INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION REPORTS VOLUME 130 MOTOR CARRIER CASES DECISIONS OF THE INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION OF THE UNITED STATES June 1977-November 1978 REPORTED BY THE COMMISSION For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Served as Vice Chairman from January 1, 1976 to December 31, 1977. 2. Retired August 31, 1978. 3. Resigned August 3, 1978. 4 Retired November 10, 1977. Served as Vice Chairman from January 1, 1978 to December 31, 1978. H. G. Homme, Jr., was appointed Acting Secretary on June 8, 1977 and appointed Secretary on November 6, 1978. II 130 M.C.C. TABLE OF CASES REPORTED * Denote cases further considered Ace Transp. Co., Inc., Extension-Charter Operations*-. Page 382 167 323 Ashbourne Transp., Inc., Common Carrier Application- B. J. McAdams, Inc., Extension-Russellville Frozen Foods* Central Transport, Inc., Extension-Gateway Elimination* 404 294 307 162 286 Chesapeake Motor Lines, Inc., Extension-Prince George County, MD -- 854 224 253. 37 Floyd & Beasley Transfer Co., Inc., Extension-Mississippi and Four- 72 Harkema Exp. Lines Ltd. Common Carrier Application---- 1 167 243 Loomis Armored Car Service, Inc., Extension-South Dakota, Nine North 182 McAdams, Inc., Extension-Russellville Frozen Foods*. 294 McLean Trucking Co. Extension-McCrory, AR*; Regular Routes---- 208,880 187 Modification of Administrative Ruling No. 84, Investigation to Consider--- 167 891 874 National Freight, Inc., Extension-Florida*; Georgia to 8 States---- Pirkle Refrigerated Freight Lines, Inc., Conversion-E Letter Notice of Thurston Motor Lines, Inc., Extension-Alabama Points 252 Warren Transport, Inc., Petition for Declaratory Order-Rejection of 301 |