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R&D outlays: Current dollars .........
Constant (1972) dollars.

$Bil. Percent of GNP.

Percent Daily newspaper circulation.....

Millions Households with TV sets.....

Cable TV subscribers. ..

Passenger cars: Registrations'

Vehicle miles traveled ...

Billions Fuel consumed, avg. per vehicle 2... Gallons New automobile retail sales ......

Millions Domestic sales ............

Millions Import sales ...........

Millions Railroads: Passengers carried.

Millions Revenue-tons originated .............. MUMMONS

....... Millions Air carriers 3: Revenue-passenger miles flown.

.... Billions Net operating income or loss .......... $Mil.

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1.7 -3.5 -11.1 -12.1 -7.3

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1.4 (NA) (NA) 15.0 18.0 7.3

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Energy consumption ............

Quad. Btu Energy production ......

Quad. Btu Energy imports ....

Quad. Btu Fossil fuel prices per mil. Btu's

Dollars Crude oil production .

... Mil. bbl. Imports ............................

Mil. bbl. Electric utility production .................. Bil. kWh Nuclear ............................ Bl. K

Bil, kWh Farms, number

1,000 Land in farms (acres)' .....

Millions Net farm income: Current dollars ......... $Bil. Constant (1967) dollars.

$Bil. Corn production

.. Bil. bu. Wheat production

Bil, bu Soybean production . . .

Bil, bu

................. Bil. bu. Meat production. ..................... Bil. Ib.

Bil. Ib.

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1.1 36.2

1.5 36.8

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This section presents statistics on the growth, distribution, and characteristics of the U.S. population. The pnncipal source of these data is the Bureau of trie Census, which conducts a decennial census of population, a monthly population survey, a program of population estimates and projections, and a number of other periodic surveys relating to population characteristics. For a list of relevant publications, see the Guide to Sources in Appendix IV.

Decennial censuses.—The U.S. Constitution provides for a census of the population every 10 years, primarily to establish a basis for apportionment of members of the House of Representatives among the States. For over a century after the first census in 1790, the census organization was a temporary one, created only for each decennial census. In 1902, the Bureau of the Census was established as a permanent Federal agency, responsible for enumerating the population and also for compiling statistics on other subjects.

The census of population is a complete count. That is, an attempt is made to account for every person, for each person's residence, and for other characteristics (sex, age, family relationships, etc.). Since the 1940 census, in addition to the complete count information, some data have been obtained from representative samples of the population. In the 1980 census, two sampling rates were employed. For most of the country, one in every six households (about 17 percent) received the long form or sample questionnaire; in areas estimated to have fewer than 2,500 inhabitants, every other household (50 percent) received the sample questionnaire to enhance the reliability of sample data in small areas. Exact agreement is not to be expected between sample data and the complete census count. Sample data may be used with confidence where large numbers are involved and assumed to indicate trends and relationships where small numbers are involved.

Three different census counts for the resident population in 1970 are shown in the tables: 203,211,926; 203,235,298; and 203,302,031. The first is the initial tabulated count, the second is the official count, and the third contains the latest revisions. Breakdowns of the revised count of 203,302,031 are not available for demographic characteristics and may not be available for some levels of geography.

The complete count data from the 1980 census shown in this edition are, where possible, consistent with figures published in the 1980 census final reports, series PC80-1-A (U.S. population: 226,545,805). In some cases the data are consistent with figures published in the 1980 census advance reports, series PHC80-V, (U.S. population: 226,504,825).

Reassessment of the evaluation studies of the 1970 census indicates a total net underenumeration of about 4.7 million persons in 1970, compared with 5.1 million in 1960. Among the persons who were not counted in 1970, about 2.9 million were White and about 1.9 million were Black. The overall rate of net underenumeration in 1970 was about 2.2 percent, compared with 2.7 percent in 1960 and 3.3 percent in 1950. Comparable estimates of net underenumeration for 1980 have not been completely developed. However, preliminary results indicate that overall coverage probably improved in the 1980 census and that the number of Blacks not counted dropped to between 1.3 and 1.5 million. Census data presented here have not been adjusted for underenumeration. See Estimates of Coverage of Population by Sex, Race, and Age: Demographic Analysis, PHC(E)-4, February 1974 for a discussion of the 1950, 1960, and original 1970 estimates and Coverage of the National Population by Age, Sex, and Race in the 1980 Census: Preliminary Estimates by Demographic Analysis (Current Population Reports, series P-23, No. 115) for the revised 1970 and preliminary 1980 coverage estimates.

Current Population Survey (CPS).—This is a monthly nationwide survey of a scientifically selected sample representing the noninstitutional civilian population. The sample is located in over 600 areas comprising approximately 1,100 counties and independent cities with coverage in every State and the District of Columbia and is subject to sampling error. At the present time, about 71,000 housing units or other living quarters are assigned for interview at any time, of which about 60,000 are occupied by households eligible for interview; of these, in turn, about 4 percent are, for various reasons, unavailable for interview.

While the primary purpose of CPS is to obtain monthly statistics on the labor force, it also serves as a vehicle for inquiries on other subjects. Using CPS data, the Bureau issues a series of publics

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