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Printed by virtue of an Act of the Legislature, under the direction and supervision of

Clerk of the House of Representatives.

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The bill was ordered printed, referred to the committee of the whole, and placed on the general order.

By the committee on banks and incorporations:

The committee on banks and incorporations, to whom was referred

A bill to incorporate the village of Pewamo,

Respectfully report that they have had the same under consideration, and have directed me to report the same back to the House, with the accompanying amendments, recommending that the amendments be concurred in, and that the bill, when so amended, do pass, and ask to be discharged from the further consideration of the subject.

W. D. GARRISON, Acting Chairman.

Report accepted and committee discharged.

On motion of Mr. Rood,

The House concurred in the amendments made to the bill by the committee.

The bill was then ordered printed, referred to the committee of the whole, and placed on the general order.

By the committee on State affairs:

The committee on State affairs, to whom was referred

A bill to amend section 63, of chapter 10, of the revised statutes, being section 404 of the compiled laws, relative to the appointment of deputies by county clerks,

Respectfully report that they have had the same under consideration, and have directed me to report the same back to the House, without amendment, and recommend that it do pass, and ask to be discharged from the further consideration of the subject.

CHAS. E. HOLLAND, Acting Chairman.

Report accepted and committee discharged.

The bill was ordered printed, referred to the committee of

the whole, and placed on the general order.

By the committee on State affairs:

The committee on State affairs, to whom was referred

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