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Senator DILL. Do you know how the amount of money spent in this campaign compares with other years, whether it is more or less?

Mr. DUNFORD. The amount raised by-I am speaking now for the national organization-I am treasurer of the campaign committee of the national organization-the amount raised by the national organizations for primary campaigns is slightly more than has been raised formerly. The amount raised for the election contests in off year elections is just about the same as has been formerly raised. Of course, in 1928, where there was a presidential contest, there was a much larger amount raised by the national league, something like $86,000 in connection with the general election.

The CHAIRMAN. Now, in the distribution of your funds I presume that the head of the league, Doctor McBride, has been quite active in certain States in the campaigns of this year, has he not?


Mr. DUNFORD. He has visited quite a number of the States; yes,

The CHAIRMAN. His expenses upon missions of that kind, have they been charged to that campaign fund or charged to the general fund of the league?

Mr. DUNFORD. His time and traveling expenses, so far as it related to the election, has been charged to the campaign fund.

The CHAIRMAN. And that would be true of any others connected with the national organization that went into a State to help in a campaign?

Mr. DUNFORD. Yes, sir.

The CHAIRMAN. I think that is all, unless other members of the committee desire to ask questions.

That is all. Thank you for your cooperation in getting this further information for us.

Mr. DUNFORD. Some of that is rather difficult. I will be glad to pass the request on, however.

The CHAIRMAN. As such a request, if you please, and they may be able to make a classification that will be helpful to us.

The committee will now stand adjourned until the further call of the Chair.

(Whereupon, at 11.05 o'clock a. m., the hearing was adjourned, to be resumed upon call of the Chair.)





New York, N. Y.

The committee met, pursuant to adjournment, at 2 o'clock p. m., in room 96, Murray Hill Hotel, 112 Park Avenue, Senator Gerald P. Nye (chairman) presiding.

Present: Senators Nye (chairman), Dale, and Dill.

The CHAIRMAN. The committee will be in order.


(The witness was duly sworn by the chairman.)

The CHAIRMAN. Mr. Curran, this committee is charged with the task of ascertaining facts relative to expenditures made by and in behalf of candidates for United States Senator in the primary and general elections of this year. Your affiliation with the Association Against the Prohibition Amendment leads the committee to believe that you can afford some information relative to expenditures made in behalf of such candidates by your association. What are you prepared to afford the committee in the way of such facts as that?

Mr. CURRAN. Anything you want to know.

The CHAIRMAN. Have you by any chance prepared a statement from your records revealing the expenditures made in the several States?

Mr. CURRAN. Yes.

The CHAIRMAN. You have such?

Mr. CURRAN. Yes.

The CHAIRMAN. Were expenditures made in all States where there were senatorial campaigns being conducted this year? Mr. CURRAN. No.

The CHAIRMAN. In what States? If I knew, Mr. Curran, better how you had prepared your material, perhaps I could question you more intelligently. Do you have a statement showing your total expenditures in behalf of senatorial candidates?

Mr. CURRAN. I will give you this statement, Senator. I think that will help you. You want primaries and elections both, don't you?

The CHAIRMAN. Primaries and elections both.

Mr. CURRAN. Yes. Here are four copies of the primaries state


(Statement handed to the chairman.)

Mr. CURRAN. This is for the general election. (Statement handed to the chairman.)

Mr. CURRAN. And that is the whole thing.

The CHAIRMAN. Now, then, Mr. Curran, you have given me a statement of appropriations and expenditures, senatorial campaigns, primaries of 1930, and another statement, appropriations and expenditures, senatorial campaigns, general election, November 4, 1930.

These we will ask to be incorporated in the record at this point. (The statements referred to are as follows:)

Association Against the Prohibition Amendment-Appropriations and expenditures, senatorial campaigns

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Association Against the Prohibition Amendment-Appropriations and expenditures, senatorial campaigns-Continued

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1 $2,500 was appropriated and $2,393.96 was expended on behalf of Senator Bayard and Congressman LeFevre. The association estimates that one-half was on account of each candidate.

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