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1. Extracts from the provisional reports of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) and the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI), at their second sessions held in Geneva from 27 February to 4 March 1996, are reproduced in the present document, in sections III-IX. The provisional reports are subject to review by the responsible officers of the subsidiary bodies and to editorial changes. It has not been possible to reproduce the conclusions from all agenda items of the SBI as a number of these are still being finalised. The document has been prepared for the convenience of delegates and will be superseded by the sessional reports in due course. With the aim of providing a clear indication of action taken on each topic, the conclusions have been regrouped by topic, rather than being presented by agenda item of the two subsidiary bodies.

2. In their conclusions, the SBSTA and the SBI, at their second sessions, requested the secretariat to prepare a number of documents that would take into account the views submitted by Parties to be received after the second sessions. These requests for submissions have been summarized in section II below. Some other items on which Parties are invited to take action have also been summarized.

3. In addition to those submissions that Parties have specifically been invited to provide by the SBSTA and the SBI, the secretariat would also welcome the submission of views on any other matters that are under consideration by these bodies. These latter submissions, however, will not be reproduced and distributed as a miscellaneous document, but will remain for secretariat use only.

4. To facilitate the work of the secretariat, it would be very much appreciated if all submissions would identify explicitly and clearly the request from which they emanate. In view of the short time available to the secretariat to prepare the requested documentation, it would be helpful if inputs were made available even before the deadlines indicated. Fax or electronic mail would be a suitable medium for advance submissions.

5. Governments wishing that their submission(s) be incorporated in compilations should clearly so request and are invited to provide a single-spaced original text suitable for reproduction. Fax or electronic mail is not a suitable medium for this purpose.

6. Compilations will be issued in the original languages of submissions. Any Government which feels that a translation of its submission would help its wider dissemination is invited to provide such a translation to the secretariat for inclusion in the

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Scientific Assessments: Consideration of the Second Assessment Report
of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
(agenda item 4 (a) of SBSTA 2)

7. The SBSTA invited Parties to submit their views on the Second Assessment Report to facilitate a full consideration of the Report, to be transmitted to the secretariat by 30 April 1996.

8. The SBSTA invited, inter alia, Parties to make the findings and projections of the second assessment report available in a suitable form to different audiences with special attention being given to the impacts and circumstances at the national and regional level.

9. The SBSTA requested the secretariat to prepare a summary report on research and observation issues, in close collaboration on with Parties, amongst other entities. The secretariat would welcome suggestions from Parties on this topic, preferably before 15 April 1996.

Communications from Parties included in Annex I to the Convention
(agenda item 5 (a) of SBSTA 2)

10. The SBSTA recalled decision 3/CP.1 requesting Annex I Parties to submit to the secretariat national inventory data for the period 1990-1993 and, where available, for 1994 by 15 April 1996, and encouraged these Parties to submit these data, recognizing that Annex I Parties with economies in transition may exercise a certain degree of flexibility based on Article 4.6 of the Convention regarding these submissions.

11. The SBSTA invited Annex I Parties to forward to the secretariat their suggestions related to presentation of inventory data on the land use change and forestry sector for years subsequent to 1990 and on projections in this sector, as well as on aggregating data on greenhouse gases sources and sinks from this and other sectors, by 1 April 1996.


The SBSTA invited Parties to submit views on possible revisions to the Guidelines as suggested in document FCCC/SBSTA/1996/3 by 1 April 1996 (see also paragraph 16 on transfer of technology below).


The SBSTA urged Parties included in Annex I to the Convention that have not yet submitted national communications to do so in time for the second session of the Conference

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