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Connery, Robert H. World War II. 527 p.



The Navy and the industrial mobilization in
Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1951.

"*** In a broad sense, this is a case study of the techniques of executive control in a military department, but it gives particular attention to the administrative problems of material procurement in war time."

Elliott, William Yandell. Mobilization planning and the national security, 1950-1960, problems and issues. [Rev.] Washington, 1950. 5, 188 p. (Public Affairs Bulletin No. 81.)

See chapter 3, "Controversial Organizational Patterns." Helpful material is also found in appendixes on background of mobilization, World War I to Pearl Harbor; statutes and Executive orders on civilian and industiral mobilization; manpower planning and control; and Reorganization Plan No. 35 of 1950.

Janeway, Eliot. The struggle for survival; a chronicle of economic mobilization in World War II. [Roosevelt ed.] New Haven, Yale University Press, 1951. 382 p. (The Chronicles of America series, v. 53.)

"*** how the U.S. won World War II even before the offensive was carried to the enemy, by winning it as a war of production on the homefront; and how Franklin D. Roosevelt manipulated domestic politics to achieve this ***"

Lincoln, George A. Economics of national security; managing America's resources for defense, by G. A. Lincoln and associates in the social sciences, Department of Social Sciences, U.S. Military Academy. Draft of 1953 ed. [West Point, 1953.] 2 v.

Especially chapter 2, "The Role of Government" [in industrial mobilization], and chapter 5, "Industrial Mobilization." Other chapters also have material on administration of economic security policies.

Phillips, Elmo B. Economic mobilization in mid-century America. Los Angeles, 1951. 139 1.

Presents the acts and ideas of men engaged in economic mobilization, and the institutions set up to carry out the tasks of economic mobilization. Smith, Ralph E. The Army and economic mobilization. Washington, Office of the Chief of Military History, Department of the Army, 1959. 749 p.

Tells how the Army operated as one of the principal Government agencies engaged in planning and administering economic mobilization in World War II.

Smith, Ralph E. United States Army in World War II, the War Department; the Army and economic mobilization. Washington, Office of the Chief of Military History, Department of the Army, 1959. 749 p.

Systematic treatment of problems of procurement and economic mobilization faced by the War Department in World War II.

Somers, Herman M. Presidential agency: OWMR, the Office of War Mobilization and Reconversion. Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1950. 238 p.

"A case study in administration. It considers the broad question central organization for war and peace. ***”


Durham, J. A., and B. Caplan. Stabilization planning under the National Security Act. Law and Contemporary problems, v. 19, No. 4, 1954: 477-485.

Concerned with the Office of Defense Mobilization.

Flemming, Arthur S. The Nation's defense mobilization program. Independent Petroleum Association of America monthly, v. 26, December 1955: 25-28, 68-75.

Discusses the mobilization program.

Harris, Herbert. Arthur Flemming gears business for defense. Nation's Business, v. 44, November 1956: 48-62.

Discusses the responsibilities and operations of the Office of Defense Mobilization and the qualifications of its Director, Arthur Flemming. Krout, John A., ed. Mobilizing American power for defense. Academy of Political Science Proceedings, v. 24, May 1951: 287-439.

"Some subject headings are: *** Organization of scientifie research for defense***Civilian aspects of military manpower policy *** Technical treatment of specific problems, many relating to administration." 3. SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT)


Bush, Vannevar. Modern arms and free men; a discussion of the role of science in preserving democracy. New York, Simon & Schuster, 1949. 273 p.

Dr. Bush, Director of the Office of Scientific Research and Development in World War II, writes about science and scientists in national defense. Chapter 17 gives the author's views about the planning and organization of research and development.

Dahl, Robert A. and Ralph S. Brown, Jr. Domestic control of atomic energy. New York, 1951. 117 p. (Social Science Research Council. Pamphlet 8.)

"This research monograph deals with administrative and other problems. It includes a section on the defense establishment in its role as one of the many groups and agencies concerned in control. There is a substantial bibliography ****

Price, Don Krasher. Government and science, their dynamic relation in American democracy. New York, New York University Press, 1954. 203 p.

See chapter 5, "The Machinery of Advice," and chapter 6, "The Structure of Policy."

Stewart, Irvin. Organizing scientific research for war; the administrative history of the Office of Scientific Research and Development. Foreword by Vannevar Bush. [1st ed.] Boston, Little, Brown, 1948. 358 p.

A detailed history, concerned only with the administrative history of OSRD.


Evolution of the organization of the Federal Government for scientific activities: 1947 to the present. Science, v. 128, Nov. 28, 1958: 1329-1331.

Hanks, L. M., Jr., and others. The scientist and U.S. foreign policy. Saturday Review, v. 39. June 2, 1956: 41-47.

Three articles on this subject. Pleas for scientific attachés in our foreign service, return to idea that Point Four was intended to apply science to world affairs. Articles themselves are (1) case study of the infinite complexity of our ignorance, (2) encouraging report on the enlightened inquiries financed by private wealth, (3) sobering study of the American scientist's struggle to put his knowledge to work in modernizing U.S. foreign policy.

Killian, James R., Jr. Science and public policy. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, v. 15, April 1959: 168-172.

Among other elements, the Special Assistant to the President for Science and Technology discusses the Office of Science Adviser in the State Department and the President's Science Advisory Committee.

Marine, Gene. "Think factory" de luxe.

1959: 131-135.

Nation, v. 188, Feb. 14,

A report about the Rand Corporation, the bulk of whose work consists of military planning and research for the Air Force.



Hilsman, Roger. Strategic intelligence and national decisions. Glencoe, Ill., Free Press [1956]. 187 p.

See, especially, part III, where the doctrines that have grown up in American intelligence agencies are evaluated in light of criteria on the relationship of knowledge and action evolved from a working model of rational decision-making.

Kent, Sherman. Strategic intelligence for American world policy. Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1949. 226 p.

See chapter 8, "Departmental Intelligence Organization: Ten Lessons from Experience."

Pettee, George S. The future of American secret intelligence, Washington, Infantry Journal Press [1946]. 120 p.

Contains critical opinions on specific organizational and substantive problems of intelligence.

Ransom, Harry H. Central Intelligence and national security. Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1958. 287 p.

Describes and analyzes "the national intelligence community, the pri mary role of which is to bring the main facts of the outside world to the attention of American policy makers."


Bruce, D. K. E. National Intelligence authority. Virginia Quarterly Review, v. 22, July 1946: 355-369.

Evans, John W. Research and intelligence: the part they play in foreign policy. Foreign Service Journal, v. 34, March 1957: 24-25, 34, 40.

Hilsman, Roger. Intelligence and policy-making in foreign affairs. World Politics, v. 5, October 1952: 1-45.


Carroll, Wallace. Persuade or perish. Boston, Houghton Mifflin Co., 1948. 392 p.

"Administration and policy of the American propaganda and psychological warfare effort in World War II."

Daugherty, William E. comp. A psychological warfare casebook. In collaboration with Morris Janowitz. Baltimore, Published for Operations Research Office, Johns Hopkins University by Johns Hopkins Press [1958]. 880 p.

A collection of case studies on psychological warfare, including its doctrine, history, organization, personnel, policy goals and planning, operational objectives, media, methods, and techniques, as well as an evaluation of its effectiveness.

Linebarger, Paul M. A. Psychological warfare. [1st ed.] Washington, Infantry Journal Press [1948]. 259 p.

"Based on the experiences of the author who worked for 5 years both as civilian expert and as Army officer in American psychological warfare facilities at every level from the Joint and Combined Chiefs of Staff planning phase down to the preparation of spot leaflets. Definition and history of psychological warfare; propaganda analysis and intelligence; organization for psychological warfare; plans and planning; operations for civilians; operations against troops; and psychological warfare operations after World War II ***"

Macmahon, Arthur W. Memorandum on the postwar international information program of the United States, prepared by Dr. Arthur W. Macmahon, in cooperation with the Office of Public Affairs. [Washington.] The Department of State [1945]. 135 p. ([U.S.] Department of State. [Publication 2438].)

A working paper canvassing viewpoints and recommendations with respect to organization and administration of postwar foreign information programs.

Thomson, Charles A. H. Overseas information service of the United States Government. Washington, Brookings Institution, 1948. 397 p.

Detailed study and analysis of the administration and operation of the overseas information activities of the United States. Although published in 1948, is useful for history of informational policy machinery. Many of the problems it deals with are not out of date.


Baldwin, Hanson W. U.S. space set-up draws criticism; military and science aides dislike the complexity and overlapping of program. New York Times, Apr. 13, 1959: 1, 17.

"*** in addition to its dependence upon the Defense Department and the coordination it must maintain with Defense Department agencies, NASA must also work with ten other Government and private agencies ***" Conquest of space; role of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics. Ordnance, v. 43, July-August 1958: 37.

Cooper, John Cobb. Memorandum on the "National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958." Journal of Air Law and Commerce, v. 25, Summer 1958: 247-264.

Analysis of this important legislation.

Degler, Stanley E. The Washington space pie. Space Age, v. 2, November 1959: 24-27, 52-53.

"The organization of America's space efforts is one of almost incredible magnitude with the inevitable rivalry between civilian and military. What are the responsibilities of the NASA? The ARPA? And who is boss of what?"

Dembling, Paul G. National coordination for space exploration-the National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958. In extension of remarks of Clifford P. Case. Congressional Record [daily ed.] v. 105, Mar. 16, 1959: A2215-A2217.


Acheson, Dean G. The pattern of responsibility; edited by McGeorge Bundy from the record of Secretary of State Dean Acheson. Introduction by Douglas Southall Freeman. Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1952 [copyright 1951]. 309 p.

Presents "the central public record of Dean G. Acheson as Secretary of State," and adds to an understanding of security policy formulation in the Truman administration.

Arnold, Henry H. Global mission. [1st ed.] New York, Harper [1949]. 626 p.

Memoirs of the World War II chief of the U.S. Army Air Force. Baruch, Bernard M. My own story. New York, Holt, 1957. 337 p. Memoirs of an "elder statesman" who, among other things, has had very wide experience with wartime industrial mobilization.

Baxter, James P. Scientists against time. Boston, Little, Brown 1946. 473 p.

"The official history of the Office of Scientific Research and Development."

Blair, Clay. The atomic submarine and Admiral Rickover. Illustrated with photos. [1st ed.] New York, Holt [copyright 1954].

277 p.

An account, from one point of view, of human and institutional resistance to technological revolution and innovation. Critical of naval administration and administrators.

Bradley, Omar. A soldier's story. [1st ed.] New York, Holt [1951]. 618 p.

An account of the U.S. campaigns in North Africa and Europe during World War II by a prominent American general.

Butcher, Harry C. Three years with Eisenhower; the personal diary of Captain Harry C. Butcher, USNR, naval aide to General Eisenhower, 1942 to 1945. London, W. Heinemann [1946]. 748 p. American edition (New York, Simon & Schuster) has title: My Three Years With Eisenhower.

Byrnes, James F. All in one lifetime. New York, Harper, 1958.

432 p.

Parts IV and V recount the author's experiences as Director of the Office of War Mobilization during World War II and Secretary of State in the early postwar period.

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