Making Kyoto Work: A Transition Strategy for Canadian Energy WorkersCanadian Centre Policy Alternatives, 2002 - 62 pages |
From inside the book
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... greenhouse gas concentrations ..................................... 10 Climate change ... emissions ............................................................... Section 3: A new energy economy .............................
... greenhouse gas concentrations ..................................... 10 Climate change ... emissions ............................................................... Section 3: A new energy economy .............................
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Common terms and phrases
action on climate air pollution Alberta Analysis and Modelling billion biomass buildings Canadian economy Canadian energy sector Canadian oil carbon dioxide climate change climate change action climate change policies coal mining conservation costs countries create decade decrease greenhouse gas developed displaced workers domestic earth energy electricity emission permits emissions trading employment energy efficiency energy industry energy sub-sectors energy workers environmental estimated ethanol exports federal government Figure fossil fuels gases gasoline global greenhouse gas emissions heat Ibid impacts implement important income support Informetrica international scenarios investments IPCC job losses JT program Kyoto commitments Kyoto Protocol labour levels lose their jobs Modelling Group National Climate Change natural gas Natural Resources Canada nuclear power oil and gas oil production Ontario options power plants projects provinces renewable energy reserves sand Saskatchewan Statistics Canada subsidies Table tar sands technologies temperatures Toronto Atmospheric Fund training programs Transition program warming wind workforce
References to this book
Natural Resources and Government Revenue: Recent Trends in Saskatchewan John W. Warnock Limited preview - 2005 |