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right grows out of an attachment, the fact that the preferential right is exercised shall in no wise prejudice the rights of the other creditors to the sum to be distributed.

BRUSSELS, August 25, 1925.




Reservation of the Italian Government concerning the conven-
tion relative to the unification of certain rules relating to the
limitation of the liability of owners of seagoing vessels

In signing the first convention on maritime law prepared by the conference at Brussels, I must make, on behalf of the Italian Government, the following reservation:

"With the reservation that the limitation of liability provided by paragraph 3 of article 3 of the convention shall not prejudice the application of the special provisions of Italian law in all that concerns the liability to passengers considered as emigrants."



During May, the following publications, of direct interest in connection with Treaty Information, were published by the Department of State and may be secured from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C.

Trade Mark and Commercial Protection and Registration of
Trade Marks: Convention and Protocol between the United
States of America and Other American Republics. Signed
February 20, 1929; proclaimed February 27, 1931. (Treaty
Series, No. 833.) 78 pp. 15¢.

Protection of Industrial Property: Convention between the
United States of America and Other Powers. Signed No-
vember 6, 1925; proclaimed March 6, 1931. (Treaty Series,
No. 834.) 34 pp. 10¢.

Rights of the United States of America and of its Nationals in
Iraq: Convention and Protocol between the United States
of America and Great Britain and Iraq. Signed January
9, 1930; proclaimed March 11, 1931. (Treaty Series, No.
835.) 51 pp. 10¢.

Extradition: Treaty between the United States of America and Germany. Signed July 12, 1930; proclaimed April 22, 1931. (Treaty Series, No. 836.) 11 pp. 5¢.

Proceedings of the London Naval Conference of 1930 and Supplementary Documents. Conference Series, No. 6. Publication No. 187. viii+306 pp. 45¢ (paper cover).


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