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Utilities Management Division (FZU), Washington, D.C. 20406.

[29 FR 13258, Sept. 24, 1964. Redesignated and amended at 43 FR 27191, June 23, 1978]

Subpart 101-33.1-Utilization and Conservation of Utility Services

§ 101-33.101 Surveys and recommendations.

GSA, in coordination with the agency involved, will from time to time survey executive agency requirements for, and utilization and conservation of, utility services and facilities and, with due regard to the program activities of the agency involved, will make such recommendations for improvements as may be deemed advantageous to the Government in terms of economy, efficiency, or service. Executive agencies shall carry out such recommendations.

§ 101-33.102 Advice and assistance.

GSA, upon request of the agency involved, will provide advice and assistance to executive agencies regarding utilization and conservation of utility services and facilities.

Subpart 101-33.2-Negotiation and Representation Involving Utility Services

§ 101-33.201 Negotiations with utility suppliers.

GSA, in behalf of executive agencies as utility consumers, will conduct negotiations with utility suppliers; and, where prior negotiation has failed or is not feasible and where circumstances warrant, will institute such formal or informal action, as may be deemed advisable, before Federal and State regulatory bodies to contest the level, structure, or applicability of rates or service terms of utility suppliers.

§ 101-33.202 Proceedings before regulatory bodies.

Pursuant to the provisions of section 201(a)(4) of the Property Act, with respect to proceedings involving public utility rates or service before Federal and State regulatory bodies, executive agencies shall refer to GSA for consid

eration all complaints and petitions proposed to be brought before such regulatory bodies. Executive agencies shall submit full information concerning the proposed action. GSA will determine, on the basis of the information so submitted and the then existing arrangements, whether it will handle the proceedings, in cooperation with other interested agencies, or delegate the handling of the proceedings to the referring agency, depending on which course of action is deemed to be in the best interest of the Government.

Subpart 101-33.3—Capital Credits

SOURCE: 36 FR 13687, July 23, 1971, unless otherwise noted. Redesignated at 43 FR 27191, June 23, 1978.

§ 101-33.301 General.

Some Federal agencies procure public utility services from Rural Electrification Administration (REA)-financed cooperatives. Since REA-financed cooperatives are nonprofit organizations, any amount paid by participating agencies (also referred to as patrons) in excess of cost of services (usually referred to as operating margins) is treated as capital furnished by such patrons. Operating margins are determined annually on a patronage basis and credited to a capital account for each patron. The cooperative returns the share of the net income credited to agencies on a revolving basis by cash payments or deductions in current service bills when the cooperative's board of directors determines that such a retirement will not impair the cooperative's financial condition.

§ 101-33.302 Definitions.

As used in this Subpart 101-33.3, the following terms shall have the meanings stated below.

§ 101-33.302-1 Capital credits.

Capital credits are patronage dividends derived from amounts paid by patrons in excess of cost of services. Agencies are informed of their share of the capital credit, if any, by written

notices of allocation issued by REA-financed cooperatives.

§ 101-33.302-2 REA-financed cooperative. An REA-financed cooperative is a nonprofit organization that furnishes electric or telephone services to customers, including Federal agencies.

§ 101-33.303 Responsibility for handling capital credit notifications.

Contracting and procurement officers and other employees of Federal agencies shall forward promptly any capital credit notifications to their finance officer or other accountable official. The accountable official shall retain the notification in the official files of the agency.

§ 101-33.304 Disposition of capital credit retirements.

When capital credits are (a) settled by payment to the Government or (b) offset on billings to the Government, the amount received shall be deposited in the Department of the Treasury as miscellaneous receipts, or treated as a cost reduction, as appropriate.

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have no direct relationship to the Defense Readiness Conditions (DEFCONS) of the Department of Defense.

(1) Communications watch. Announcement of this readiness level requires normal or near normal emergency preparedness by Federal civil agencies having nonmilitary defense responsibilities.

(2) Initial alert. When notified of this readiness level, Federal civil agencies shall establish continuous manning of primary emergency operation centers.

(3) Advanced alert. This readiness level indicates the President desires achievement of the highest degree of civil emergency readiness and will result in a general and public participation in emergency and civil preparedness actions.

(b) Defense Readiness Conditions (DEFCONS). DEFCONS are military announcements, progressing from 5 through 1, which indicate the degree of preparedness required by national emergency conditions short of attack warning. DEFCONS 5 and 4 require continuance of normal preparedness. DEFCONS 3, 2, and 1 represent stepped-up readiness actions from moderate to maximum preparation to ensure performance of emergency functions. In support of the Department of Defense during such emergency conditions, the Federal Supply Service (FSS) will respond DEFCON changes.

[42 FR 11836, Mar. 1, 1977]


§ 101-34.003 GSA Handbook, Emergency Supply Support Operations.

Detailed instructions and guidelines on implementing GSA emergency preparedness plans are provided in the GSA Handbook, Emergency Supply Support Operations, which is issued by the Commissioner, FSS. Since the handbook identifies actions to be taken to obtain supplies, equipment, and services from or through GSA in the postattack period, agencies should pre-position copies at their emergency operation centers.

142 FR 11836, Mar. 1, 1977]

Subpart 101-34.1-Preattack Defense Emergency Plans

§ 101-34.100 Scope of subpart.

This subpart provides policy, procedures, and guidelines relating to the procurement of personal property and nonpersonal services from GSA during periods of national defense emergency.

§ 101-34.101 Requisitioning instructions.

(a) Normal FEDSTRIP/MILSTRIP requisitioning procedures shall be followed during the preattack period. GSA will issue appropriate instructions if emergency conditions result in material shortages or other developments which require changes in supply methods or procedures.

(b) Requisitions shall be processed for shipment in accordance with the assigned priority designator code unless otherwise directed by a higher authority.

(c) At the time of an attack upon the United States all agency requisitions in process shall be canceled. After assessment of damages, agencies shall submit new requisitions based on an evaluation of current requirements.

[42 FR 11836, Mar. 1, 1977]

§ 101-34.102 Pre-positioned stocks.

The Federal Preparedness Agency, GSA, encourages agencies to pre-position stocks of essential supplies and equipment which will be needed for the first 15 to 30 days of operation at agency emergency operation centers. Such action will ensure availability of operating supplies in the event of a surprise attack. Agencies unable to pre-position those supplies prior to directive authority to activate the emergency operation centers shall prepare and hold requisitions which can be immediately released to the supply support activity.

[42 FR 11837, Mar. 1, 1977]

§ 101-34.103 FSS emergency coordination centers.

Upon declaration of defense emergency conditions (DEFCON 3, Initial alert, or higher), emergency coordination centers will be activated by the

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Federal Supply Service (GSA) at its Central Office and in each region to provide 24-hour continuous service to monitor high priority requirements. This service will include assistance for specialized procurements and expedited deliveries and determination of availability of critically needed items. At the time of activation, GSA will coordinate supply support actions with agency supply officials on record with GSA.

[42 FR 11837, Mar. 1, 1977]

§ 101-34.104 Agency supply requirements. To enable GSA to meet supply support demands under emergency defense conditions, agencies shall identify items for which increased requirements are anticipated. Items shall be listed by national stock number and shall show the normal annual and anticipated emergency requirements for each item. These lists shall be submitted to the General Services Administration (FP), Washington, D.C. 20406. Using this data GSA can, as appropriate and feasible, alert suppliers of the anticipated increases, arrange for increased quantities under existing contracts, provide for increased GSA inventories, or develop data on additional sources of supply.

[42 FR 11837, Mar. 1, 1977]

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tins or notices the names and telephone numbers of persons to contact when 24-hour supply support service is needed. The GSA Supply Catalog also lists emergency telephone numbers for this purpose.

(b) GSA also provides field liaison service to military and civil agencies through the Customer Service Representative (CSR) program. CSR's are located in the GSA Central Office, regional offices, and Europe. The applicable CSR should be contacted if additional assistance is required concerning adequate supply support during national defense emergencies.

[42 FR 11837, Mar. 1, 1977]

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Revised policy on reporting


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ADP and

Mar. 31, 1979


38 FR 10772, May 1, 1973 40 FR 48733, Oct. 17, 1975

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[FPMR Temp. Reg. E-42]


1. Purpose. This regulation simplifies the procurement process by consolidating agency certifications concerning compliance with privacy, budget, and certain other requirements into a single checklist.

2. Effective date. This regulation is effective on October 17, 1975.

3. Expiration date. This regulation expires March 31, 1976, unless sooner revised or superseded.

4. Background. The Privacy Act of 1974 requires reports on user systems and public notice of all systems of records. The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular No. A-108 makes GSA responsible for revising ADP and telecommunications procurement policies to provide that agencies must review all proposed equipment and service procurements to ensure compliance with applicable provisions of the act. Operational experience with FPMR Temporary Regulation E38 demonstrated a need for more explicit consideration of related funding and procurement policies. The checklist included as attachment A to this regulation has been developed to assist agencies by consolidating certification requirements into a single list.

5. Requirements checklist. Agencies must include with all proposed ADP and telecommunications equipment and service procurements the informa

tion described in attachment A before GSA can process the request.

6. Effect on other issuances. This regulation supplements requirements expressed in FPMR 101-32.203, 10132.404, and 101-35.203. This checklist, however, is not all-inclusive of the applicable procurement and/or other requirements. Therefore, in addition to the checklist, agencies are obligated to comply with all applicable regulations.

7. Agency comments. Agency comments may be submitted to the General Services Administration (CP), Washington, DC 20405, no later than December 31, 1975.

8. Information. Information concerning this checklist may be obtained from:

General Services Administration (CP) Washington, DC 20405.

Telephone IDS 183-7301; FTS 202 343-7301.

ARTHUR F. SAMPSON, Administrator of General Services.

OCTOBER 7, 1975.

[FPMR Temp. Reg. E-42, Supp. 11
ADP and Telecommunications
Requirements Checklist

1. Purpose. This supplement extends the expiration date of FPMR Temporary Regulation E-42 and clarifies agencies' responsibilities concerning the checklist.

2. Effective date. This regulation is effective upon publication in the FEDERAL REGISTER.

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