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The standards consist of three major components: designation of the uses which the waters are to serve, specification of narrative and numerical criteria to protect and enhance water quality, and specification of a plan of implementation and enforcement, which includes treatment and control requirements for numicipal, industrial and other wastes discharged to or affecting the waters. These three essential components are discussed in the following sections. The standards are now being implemented. However, there will be continuing research on water quality requirements for various beneficial uses and for improved collection and evaluation of water quality data. As more information becomes available and experience with implementing the standards is gained, the standards will be refined and improved to reflect this new knowledge.

Should more detailed information be required on any aspect of the standards, it may be obtained from the Arkansas Pollution Control Commission, Little Rock, Arkansas, or the Federal Water Pollution Control Administration, South Central Regional Office in Dallas, Texas. The addresses of these offices are given on page 21.


The designation by the State of Arkansas of specific uses in all river basins is to protect present uses, recognize practicable future uses, provide where possible for a variety of uses, and to assure compatibility of standards with Federal, State and local resource planning. With few exceptions, the streams of Arkansas contain waters of a quality suitable for all legitimate uses without the necessity of unreasonable water treatment. Where man-made pollution exists, substantial progress has been and is being made in abatement.

It is the purpose of these criteria to preserve and enhance the quality of this water so that it shall be reasonably available for all beneficial uses and thus promote the social welfare and economic well-being of the people of the State. To satisfy the intent of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act to enhance water quality, the standards specifically provide that no interstate waters may be used solely or primarily for waste assimilation. The waters must be aesthetically pleasing, and this quality is protected by narrative criteria preventing unsightly or obnoxious conditions, such as floating debris, oil slicks, unpleasant odors, and colors.

Specific use designations for all waters covered by the standards are provided in Table I.

59-068 O 71 pt. 4- 22

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All of the indicated will be found within the river basin shown, however all uses may not be applicable to a particular stream reach. For specific information, contact the Arkansas Water Pollution Control Commission.

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KOVO! the Arkansas Water Pollution Control Commission


The protection of water quality and uses requires the establishment of numerical and narrative limits on pollutants which damage these uses. The water quality criteria in this section reflect the best scientific judgment available as to the water quality requirements for the assigned uses. Numerical criteria are used wherever it is reasonable to do so. However, narrative criteria are also necessary in some cases, particularly with respect to aesthetic considerations.

Some waters have a higher quality than the minimum levels assigned for protection of water uses, and the standards seek to protect this higher quality as much as possible in the face of increasing social and economic developments. Scientific knowledge about the exact water quality requirements for every use is limited, and by preventing degradation of high quality waters, the standards seek to assure optimum, not marginal, conditions to protect the uses associated with clean waters. The water quality criteria to protect the designated uses in each river basin is shown below under general and specific criteria and in Table II. Also included is a statement on controlling degradation of high quality waters, by the Arkansas Pollution Control Commission.


1. Methods The methods of sample collection, preservation, measurements and analyses shall be in accordance with the latest edition of "Standard Methods For The Examination of Water and Wastewater" or other proven methods acceptable to the Commission.

2. Location The effect of wastes on the receiving stream shall be determined after the wastes have been thoroughly mixed with the stream water, but consideration may also be given to the quality of the waste effluent in determining the adequacy of treatment.

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