, Ebenezer, inspector of sole leather, his returns, Tioga, Tompkins and Steuben, as to a new county from, TWO-THIRDS COMMITTEE. Report of, on the case of the heirs of Christian Guthrie, on the bill relative to common schools in N. York,. 288 U. University of New-York, petition to incorporate, ...... 197 Vermont, resolutions of, relative to the manner of electing Vice-chancellor of the first circuit,....... Van Benthuisen & Rudes, pot and pearl ash inspectors, an Vrooman, Bartholomew E.......... Vander Kemp, John J. memorial of,...... No. 41 nual report of, 74 77 282 W. Weights and measures, standard of, for counties, Waterville fire company,..... Wilson, Nathaniel, beef inspector, annual report of, Watervliet farmers, report on their petition relative to a turn pike, 92, 93 Warren, Epaphras, inspector of beef and pork, returns of,.... 98 Windham and Durham turnpike company, .... 113 Warsaw, commissioner of deeds in, Wilson, A. inspector of beef and pork, .. 183 Warren, Lemuel,.... 226 White, Samuel, memorial of, relative to his lunatic asylum, Windsor, application for legislative aid to make a road,...... 311 Youle, Adam W. inspector of beef and pork, returns of, .... 157 Yates county, see Town auditors. : OFFICIAL LIST OF THE MEMBERS OF ASSEMBLY, ELECTED IN NOVEMBER, 1830. Albany-Peter Gansevoort, Wheeler Watson, Peter W. Winne. Allegany-Daniel Ashley.. Broome-Peter Robinson. Cattaraugus-Russell Hubbard. Cayuga-Peter Yawger, Solomon Love, George S. Tilford, Elias Manchester. Chatauque-John Birdsall, Squire White. Chenango-Ira Wilcox, Joseph Juliand, Jarvis K. Pike. Clinton-John Walker. Columbia-John W. Edmonds, John S. Harris, Pliny Hudson. Cortland-Fredus Howard, Charles Richardson. Delaware-Peter Pine, David P. Mapes. Dutchess-William Hooker, Joel Benton, John E. Townsend, Samuel B. Halsey. Erie-Millerd Fillmore, Nathaniel Knight. Essex-Joseph S. Weed. Franklin-James B. Spencer. Genesee-Charles Woodworth, Stephen Griswold, Robert Earll, junior. Greene-Lewis Benton, John I. Brandow. Earll, Herkimer-Atwater Cooke, Junior, Nicholas Lawyer, Olmsted Hough. Jefferson-Walter Cole, Fleury Keith, Joseph C. Budd. Kings-Coe S. Downing. Lewis-Harison Blodget. Livingston-Jerediah Horsford, James Percival. [A. No. 1.] 1 Madison-Robert Henry, John Whitman, Stephen B. Hoffman. ✓ Monroe-Samuel G. Andrews, Isaac Lacey, Peter Price. Montgomery-William Rob, Platt Potter, Josiah O. Brown. New-York-James Morgan, Silas M. Stilwell, Dudley Selden, Charles L. Livingston, Gideon Ostrander, Abraham Cargill, Nathaniel Jarvis, Isaac L. Varian, Jacob S. Bogert, Mordecai Myers, Dennis McCarthy. ✔ Niagara-Henry Norton. Oneida-Arnon Comstock, Reuben Bettis, Riley Shepard, John F. Trowbridge, David Moulton. Onondaga-Thomas I. Gilbert, Otis Bigelow, Jared H. Parker, Elisha Litchfield. Ontario-John C. Spencer, Samuel Rawson, Thomas Ottley. Orleans-John H. Tyler. Oswego-Joel Turrill. Otsege-Henry Clark, Schuyler Crippen, Eben B. Morehouse, Peter Collier. Putnam-Bennet Boyd. Queens-Thomas Tredwell. Rensselaer-George R. Davis, Aaron Worthington, Martin Springer, Chester Griswold. Richmond-John T. Harrison. Rockland-John J. Eckerson. Saratoga-Oran G. Otis, Howell Gardner, John Gilchrist. Schoharie-Robert Eldredge, Daniel Hager, junior. Schenectady-Aaron Carroll. Seneca-John Sayre, Benjamin Woodruff. Steuben-Josiah Dunlap, Paul C. Cook. Suffolk-George S. Phillips, George L. Conklin. Sullivan-James C. Curtice. Tioga-John G. McDowell, David Williams. Tompkins-John Ellis, John Saylor, Jehial Ludlow. |