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Brandon, Dr. Alfred N., president, Medical Library Association.

Budington, William S., Special Libraries Association, Chicago, Ill.

Cohen, Wilbur J., Assistant Secretary for Legislation, Department of

Health, Education, and Welfare_.

Cummings, Dr. Martin M., Director, National Library of Medicine,

Department of Health, Education, and Welfare__

Dempsey, Dr. Edward W., special assistant to the Secretary, Health

and Medical Affairs, Department of Health, Education, and


Donelan, Paul R. M., attorney, Legislative Department, American
Medical Association_.

Fogarty, Hon. John E., a Representative in Congress from the State
of Rhode Island__

Heath, Dr. Gordon G., professor of optometry, Indiana University,
Bloomington, Ind., representing the American Optometric Associ-

Krettek, Miss Germaine, associate executive director, American
Library Association_.

Lodwick, Lyle, director of marketing, Williams & Wilkins Co.,

Baltimore, Md...

Logsdon, Dr. Richard H., director of libraries, Columbia University.

McCracken, William, Washington counsel, American Optometric As-


Parkins, Mrs. Phyllis V., director, BioSciences Information Service,

Philadelphia, Pa..

Parks, Dr. John, dean of Medical School, George Washington Uni-

versity, Washington, D.C______.

Pearlman, Dr. Sholom, American Dental Association and American

Association of Dental Schools..

Reville, Charles O., Jr., vice president, Williams & Wilkins Co.,

Baltimore, Md...

Rubin, Dr. Ábe, editor and secretary, Council on Education, American

Podiatry Association__.

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Sodeman, Dr. William A., Council on Medical Education, American
Medical Association_


Wakerlin, Dr. George E., medical director, American Heart Associ-


Additional information submitted for the record by-

American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, letter from Joseph B.
Sprowls, chairman, executive committee..

American Hospital Association, letter from Kenneth Williamson,
associate director..

American Optometric Association: Estimated library facilities needed
by optometry, next 5 years (table)..

College Young Democratic Clubs of America, National Executive
Committee of, resolution

Ebert, Dr. Robert H., dean, Harvard Medical School, letter from_
Hager, Geo. P., dean, College of Pharmacy, University of Minnesota,
letter from__

Health, Education, and Welfare: Estimated budgetary requirements

for 5-year program..

Alternative method of authorizing appropriations to carry out

H.R. 3142 (table).

Appropriations authorizations recommended by HEW to carry
out proposed Medical Library Assistance Act of 1965 (table) -

Heath, Dr. Gordon G.:

Essential optometric research materials—Attachment A..

Library holdings of 10 schools and colleges of optometry for
1964-Attachment B.

Hubbard, Dr. William N., Jr., statement.
Hungate, Hon. William L., letter from__

Pennsylvania College of Podiatry, letter from Robert J. Wagnon,

Rose, Dr. John C., dean, School of Medicine, Georgetown University,
Washington, D.C., letter from___

Rosenow, Dr. Edward C., Jr., executive director, American College of
Physicians, statement.

Special Libraries Association, southern California chapter, telegram
from J. E. Tallman, chapter president...

Student American Medical Association, resolution_.

Young Democratic National Committee, resolution._

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