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Bibler, C.J., J.S. Marshall, and R.C. Pilcher, 1992: Assessment of the Potential for Economic Development and Utilization of Coalbed Methane in Czechoslovakia, prepared for U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C., October.

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Detemmerman, V., E. Donni, and P. Zagamé, 1991: Increase of Taxes on Energy as a Way to Reduce CO2 Emissions: Problems and Accompanying Measures, Report to the CEC DG XII CO, Crash Programme, [INITIATING/PUBLISHING AGENCY?], Brussels. (ALSO LISTED UNDER CEC DG XII JOULE. DELETE HERE?]

Dean, A. and P. Hoeller, 1992: Costs of Reducing CO2 Emissions: Evidence From Six Global Models. OECD Economic Studies, 19 (Winter), [PAGES?] Paris.

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Dixon, R., J. Winjum and O. Krankina, 1991: Afforestation and Forest Management Options and their Costs at the Site Level. In: Technical Workshop to Explore Options for Global Forestry Management, International Institute for Environment and Development (Eds.), Proceedings of a conference held April 24-30, 1991, Bangkok, Thailand, pp. 319328.

Dixon, R., P. Schroeder, J. Winjum (eds.), 1991: Assessment of Promising Forest Management Practices and Technologies for Enhancing the Conservation and Sequestration of Atmospheric Carbon and their Costs at the Site Level, Report of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, #EPA/600/3-91/067, Environmental Research Laboratory, Corvallis, OR.

Donni, E., P. Valette and P. Zagamé, 1993: HERMES, Harmonised Econometric Research

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