Kenya National Assembly Official Record (Hansard)The official records of the proceedings of the Legislative Council of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, the House of Representatives of the Government of Kenya and the National Assembly of the Republic of Kenya. |
Common terms and phrases
AFC loans amendment Anangwe appointed asked the Minister Assistant Minister aware beg to reply Biwott Budalangi Chair Charity Ngilu civil servants Clause code of conduct Constitution corruption court dams DDCs de-silting debate disrupt District Eldoret elected Embu farmers going Government Harambee Homa Bay House Business Committee Imanyara IPPG Irrigation Scheme issue Judiciary Karua Kathangu Kenya Kihoro Kiluta Kisumu Kitui District Kituyi Land Appeals Tribunal licence Machakos Machakos District Madoka mageuzi Makueni Makueni District matter Members of Parliament Migori District mikopo Minister for Agriculture Minister for Education Minister for Tourism Ministerial Statement mislead this House Munyao Munyasia Murungi Ngilu notified the police Nyagah Ochuodho order to mislead Parliamentary particular Bill point of order President Maj President of Kenya proposed Committee Province provisions public officers Rodi Kopany Saitoti Standing Orders Sumbeiywo teargas Temporary Deputy Speaker tomorrow Uriri Constituency Vice-President Prof