Kenya National Assembly Official Record (Hansard)The official records of the proceedings of the Legislative Council of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, the House of Representatives of the Government of Kenya and the National Assembly of the Republic of Kenya. |
Common terms and phrases
79 kilometres accounts Achola acres ADC farms allocated land Angwenyi asked the Minister Auditor-General Corporations aware bill of quantities Botswana cent coffee contract contractor deferred donor ensure fuel levy money funds give given Government Guardian International happened Home Affairs Prof individuals issue Katuku Kenya Airports Authority Kenya Ports Authority Kenya Railways Corporation Kenyatta National Hospital Kihoro Kikuyu Kisii Central Kisii District Kituyi KPTC Kshs174 million landless Lokichoggio look maize Members Migori District Minister for Home Minister for Roads misappropriated mislead this House Mokku Mombasa Muihia Muite Murathe Muriithi Ndicho Newman Investments NSSF Nyamira officers Ongeri organisation paid parastatals Parliament Parpai PIC Report piece of land plot point of order police prisoners Prudential Building Society Public Health Prof Public Investments Committee raised Roads and Public Rotich Saitoti sodomy Speaker Standing Orders talking tarmacked tender Vice-President and Minister well-connected