The Mega-urban Regions of Southeast AsiaT. G. McGee, Ira M. Robinson UBC Press, 1995 - 384 pages A distinguishing feature of recent urbanization in the ASEANcountries of Thailand, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, andIndonesia is the outward extension of their mega-cities (Bangkok,Jakarta, Manila, Singapore, and Kuala Lumpur) beyond the metropolitanborders, resulting in the establishment of new towns, industrialestates, and housing projects in previously rural areas. This processhas both positive and negative effects. On one side, household incomesand employment opportunities are increasing, but on the other, thegrowth often causes serious problems in terms of environmentaldeterioration, conflicting land uses, and inadequate housing andservice provisions. Mega Urban Regions of Southeast Asia is the firstcomprehensive work on the subject of ASEAN mega-urban regions. Thecontributors review T.G. McGee's original idea of desakota zones,and offer arguments both for and against this concept, making asignificant contribution to our understanding of the true face of ASEANcities. The book brings together authors from around the world and willbe of interest to a wide audience, including demographers, urbanplanners, geographers, sociologists, economists, civil servants anddevelopment consultants. |