Kenya National Assembly Official Record (Hansard)The official records of the proceedings of the Legislative Council of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, the House of Representatives of the Government of Kenya and the National Assembly of the Republic of Kenya. |
Common terms and phrases
A1 Road allocated Applause Archbishop Ondiek ask the Minister Assistant Minister beg to reply beg to support bridges building Busia Busia District Busia Town Chair cheques construction contractors District Roads Committees donors DRCs E.K. Maitha equipment funds going Government Head health centres hippos Housing issue Item Kacheliba Kenya region Khamasi kilometre Kisumu Kisumu District Konchella Kshs5 million Lake Victoria Maathai maintenance Major Roads Mandera District Maore Maragwa Members of Parliament Meru Minister for Environment Minister for Roads Ministry of Roads Mombasa mortuary Murang'a District Muturi Nairobi Nino rains North Eastern Province Obwocha officers Ojiambo Olweny Poghisio point of order police posts police station Private Notice Public Question deferred Questions by Private Raila Resources and Wildlife road network road reserves Roads 2000 Programme Sasura Sub-Vote Sungu tarmacking roads Tarus Temporary Deputy Chairman Temporary Deputy Speaker urge the Minister vegetation Vote wananchi Wanjala