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Drug rehabilitation projects, status report, July 1, 1971-Continued

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This project is to establish a national institute to train ex-addicts to work in drug rehabilitation projects. Efforts will be made to create career ladders within these projects. The institute curriculums will be finalized, accreditation with universities will be negotiated, and trainees will be selected. Training of 2 groups of 25 counselors will last 6 months and involve cycles of campus and inthe-field training. There will also be management and liaison trainees. The training institute will be centrally located in Washington. Poor ex-addicts have been and will continue to be involved in the program; they will evaluate their courses, with course content influenced by their comments. This program will serve the juvenile population in Anacostia, and will function as an integrated component of a citywide drug addiction treatment program. It will establish a halfway house with 2 30-bed residential units for male and female addicts. "Graduates" of the halfway house will enter a program of outpatient care including diagnostic, evaluation, and planning services, individual and group therapy, education training and job placement. A school and community education program will also be developed. This project will have 2 storefronts for counseling prevention backed up by a therapeutic community and an outpatient methadone withdrawal and maintenance program at Grady Hospital. Grady will provide medical and psychiatric backup for the whole program. There will be close ties with other community agencies such as the Department of Vocational Rehabilitation.

St. Leonard's House is a halfway house for exoffenders sponsored by the Episcopal Diocese of Chicago, located in the near Westside. The project has been operational since January 1968 and has served about 2,000 addicts, providing outreach, detoxification at nearby hospitals, residential care, group and individual counseling, and employment srevices. Medical care is provided through a nearby OEO funded health center. Over 50 percent of the staff are neighborhood residents. Another strong point is the continuing effort to increase community involvement and control over the entire St. Leonard's House program. This project is intended to develop capability to work with large corporations at the managerial level in terms of encouraging them to establish specific corporate policies and programs for the employment of rehabilitated addicts. The grantee will establish a basic staff which can relate to 4 or 5 major corporations. With the plan established, the grantee would provide technical assistance to both the employer and the local drug rehabilitation program in the implementation of that plan. The grantee will also conduct seminars and training sessions bringing management, labor, and program staff together. A small national advisory panel will be established which will include some rehabilitated low-income addicts.

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GROHE TI Me the operations of 4 service centers offering proguns and services for addicts and their famEach wenner will serve 200 clients. An ngang geen of methadone maintenance motioned A therapeutic community housing 30 to 35 addiets and servicing the entarget population is to be established. This project is a direct operation of the Community Action program. Low-income residents wengy by of the 51 seats on the policy advisory emmittee and of the 12 seats on the subemmittee on drug abuse. Four community representatives are on the committee for se lection of staff. Ex-addicts and the poor have been hired as caseworkers and counselors. This program was originally designed to serve the counties of northern New Jersey which have a very high incidence of addiction. Activities in Middlesex County have been taken over by the county government. There is a 225-bed residential facility at Liberty Park (a former Job Corps camp) and several Outreach centers in low-income areas with a high incidence of drug use. A full range of services. including medical detoxification, is provided. About 40 percent of staff are neighborhood residents and/or ex-addicts. The project has served over 4,500 addicts and their families Funding of this project will be assumed by the National Institute of Mental Health. HEW, during fiscal year 1972. This grant supports a wide variety of ongoing and new program components. The Addiction Services Agency will directly operate the Central Referral Unit, which will have very close working relationships with correction and welfare departments. These referral se tivities will also be coordinated with the activities of ASA's districts The ambulatory detoxification comp.rena will be delegated to the Health Services Aiminista tion, which will provide overall techniel and administrative supervisi Fede sive, longer term treatment adi bi tion, addiets will be referred to a ri programs, after preliminary ensch detoxification center. The ILLINWYC cation component will be in part per under contract with the Iraning Gr

Drug rehabilitation projects, status report, July 1, 1971—Continued

14. Location Cincinnati, Ohio; grantee-Community Action Commission of the Cincinnati Area; administrative agency-Talbert House; grant-$357,685; T.P.$487,485 period- July 1, 1971-June 30, 1973; grant No.-5612-A. 15. Location Philadelphia, Pa.; grantee Philadelphia Anti-Poverty Action Commission; administrative agencyCommunity Committee on Drug Abuse; grant$251.390; T.P.-$316,070; period-July 1, 1970-July 31. 1971; grant No.-3810-A. 16. Location-Columbia, S.C.; grantee South Carolina State Economic Opportunity Office; administrative agency-Department of Corrections; grant-$835,177; T.P.$1,194,620; period-July 1, 1971-June 30, 1973; grant No.-4810-A.

66-841-72-pt. 2- -26

America, which will do the planning and development work on this component. All components will tie into the district structure of the Addiction Services Agency. The central referral and ambulatory detoxification will relate closely to the program evaluation office for special evaluation of the innovative aspects of these components. 15 delegate agencies operate a variety of community-based programs under contract with the Addiction Services Agency. They have all developed operating relationships with appropriate public and private resources, in order to offer a continuum of services and treatment approaches to the addicts and their families. 2 of the delegated programs are newchildren and youth components delegated to Hale House for Infants and Neighbors United of Hamilton Heights, respectively. Hale House will relate closely programmatically to the treatment programs with which parents are involved, as well as to a variety of facilities for special services for the children (medical, recreational, special educational, etc.). Neighbors United will continue its coordinated involvement with a considerable number of neighborhood groups.

This grant will be delegated to Talbert House to run a therapeutic community for lowincome addicts. Outreach workers, group and individual counseling, and family involvement, with job training and placement will be an important part of the program. There will be a community advisory board assisting the Talbert House Board of Directors.

This project is designed to provide a comprehensive, community-based, drug rehabilitation program. The delegate will implement the program of treatment, rehabilitation, family counseling. prevention and education materials, and general medical care. The program will center on methadone maintenance treatment plus adding other supportive services.

This project will develop a statewide comprehensive program of rehabilitation services for currently imprisoned youth and adult drug offenders. The program will be a pilot project at 3 State institutions, and will be available to any offenders with a drug dependence problem. Inmates will be treated with emphasis on group counseling, with individual psychotherapy if needed. Recreational therapy will be available as well as all academic and training courses offered by the department of corrections. 6 months to a year before release, the individual will live in a community prerelease center; the project will have 3 of these centers the 1st year of operation, expanding to 6 during the 2d year. Ex-addicts

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Ti co the methadone pro-
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TOT an addiction coordina wen. Tu promide staf training and evalZ MĚ A LÚČ are for the addict and The methadice program will be exMOSA Amik jatients per month, couLe vin sme job training and placea followup. The therapeutic se house 30 inpatients and € 2 000 ponpatients. It will also have a Barang mest program, Outreach, and folA CAA beaith coordinator will be reapy mathie for the entire grant. Each unit of the premam will have an advisory council. he propose of this project is to set up a comy addiction service center for the Tigus Burrk area. The center will disseminate EngHsh-Spanish informational materials: provide outpatient treatment for heroin addicts and limited residential care; referral for methadone treatment, and job development for the 30 to 50 persons involved in direct treatment.

This grant will enable the VDRC to continue making subcontracts with agencies in the State to develop the facilities into a multimo dality treatment network for a more compre hensive State program; and to establish a therapeutic community for 25 addiets. 7 sites are planned, each an autonomous component. which will be combined into a network. The VDRC will provide drug information and education for the State and take signifcant rolê in job training. Each of the 7 sites has at advisory council in conformity with applicable standards of comprehensive health grants The VDRC has set up a dial among the poor about drugs.

This grant will continue a drug-addiction treatment system including a therapectie comntnity for addicts and their fames. A network of 4 facilities is planned. This perfect is a direct operation of the Community Action pregram. An advisory board meg OEO guide lines, has been set up and has been sperational for the last program vesz. Ex-ødtes and por people have been hired as is st counselors.

Drug rehabilitation projects, status report, July 1, 1971-Continued

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D.C.; contractor-Re-
source Planning Corp.;
contract-$239,401; pe-
riod-June 30, 1971-

June 30, 1972; contract

Washington, The contractor will develop and provide resources in the areas of medical, behaviorial, and social sciences, legal services, business management, and community relations for OEOassisted addiction rehabilitation programs. A 2d task is to design, develop, implement, and monitor a reporting system useful for program management needs and to provide monthly information summaries to the addiction, alcoholism, and mental health services division, OHA. A 3d task is to arrange and conduct approximately 4 conferences bringing together the technical specialists, project personnel, and outside resource people to discuss issues related to development and management of drug addiction programs.


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1 C=Contractural arrangements for drug rehabilitation. D-Drug rehabilitation program in neighborhood health center. P=Planning drug rehabilitation program.

Drug rehabilitation activities in neighborhood health centers, status report,

Aug. 1, 1971

[Prepared by Office of Health Affairs, Office of Economic Opportunity]

1. Location-East Palo Alto, Calif.; grantee Economic Opportunity Commission; administrative agency-San


County Department of
Public Health and Wel-
fare; estimated amount
-$120,000; period-Jan.
1, 1971-Aug. 31, 1971.

The East Palo Alto Neighborhood Health Center is planning a drug-abuse program as a part of the mental health services program. Family and group therapy will be available to addicts and potential offenders and their families. Hospitalization and detoxification will be arranged. An extensive outreach prevention program is also being developed to reach young people in the schools. Arrangements are being made with the probation department to provide supportive services in helping juvenile parolees to return to their community.

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