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of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the office of teacher in the Department of Education of the City of New York, according to the best of my ability." In this connection, let me quote the recent decision rendered by the Acting State Commissioner of Education:

"There is also no difference of opinion among the patriotic people of this State or Nation as to the obligation of every person who assumes the office of teacher of boys in a public school of the State, to support the Government, to teach respect and love for our democratic institutions, and for the President, as such, of this Republic. The standard by which teachers are to be judged in this respect was well stated by Dr. John H. Finley, Commissioner of Education, in an address before the teachers of the State, at the annual meeting of their association at Syracuse in November, 1917. His words upon this subject are as follows:

"As to ourselves, the teachers, representing, as we do, the State which has entrusted to us her most precious possession, there is just one answer: We must do with our mind and daily speech what the soldier does with his body and in his daily training or fighting; that is, support our country in the cause to which it is committed in its own defense and that of human freedom. The same degree of loyalty is asked of a teacher as of a soldier. If a teacher cannot give that unquestioning support to the country that makes his own individual freedom in time of peace possible, his place is not in the school. I will not say where it is, but of all places in the world, he should not be in the school, as the representative of his country."

Please make this subject a matter of conference and also a matter of instruction and direction to the teachers under your supervision. Assure them that, while I sincerely deprecate any supervision involving espionage or oppression, it is the duty of every supervising official to make certain that no teacher with a warped conception of his sacred duty takes advantage of the privacy of the classroom and the immaturity of his auditors, to express views which are in conflict with the solemn obligation that rests upon him as a teacher and a public servant.

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6. Compositions of School Boys

To indicate the results of the citizenship training, on her own initiative, of one teacher, herself of foreign parentage, we quote from two compositions written by boys in Grade 6 B 4 of Public School No. 103 on the upper East Side on "What I do to Uphold the Constitution." Both compositions are typical of the work of an entire class. The first was written by Abraham Fleischman, a Russian boy, who had been in the United States only one year. Soon afterward Abraham died from influenza contracted. in discharging his duties as monitor of his class, by keeping order among the younger boys after a snow storm when snow-ball fights were the order of the day.

A. "What would become of our country if the Constitution. was lost? In order to keep the Constitution we must obey it ourselves and teach others to obey. We must obey the laws and love our flag and our country. We must convince our good American citizens that they should not listen to radical talk that might lead their thoughts astray.

"We must teach the foreigners our language and our history and show them how to be good citizens and love our flag and our country. We must teach everybody to obey the laws and show the people that no one has a right to interfere with somebody's business and show them that no country can exist without laws."

B. "While my father and my cousin were talking about the Bolsheviks my cousin said that they were smart and I interrupted and said: If Bolsheviks were smart they would not make so many strikes. They want to be rich without working. They want to sit on a rocking chair and smoke a cigar like Rodman Wanamaker. If you want to be rich you got to work for it. They want to work shorter hours and get more pay. I think they ought to work longer hours and get more pay and then the United States would be the leading country in the world,' and then I went downstairs after doing a good hour's work."

7. Resolutions of the Teachers' Council

In connection with the question of the loyalty of teachers, the action taken by the teachers themselves in the Teachers' Council, May 16, 1919, is of interest. The following resolution was adopted:

Whereas the Socialist Party of the United States, by ref ndum vote in 1917 after the United States had declared war, opted in its platform: The following are measures which we lieve of immediate practical importance, and for which we age an especially energetic campaign:

6. Resistance to compulsory military training and to the conription of life and labor.

7. Repudiation of war debts. And

Whereas the Socialist Party in 1917, after the United States ntered the war, adopted by referendum vote the majority St. ouis Report on War, declaring:

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The Socialist Party ion to the war just declared As against the false loctrine of national patriotism we uphold the ideal of intermational working class solidarity. In support of capitalism we will not willingly give a single life or a single dollar; in support of the struggle of the workers for freedom we pledge our all. We pledge ourselves to the support of all mass movements in opposition to conscription. And Whereas the phrase "mass movement" meant the use of violence. It has never meant anything else in Socialist writings. (New York "Call," May 13, 1917.) And

Whereas every person becoming a member of the party, according to their constitution, signs a pledge that "In all my political actions while a member of the Socialist Party I agree to be guided by the constitution and platform of that party." (See Const., Art. II, Sec. 5.)


Whereas Debs, Berger, and other leaders are in jail or under sentence for expressing their Socialist sentiments.

Whereas the preceding principles were adopted by overwhelming majorities of the votes cast; those supporting the patriotic attitude were expelled or maligned; and the attempts to modify the attitude of the party on the war met on May 7, 1918, the following request: "The National Executive Committee requests the party locals not to attempt to initiate any referendums on the subject of war, as the Committee cannot submit such motions to the membership." (See the "National Office Review,' Vol. I, No. 8, May, 1918, page 4.)

Now, therefore, be it resolved that the Teachers' Council is of the opinion that membership in the Socialist Party, while it upholds such views, and membership in the teaching body of our public schools are incompatible,

Be it further resolved that, in the opinion of the Teachers' Council, it is "conduct unbecoming a teacher" in our public schools to accept public money and at the same time to engage in propaganda for the Socialist Party of America, to run for public office on the Socialist ticket, or to teach in a school, whose bulletin. for 1917-18, states, that for "eleven years

has served the revolutionary Socialist movement."



a. Testimony of Reverend Kenneth D. Miller

Rev. Kenneth D. Miller, Associate Director of the City Immigration Work Department of the Presbyterian Board of Home Missions, in a public hearing before the Committee, said, in substance, the following:

One thing which I have tried in my own work to emphasize and have tried to get the churches to emphasize is to bring out and preserve the best there is in the traditions and ideals and backgrounds of these people that come here to this country and to tie that up with the best that America has to give.

We have a great many centers, some in New York City and others throughout the country where we deal with various racial groups. Here in New York we have, for instance, a Bohemian Colony, where we are trying to establish a place which in its architecture and in its general atmosphere will preserve the artistic surroundings that have come down through the traditions of the Czecho-Slovak people. Here, under the leadership of the highest type of Americans we can get, we are trying to teach these people real Americanism and also give them a chance to exhibit their folk music and folk dancing.

We conduct English classes here for both men and women and our experience with the women of this group is especially interesting. Most of them are cigar makers and work all day. We find that even though they have been here twenty or twentyfive years, they do not speak English, for they work in a Bohemian factory where no English is necessary. But as their children grow up, they find they have no control over them and they take up English to break down the barrier between themselves and the second generation. It is a slow process for them, and they do not learn English perfectly at this age.

Every Sunday night we have an open forum at Labor Temple at 14th Street and Second Avenue, which is in a great polyglot community. This used to be a church and now it is a center for Christianizing influences. I spoke down there recently on Bolshevism and got into the biggest bunch of radicals I have

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