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them, the activity would be directly handled by the Deputy Manpower Administrator.

Senator KENNEDY of Massachusetts. Who, in the Department, is finding out what the Bureau of Child Welfare is doing over at HEW, taking advantage of the benefits of that program, the research and projects?

Dr. ALLER. My staff should be.

Senator KENNEDY of Massachusetts. I think all of us, everyone, is really overstretched, I feel, in so many of these programs. But it just seems to me that if you have the one person within the Department who was not thinking about anything else, who had good liaison with the respective groups you have identified, and was also thinking of his counterpart over in HEW who really knew what was going on in that Department, you would really have topflight coordination which would really be most effective in carrying through the purposes of this legislation, and, what is more important, meeting the problems of the young people. I somehow feel that the structure and the definition of the responsibility, to some extent, is being lost. This is what concerns me.

Mr. BATTLE. I think, Mr. Chairman, it is clear among the various departments that have a concern in this area that there are different approaches to organization that can be followed. We will, as you have suggested, consider Secretary Gardner's testimony and prepare for the record our responses in terms of your question.

Senator KENNEDY of Massachusetts. I have raised for your own attention the Executive order which was issued in 1961 which appointed the President's Committee on Juvenile Delinquency and Crime. The Committee at that time was composed of the Attorney General, the Secretary of Labor, Secretary of HEW. The order said that it shall encourage the cooperation and sharing of information between the Federal agencies and State and local and private organizations that have an interest. It applied not only to the Federal Establishment but was also to try to cooperate with the respective State and local agencies and would really pinpoint the responsibility for the effective implementation of programs affecting youth.

It seems to me I have addressed this question to the respective secretaries, of why that has, for one reason or another, gone into a period of some inactivity. The question is whether that should be reactivated or whether we really need to try to see what should be done, because I think that over in HEW, for example, we have recognized the fact that they have 30-odd programs which involve the different agencies in that Department. There is the filtering-out responsibility.

There is a real question in our minds, whether the real interest of youth delinquency and crime is really being thought about in these


Now, they have had a reorganization over there to try to identify the responsibility somewhat more clearly, and I would like to urge upon your department some thinking about this problem to see what can be brought out.

As part of that, I would also be interested in examining the youth development programs in the various State employment offices, who, in your shop, is looking into that and coordinating that activity. I think this would be helpful.

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Mr. BATTLE. You would like to have that submitted for the record also?

Senator KENNEDY of Massachusetts. Yes, I think it could be part of this overall report.

One of the things that we are interested in, and it is related to the topic that I have addressed my questions to, is the fact that you have a number of programs that you have submitted here to us under title I for prisoners and delinquents. I am just wondering, for example, when this information comes through, if you will list the various programs, how that information is passed on, over to various other departments in Government who might be either working or interested in working on similar kinds of programs and are also concerned with the general kind of program itself, so that the benefits of the experiments and pilot programs can benefit the other departments who are concerned about the problems of juvenile delinquency.

Mr. BATTLE. We do have within the Office of Manpower Policy Evaluation and Research a section that is expressly devoted to this kind of focus on utilization of findings from research and from pilot studies. Dr. Aller can tell you specifically about that.

Dr. ALLER. Yes, we have had, from the beginning, fairly regular and deeply involved relationships with the Federal Bureau of Prisons and with others in HEW that are interested in the same range of problems.

This last year, as the experience began to mature, we began sponsoring nationwide conferences to which correctional people and others interested in this kind of activity were invited. We used the Draper project, mentioned in the list submitted to the committee, as a locale for one of the biggest and most effective of these sessions; using it really as a training experience, as a way of conveying directly the learning and the knowledge that was generated out of that particular project.

Then, as we began to plan a pilot prison inmate training program, authorized in the 1966 amendments of MDTA, we established a joint group of all the agencies involved for the purpose of developing nationwide plans for a large-scale pilot prison inmate training effort.

Senator KENNEDY of Massachusetts. As I understand the Housepassed bill, it had a restriction for the utilization of these kinds of funds under this bill, that they could not be used in programs that are under the OEO. I am wondering what you think would be the effect of that provision on some of the programs that you now have funded?

Mr. BATTLE. We are generally aware of those amendments. I have to suggest to you that we have not had an opportunity to study carefully the implications of them and of this one in particular. It is very clear, I would think, that to the degree that OEO-sponsored agencies or programs have in fact related themselves to a broad cross section of community services and institutions, such an amendment might very seriously impair the ability of communities to deal productively in this


Senator KENNEDY of Massachusetts. Will you take a look at the various changes and amendments that have been made in that bill and give us a report of what your position is on these questions and the problems that have been raised by them?

Mr. BATTLE. I certainly will.

(The information requested and subsequently supplied for the record follows:)


The Assistant Secretary of Labor for Manpower, who also carries the title of Manpower Administrator, has under his jurisdiction all manpower programs and services including those which address themselves exclusively to youth.

The Manpower Administrator has, as a part of his immediate office, a staff arm under the leadership of an Associate Manpower Administrator who has overall responsibility for the planning, policy development and evaluation of all manpower programs, including the determination of how best to use funds and resources available under the MDTA and programs delegated to the DOL by OEO. The responsibility also covers basic manpower research and experimental research designed to find new ways of meeting the problems of disadvantaged workers, including youth.

In carrying out his responsibility, the Associate Manpower Administrator insures that existing programs are effectively performed, are responsive to the changing demands of economic and social conditions, and are making maximum utilization of available resources. It has not been found necessary, therefore, to create an additional position for the purpose of coordinating all manpower services addressed solely to youth. As will be shown in the following paragraphs, there is extensive and continuing coordination and interaction among operating bureaus of the Manpower Administration and with other Federal agencies which administer programs addressed to youth.

In a number of instances, the Associate Manpower Director performs a close and direct coordinating function. For example, experimental and demonstration projects (E&D) which comprise operating research and focus on youth are contracted for through one official, the Associate Manpower Administrator. Thus, the E&D youth activities under the Manpower Development and Training Act and those stemming from the Economic Opportunity Act programs delegated to the Department of Labor are all developed and administered through the same office, rather than being handled separately by the respective operating bureaus. The Associate Manpower Administrator's office also has specific machinery for informing and consulting each of the several agencies, in and out of the Department of Labor, on its E&D youth projects. In addition to direct consultation with individual agencies on specific details of particular projects, it uses an InterAgency Project Review Committee as the mechanism by which each interested agency participates in the review of E&D projects. The Committee includes representatives, not only of the several Labor Department agencies, but of HEW and OEO, with additional agencies invited on an ad hoc basis as necessary.

The Associate Administrator's office also distributes to other agencies findings of E&D projects which may be useful to them. For this purpose, regular interchange is maintained outside the Department with such units in HEW as the National Institute for Mental Health, the Vocational Rehabilitation Administration, the Office of Juvenile Delinquency, and the Office of Education, as well as with other agencies and departments.

The Bureau of Work Programs (BWP), a newly established operating bureau in the Manpower Administration with responsibility for the several work-training programs delegated to the Department by OEO, works closely with a variety of agencies and organizations in the development and delivery of its services to young people. The maintenance of such close working relationships is essential to BWP programs which must be effectively linked, concurrently or sequentially with manpower and supportive services, both in and out of the Department.

As previously indicated, BWP participates in the formulation of E&D youth projects, contributing valuable technical assistance and operating "know-how". One of the most significant projects now in operation is designed to determine the effect of work-experience and work-study programs on delinquent youth. The immediate objectives are to encourage delinquent youth with deprived socioeconomic background to remain in or return to school, or to prepare them for work. The ultimate objective is to change anti-social behavior.

In its relationship with the Women's Bureau, BWP has focused on the concern of that Bureau with job opportunities for women and girls as well as needed services such as day-care facilities. The extensive expertise acquired by BWP

in administering work-training programs is proving especially helpful to the Women's Bureau and the Commission on the Status of Women, particularly as regards members of disadvantaged groups.

Perhaps, the best illustration of effective program inter-relationships which BWP has developed involves the Federal-State employment service system. This system, through its Youth Opportunity Centers or through the local employment offices, provides essential manpower services to the community sponsor of Neighborhood Youth Corps projects. Such services include recruitment, counseling, testing, and job development. Cooperative relationships between BWP and the Federal-State employment service system at all responsible levels facilitate the provision of needed services and their integration with the NYC enrollee's total preparation for gainful employment.

The recent amendment to MDTA under which NYC youth may receive the regular training allowances paid to adult trainees is facilitating the movement of NYC enrollees into MDTA occupational training. The two programs are being firmly linked to enable NYC youth to take advantage of the more sophisticated skill training offered by MDTA in order to qualify for permanent jobs. Thus, implementation of the amendment calls for coordination within the Department of Labor as well as with the Department of Health, Education and Welfare. Agencies playing major roles at the local level are Community Action Agencies, Manpower Advisory Committees and local Boards of Education. This is the type of close and continuing coordination in which administrative action is buttressed by legislative mandate.

As has already been indicated, BWP maintains working relationships with all Federal agencies whose responsibilities are related to the program objectives of BWP youth projects. These agencies include the Office of Economic Opportunity, the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the Department of Interior, the Department of Defense, and the Department of Health, Education and Welfare.

The varied, extensive, and in-depth services to youth, performed by the Federal-State employment service system, are the functional responsibility of the Division of Youth Employment and Guidance Services in the Bureau of Employment Security. The Division coordinates its activities with other bureaus and agencies, which provide youth services, through liaison arrangements and cooperative relationships maintained by designated staff members. The major program areas in which these relationships are maintained together with their primary objectives are:

1. To make sure that the youth activities of BWP and the public employment service effectively complement and supplement one another in accordance with existing legislative provisions and administrative directives.

2. To cooperate with the Job Corps in the recruitment, screening, and referral of candidates to Job Corps centers and the placement of Job Corps returnees. 3. To work with representatives of the Office of Juvenile Delinquency and Youth Development (HEW) in connection with experimental and demonstration projects such as the New Start Project in Denver operated jointly by both organizations, utilizing the facilities and resources of the State employment service. 4. To work with members of the Office of Education in the further development of cooperative school-Employment Service counseling and placement programs for school dropouts and graduates entering the labor market.

5. To represent the Division on the Interdepartmental Committee on Children and Youth.

These arrangements for maintaining liaison and cooperative working relationships have their counterparts at regional, State, and local levels. Indeed, the pattern of concerted services and joint action at all levels has been increasingly reflected in youth activities. The Employment Service's Human Resources Development Program with its outreach activities in ghetto areas has brought about a major expansion of liaison and coordinating mechanisms with other bureaus and agencies at all levels. Similar interagency cooperation with corresponding program linkages which encompass services to youth have followed in the wake of manpower and manpower-related measures such as The Manpower Development and Training Act, the Vocational Education Act of 1963, and the Economic Opportunity Act.


The House made two changes in the bill as it was reported by the Committee: 1. In place of the direct control of activities by the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare which had been provided, the House substituted a system of grants to States under approved State Plans with the States, under the terms of the plans, controlling the actual activities under the Act. The system established by the House is similar to that under which the State employment services now operate under the Wagner-Peyser Act. I think this system has worked in the case of the employment service, but I would leave to the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare any final judgment regarding its applicability in the field of juvenile delinquency.

2. The House would prohibit "the Office of Economic Opportunity or any community action agency, other agency or program created by, administered by, or in any part funded by or contracted with the Office of Economic Opportunity" from receiving any financial support under the Act. This change could impair the ability of programs to achieve the purposes of the Act. In many areas the agencies which could function most effectively under this Act are agencies which also receive funds from the Office of Economic Opportunity. To prohibit such agencies from receiving funds under this Act would be a serious mistake.

Secretary of Labor, Washington, D.C.

SEPTEMBER 15, 1967.

DEAR MR. SECRETARY: In connection with the subcommittee's hearings on the Juvenile Delinquency Prevention Act of 1967 and your testimony which is scheduled for Wednesday, September 27, the subcommittee requests that Labor Department representatives from each bureau or division which has responsibility for activities related to delinquent youth accompany you at the hearing.

Prior to the hearing, I would appreciate it if your department would prepare and deliver to the subcommittee a report listing all legislative authority giving the Labor Department responsibility for and all activities in fields related to the prevention, control or treatment of juvenile delinquency, youth offenses, and the problems of disturbed or delinquent youth in which the Labor Department is presently engaged.

At our hearings the subcommittee will inquire into each of these activities particularly with respect to their relationship to each other and their relationship to activities in other Federal departments and agencies.

Sincerely yours,


Chairman, Subcommittee on Employment, Manpower, and Poverty.


Washington, September 26, 1967.

Chairman, Subcommittee on Employment, Manpower, and Poverty,
U.S. Senate, Washington, D.C.

DEAR MR. CHAIRMAN: In response to your letter to Secretary Wirtz of September 15 requesting information on Department of Labor programs related to the prevention or treatment of juvenile delinquency, I am enclosing copies of four papers briefly describing the activities of the various agencies of the Manpower Administration in this area. The papers are:

A Summary of Title I (MDTA) Programs in Manpower Training for Prisoners or Delinquents.

Youth Services in the Employment Service.

Bureau of Work Programs Youth Employment Program-Neighborhood Youth Corps.

Youth Training Under MDTA.



Special Assistant for Legislative Affairs.

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