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be desirable for the Bureau to publish this information in order bring the references up to date. I believe, however, that the c continuance of the publication of the bibliography was decided up some years ago. It may be possible, however, to have this mat taken up and a change in policy adopted.

By vote of the Association the matter was referred to a special co mittee of three to be appointed by the Chair.

The President announced the appointment of the following cor mittees:

Committee on auditing: Mr. W. W. Yothers, Mr. R. L. Webster. Committee on resolutions: Mr. R. A. Cooley, Mr. F. L. Washbur Mr. H. J. Quayle.

Committee on nominations: Mr. E. P. Felt, Mr. S. J. Hunter, M W. C. O'Kane.

Committee on Incorporation: Mr. E. P. Felt, Mr. W. C. O'Kane Mr. A. F. Burgess.

Committee on Bibliography of Economic Entomology: Mr. S. A Forbes, Mr. Glenn W. Herrick, Mr. R. L. Webster.

Committee on Amendments to the Constitution: Mr. W. E. Brit ton, Mr. Wilmon Newell, Mr. A. W. Morrill.

At the morning session, Thursday, January 2, the President called for the report of the Committee for Testing Proprietary Insecticides The Secretary read a letter which he had received from Mr. Sanderson, chairman of this committee, stating that no work had been done by the committee during the year and suggesting that it be discontinued. By vote of the Association the report was accepted and the committee discharged.

PRESIDENT W. D. HUNTER: I will now call for the report of the committee on legislation, which has been received from Mr. Sanderson.



Your committee on legislation begs leave to report that it was represented at a hearing on the Simmons bill before the committee on agriculture of the House of Representatives, on February 19, 1912, at which the measure was fully discussed with interested representatives from various parts of the country and by the legislative committee of the American Nurserymen's Association. The committee kept in close touch with this measure after that, and, through correspondence and otherwise, aided in the final passage of the measure on the last day of the session in August last. This act, although not all it might be desired, is a long step in advance, and has already been used to good advantage by the federal board in charge of its enforce


Respectfully submitted,


By vote of the Association the report was accepted and the committee discharged.

PRESIDENT W. D. HUNTER: The next order of business is the report of the special committee on amending the Constitution.

MR. W. E. BRITTON: In connection with this report I will say that it is the understanding of the committee that it would be desirable, in case the proposed affiliation is brought about between this Association and the Association of Horticultural Inspectors and the Association of Apiary Inspectors, that one vice-president of this Association be a horticultural inspector and that the other vice-president be an apiary inspector. It seems probable that it will also be necessary to divide future meetings into sections and it will be the duty of the vice-presidents to preside as chairmen over the sections which they represent.


The following changes in the constitution have been proposed:

Strike out the first sentence in Article II, Section 1. In the following sentence after the word "entomologists" add "horticultural or apiary inspectors," so that the sentence will read as follows: "All economic entomologists, horticultural or apiary inspectors employed by the federal or state governments may become members." Making the Section read as follows:

SECTION 1. All economic entomologists, horticultural or apiary inspectors employed by the General or State Governments or by the State Experiment Stations, or by any agricultural or horticultural association, and all teachers of economic entomology in educational institutions and other persons engaged in practical work in economic entomology may become members.

In Article III, Section 1, omit the last sentence, which provides for the appointment of the membership committee by the President of the Association.

This committee approves these changes and recommends their adoption. The constitution provides that all officers and committees not otherwise provided for shall be elected by ballot on the recommendation of the Committee on Nominations. We therefore recommend that a committee on membership be elected at this meeting, one to serve three years, one for two years, and one for one year, and that at each subsequent meeting one member be elected for a period of three years. Respectfully submitted,

W. E. BRITTON, Chairman,



PRESIDENT W. D. HUNTER: I believe it would be well to hear the report of Professor Symons of the Committee on Affiliation with Horticultural Inspectors, before acting on this report.

MR. T. B. SYMONS: I am submitting the following report which is drawn up in the form of a resolution to which is attached a plan of the proposed affiliation:

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Whereas; a committee of this Association has conferred with similar commit of the American Association of Official Horticultural Inspectors and the Ameri Association of Apiary Inspectors for the purpose of considering a plan wher affiliation may be brought about with this Association, and,

Whereas, it is the opinion of the members of these committees that affiliat is desirable and will bring about better results and at less expense to the memb than by maintaining separate and distinct organizations.

Resolved, That the plan outlined below be submitted to each Association concern at it- forthcoming annual meeting and that the same shall be put in force imme ately if approved by the Associations concerned.


In order to bring about affiliation, the American Association of Economic Ent mologists agrees to amend its constitution to enable the present members of ti American Association of Official Horticultural Inspectors and the American Associ tion of Apiary Inspectors to become members and that said amendment will be mad by striking out the first sentence of article II, section 1 of the constitution, whic reads as follows: "The membership shall be confined to workers in economic ent mology," and in the following sentence after the words "entomologists" there sha be added words "or horticultural or apiary inspectors," so that the sentence wi read, "All economic entomologists, horticultural or apiary inspectors employed by the Federal or State governments... may become members.

The members of the American Association of Official Horticultural Inspector and American Association of Apiary Inspectors, who are not at present members o the American Association of Economie Entomologists, will, after making regular application for membership, be admitted on the same basis as other members.

After the affiliation has been accomplished, the annual meetings of the American Association of Economic Entomologists shall be arranged so that the Horticultural Inspectors may meet as the section of Horticultural Inspection, and the Apiary Inspectors may meet as the section of Apiary Inspection and the programs shall be made up so that as few papers as possible of mutual interest shall be presented at the same time before the American Association of Economic Entomologists and its sections.

The American Association of Economic Entomologists further agrees that one vice-president of its Association shall be a recognized Horticultural Inspector and he hall have general direction over and preside at, the meetings of the section of Horticultural Inspection and a similar arrangement shall be put in force for the section of Apiary Inspection. The secretary of the American Association of Economie Entomologists will have charge of the preparation and arrangements for the meetings, the general make-up of the program and the publication of the proceedings of the Association. Each section shall select its own secretary to keep a record of the proceedings and discussions at the sectional meeting and he shall prepare them for publication. It shall be the privilege of each section to bring any matters of special interest in its work to the attention of the American Association of Economic Entomologists for action by that Association.

The proceedings of the American Association of Economie Entomologists and sections, together with such papers as may be presented, shall be given equal privileges for publication in the JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY.





MR. E. P. FELT: It seems to me that we ought to act first on the report of the committee on amending the Constitution and I move that the report of this committee be adopted.

By vote of the Association the report was adopted.

PRESIDENT W. D. HUNTER: We will now consider the report of the Committee on Affiliation as made by Mr. Symons. What is your pleasure?

MR. T. B. SYMONS: In order to bring this matter before the Association for consideration and discussion, I move that the report be accepted.

MR. W. C. O'KANE: I should like to ask if it is the understanding that the members of the Association of Horticultural Inspectors and Apiary Inspectors be admitted as members of this Association.

MR. T. B. SYMONS: Membership in this Association will, according to the report, be subject to the same requirements as heretofore. The members of the Association of Horticultural Inspectors and Apiary Inspectors who do not at the present time belong to this Association will be admitted if recommended by our membership committee.

MR. W. C. O'KANE: Have you both active and associate members in the Association of Horticultural Inspectors?

MR. T. B. SYMONS: Yes; but at the present time there are only a small number of Horticultural Inspectors who are not already members of this Association.

MR. W. C. O'KANE: Can you tell me how many members of the Apiary Inspectors Association are members of this Association?

MR. WILMON NEWELL: Possibly fifteen or twenty members of this Association are now active members of the Association of Apiary Inspectors.

PRESIDENT W. D. HUNTER: Is there any further discussion? If not, I will now put the motion to accept the report of this committee. The motion was duly carried.

At the afternoon session, January 2, the following report was submitted by the Committee on International Congress of Entomologists, by Dr. S. A. Forbes.


The committee presents the following resolution:

Resolved, That we desire to express to the management of the Second International Congress of Entomologists our lively interest in the continued success of the Congress movement, our cheerful acquiescence in the decision of the Congress to hold its next session on the continent of Europe rather than in America, and our earnest wish that it may so perfect its organization as to give to its actions and conclusions the authority of a thoroughly representative body. To this end we hope that

it may, at the earliest opportunity, adopt a constitution prepared by a committ of its own appointment, providing for the delegate representation and adequate v ing power of the various entomological societies and institutions of the world, a for the election of its own officers and executive agents on nominations to be ma by a regularly constituted committee, or by its members in open meeting. Un these or similar steps are taken, we are of the opinion that the recommendations an pronouncements of the Congress are likely to be taken as of no general or permane validity, but as expressions of opinion, merely, by a majority of the individuals wh chance to be present at its meetings.

STEPHEN A. Forbes,

The report was adopted.

At the final session Friday morning, January 3, the following busi ness was transacted:

PRESIDENT W. D. HUNTER: We will now listen to the report of the Auditing Committee by Mr. W. W. Yothers.


We, the undersigned, do hereby certify that we have examined the books, accounts and vouchers of the Secretary of this Association and have found the same to be properly kept and correct.

Respectfully submitted,


By vote of the Association the report of this committee was accepted. PRESIDENT W. D. HUNTER: We will now listen to the report of the Committee on Resolutions, by Mr. R. A. Cooley.


Mr. President and Members of the American Association of Economic Entomologists:Your Committee on Resolutions respectfully submits the following:

Whereas, The Cleveland Normal Training School has provided this Association with commodious and pleasant quarters and has so generously furnished many other facilities for this meeting, be it

Resolved, That we extend to the authorities of the Normal School and particularly to Professor Whitman our sincere thanks.

Whereas, --The Association has received many courtesies and evidences of hospitality from Professor Gossard and his associates, be it

Resolved, That we extend to these gentlemen our appreciation and thanks. Whereas, -An annually published review of insect outbreaks in the United States is of value as a record and for the information of entomologists, and

Whereas, The Association regrets the discontinuance of such a review as formerly published in the Yearbook of the Department of Agriculture, be it

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